
Today (June 5, 2024)

author:Xianyang Daily
Today (June 5, 2024)

June 5, 2024

Today (June 5, 2024)

Rumors that the bridge deck of Hongfu Bridge in Dongguan, Guangdong is cracked?

Today (June 5, 2024)

Truth: Recently, some citizens of Dongguan, Guangdong Province reported through social media platforms that there are cracks on the bridge deck of Hongfu Bridge in the jurisdiction, "The cracks of Dongguan Hongfu Bridge are getting bigger and bigger, and everyone avoids there", which attracted attention. On June 3, the Dongguan Nancheng Public Utilities Service Center responded that after several investigations, no damage or cracking was found on the Hongfu Bridge. The "cracks" mentioned in the online post are actually the traces left by the maintenance unit after the asphalt oil filling joint closure treatment in March, which is a conventional pavement maintenance process. When netizens looked at it from a high place, due to visual errors, they mistakenly thought it was "a serious crack in the bridge". At present, the road maintenance and bridge inspection unit has been investigated many times, and no pavement damage and cracking have been found, and the road and bridge are safe to operate and can be passed normally. (Source: Southern Metropolis Daily)

Rumors that a high-rise building in Jinan, Shandong Province caught fire, and many residents jumped off the building?

Today (June 5, 2024)

Truth: On June 5, some netizens posted a message on the short video platform saying that "Jinan jumping off a building in Shandong Province". The video shows a fire in a high-rise residential building, and three people in a row jumped from the 6th floor. After verification and verification, the incident occurred in August 2023, a fire broke out in a residential building in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and the people downstairs worked together to catch the residents who jumped from the 6th floor with sheets and mattresses. The jumping incident in the online video is not Jinan, it is a rumor. (Source: Jinan Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform)

Today (June 5, 2024)

Myth Parents are short-sighted, and children will be short-sighted?

Truth: Children whose parents are both nearsighted are not necessarily nearsighted, but the risk of myopia is greatly increased. Studies have shown that under the same conditions, children with one parent who is myopic are 2.1 times more likely to develop myopia than children whose parents are not myopia, and children with both parents are myopic have a 4.9 times higher probability of myopia. However, the increase in probability does not mean that myopia will occur, myopia is affected by both genetic factors and environmental factors, if the child's acquired vision protection is done well, it will help reduce the probability of myopia; Conversely, even if both parents are not nearsighted, a child may develop myopia if they are overloaded with their acquired eyes. (Source: @健康中国)

Today (June 5, 2024)

Reminder The college entrance examination is imminent, please check the anti-fraud cheats

Details: The college entrance examination is imminent, in order to escort the college entrance examination candidates to successfully pass a major hurdle in life, please be vigilant to prevent being taken advantage of by the following scams.

Pre-exam "real questions": On the eve of the college entrance examination, criminals will take advantage of the nervousness and anxiety of candidates and their parents to peddle "college entrance examination questions" and "top secret answers" to induce victims to pay a deposit in advance. The college entrance examination questions belong to the top secret of the state, and there are strict management norms and measures for its storage and transportation.

"Technology" to improve scores: Criminals will sell "college entrance examination cheating equipment" such as wireless headphones, information watches, invisible pens, etc. to candidates and parents through online platforms, claiming that their equipment is hidden, safe, and can pass security checks, and promises that there will be "experts" to help candidates answer. The college entrance examination center will use electronic shields, metal detectors, radio detectors and other equipment to conduct all-round supervision of the examination room. If there is a violation of the law, they will be punished according to law.

"Smart" drugs: Some criminals on online platforms will peddle so-called "smarter" drugs, and use "smarter" as a gimmick to induce candidates and parents to consume on the eve of the college entrance examination. "Smart drugs" do not exist, the so-called "smart drugs" actually belong to neurostimulant drugs, this kind of drugs actually not only do not make people smart, but also very dangerous for normal people and healthy people, after taking it will cause a large number of side effects, and the drug is addictive and may produce serious adverse reactions.

Forging Admission Notices: Criminals defraud candidates of money by forging admission letters. The admission notice is generally sent by postal express, and the admission university directly mails it to the admitted candidates, and there is no need to pay any fee to any person or unit when receiving the admission notice.

"Internal" score checking: After the college entrance examination, criminals will send false advertising links of "internal score check" or "score check in advance", asking for ID cards, admission tickets and other information to trick candidates into paying inquiry fees and obtaining candidates' personal information. The score of the college entrance examination must be checked through the official channels designated by the education department, and it is not easy to click on unknown links, let alone disclose personal bank card account information, SMS verification code information, and candidates' personal information at will.

"Make-up" enrollment: Criminals will defraud victims by using claims such as "there is a way" and "connection" to induce victims to pay a large amount of money in exchange for a false "make-up quota". The admission results of the college entrance examination are subject to the official notice, and the formal enrollment and admission of colleges and universities will not incur any additional fees. Candidates and parents are requested to be vigilant.

Pay in advance: Criminals will pretend to be college admissions officers, saying that they need to pay tuition fees or other related fees in advance, otherwise they will not be hired. Tuition fees and other fees are to be paid at the time of enrollment after the admission is completed. Generally, admission is carried out in accordance with the principle of each batch of submissions and the admission rules announced by colleges and universities in advance, and whether candidates are submitted or admitted has nothing to do with whether they pay fees. (Source: "Ministry of Public Security Cyber Security Bureau" WeChat public account)

Today (June 5, 2024)

(Source: Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform)