
"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

South Wind Entertainment Circle

2024-06-05 13:56Posted in Liaoning entertainment creators

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

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I dare to say that criminal investigation suspense dramas are still the hottest subject in the TV drama market today.

Even if it's rotten, the audience is still willing to immerse themselves in it, and always looks forward to the next masterpiece, just like the second part of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" has not moved for so many years, but everyone has not given up after urging them.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

From "The Silent Truth" to "The Long Season", even if the masterpiece is always long overdue, the long-tail effect is definitely incomparable to other genre works.

Especially this year, the Mesozoic generation has gone into battle, Sun Li and Luo Jin, Wang Zhiwen returned, and Ma Yili made a strong appearance after the view, everyone has a masterpiece, and they are all ready to move.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Seeing that the summer season is coming, whoever dares to take the lead is the real hero.

Sure enough, isn't this coming-

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" is airborne, and will meet the audience at Taojia tomorrow night, broadcast exclusively on the whole network, this year's blockbuster work of the Fog Theater.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

What kind of confidence can be used to become a pearl that warms up for the summer file, the first big male protagonist to appear after Zhang Songwen's fire, and can he add another fierce general to the criminal investigation theme?

In addition to the suspense theme, "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" has two major highlights, which may set off a ratings frenzy.

The curtain is up, let's inspect the goods first-

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Everyone is a stand-in for the heroine of Shuangwen in the ancient puppet to take revenge, but I didn't expect the criminal investigation crime drama to "evolve" to stand-in literature.

The moment I saw the synopsis of "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow", I was really pleasantly surprised.

jumped out of all the cookie-cutter positive and negative showdowns, not to mention that the male and female protagonists fall in love and disrupt the plot, without any large-scale elements of drugs and meat sales, they completely rely on the twists and turns of the story to support the whole drama.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

The characters are simple and clear, with two male protagonists.

His name is Wang Shitu (played by Zhang Songwen).

is just an old policeman who has worked for many years, and he is also a serious criminal police officer in the 371 case.

When a child was chased and killed by a man in black, the other two children disappeared on the same night, and the disappearance of the three teenagers caused panic in the whole town.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

For three years, the teenagers disappeared without any clues.

This also made Wang Shitu, who had lost his child, feel pressured, and one day, one of the teenagers suddenly appeared.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

His name is Xiao Qi (Rong Zishan).

To be precise, you can also call him Bian Jie.

This teenager was a pickpocket on the bus, but he was caught and sent to the police station to find that he was one of the teenagers who disappeared that year.

In this way, Bian Jie returned to his original home, and while his parents were crying with joy, they found that their child had amnesia and knew nothing about what happened back then and when he was a child.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Of course, I believe everyone has guessed that this kid is pretending to have amnesia.

I want to ask why I pretend to have amnesia.

Because the boy didn't know what had happened before.

Xiao Qi pretended to be Bian Jie, and also found the warmth of home, and he wanted to reopen this game.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

It's a different person, don't the parents notice it, and the police can't find out?

That's the weirdest part of the whole show.

In fact, Bian Jie's father had already discovered that the child was not his son, and maybe his mother could feel it, but none of them pierced it.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

And the policeman Wang Shitu also found out-

"Are you tired of staring at me every day?"

"You play another person every day, aren't you tired?"

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

I don't know what agreement the two people reached, Wang Shitu even helped Xiao Qi hide his identity.

Three years have passed, where are those teenagers, how can Xiao Qi successfully change his identity, and what secrets does Wang Shitu hide?

It seems that the answer will only be known tomorrow night.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

After all, it is a new product promoted by the Misty Theater, and "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" naturally has something to say in the lineup.

The first place, Zhang Songwen.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" is Zhang Songwen's first drama after his coffee position soared.

was finally able to take the lead alone, and in the preview, I also saw his strength again.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

It was a weather-beaten face, and every trace of time seemed to be a scar left by countless dark nights of careful exploration of the case.

His hair was gray, his lips were chapped, and his brows were furrowed deeply as he looked at the clues on the whiteboard, and at this moment the character's personality traits had jumped on the page.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

A really good actor has every muscle in his face that can speak.

He annotated the camera with tears in his eyes, as if he had said a thousand words, even though he didn't have a single line.

With such a level of acting skills, it's really a pity that you can't get a ceiling-level award.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

second place, Li Jian.

Zhang Songwen and Li Jian are together, and the two people in "Hurricane" don't have much intersection and are still on opposite sides.

In "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow", they are both policemen, but they still seem to be hiding their own secrets.

Qin Yong is the captain of the criminal police team and the spectator with the clearest perspective, he suspects that everyone is lying, and it seems that there are still a lot of rivalries with Zhang Songwen.

It's in the same frame again, but the identities are completely different, don't say I'm really looking forward to it.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

third place, Cheng Taishen.

In the play, he plays Bian Jie's father, Jin Manfu.

seems to be a marginal character, but in fact he is the male protagonist of the third time, and the role he plays also plays a vital role in the whole play.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Although there are only a few flashes of pictures, Sung Tae-sun's full emotions have already portrayed the inner drama of the characters.

The first time he saw Xiao Qi, it was the excitement of finally seeing his son who had been missing for many years, but in an instant, he still seemed to have doubts that he didn't dare to recognize him.

It seems that this old father is also hiding something.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Of course, there is also the second male Rong Zishan.

I really didn't expect that Rong Zishan had grown so big.

This is the third time that Rong Zishan and Zhang Songwen have cooperated, and it is not difficult to see from the short film that Rong Zishan has been very relaxed in playing against him.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

From the detailed portrayal of his expression, it can be seen that his acting skills have also grown, and the audience can read things in his eyes.

There may be a lot of highlight shots in the play.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy


"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" can be said to be the first high-profile criminal investigation suspense drama this year, and it is also Zhang Songwen's first work this year.

I still remember the last time I saw it, it was "Ice Hunting" that was ridiculed by the whole network, this time I finally don't have to match others, and there will definitely be a lot of room to play.

"The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Sure enough, having strength is different.

The same person can really play a completely different role, Wang Shitu really doesn't have the slightest shadow of Gao Qiqiang, and maybe he can achieve the next phenomenal role.

It's just that the trailer alone is really not enjoyable, although the story system of "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" is not big, it can accurately hook the audience's curiosity, and the clues are clear and the story is what everyone really wants to see.

I don't know if you're looking forward to this drama?


Nanfeng entertainment circle

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  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy
  • "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" will start broadcasting tomorrow night! starring Zhang Songwen, the three major highlights want to set off a ratings frenzy

Personal opinion, for reference only

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