
Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

author:Wonderful materia medica

When it comes to Angong Niuhuang Pill, many people think of stroke, and many people even list Angong Niuhuang Pill as a miracle medicine for the treatment of stroke. It is even said that the elderly can prevent stroke by taking Angong Niuhuang Pill regularly, so many people will prepare a few Angong Niuhuang Pills just in case, so is Angong Niuhuang Pill really so godly?

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

1. Two people had a stroke: one person only took Angong bezoar, and the other person immediately called for emergency treatment

01. The 62-year-old man took Angong Niuhuang Pill after a stroke and finally died

Uncle Chen, 62 years old, has suffered from high blood pressure for many years and has been taking antihypertensive drugs to control it. One day after dinner at home, Uncle Chen, who was watching TV, suddenly developed symptoms such as dizziness and disobedience to his right hand.

After getting up the next day, the wife found that Uncle Chen did not move, and he couldn't wake up and was in a coma, suspecting that it was a stroke, so she hurriedly fed him Angong Niuhuang Pill, at that time Uncle Chen was in a coma, and the family had to forcibly pour the medicine in, but the old man began to vomit, and the family realized the seriousness of the situation at this time, so they quickly sent him to the hospital.

When the doctor went to the hospital for examination, it was found that Uncle Chen had suffered an acute stroke and had formed a brain herniation.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

02. A 60-year-old man called emergency after a stroke, and the rescue was successful without sequelae

Uncle Zhou just retired this year, he couldn't stay idle and found a job as a security guard to continue to work, one day after work after eating and taking a shower, suddenly the whole person was weak on one side, unable to speak, the whole person was paralyzed on the ground, and his family immediately called the emergency number to send him to the hospital.

The doctor immediately performed a CT scan of the brain on Uncle Zhou, ruled out cerebral hemorrhage and thrombolysis contraindications, and immediately gave him intravenous thrombolysis therapy.

After the treatment, Mr. Zhou's condition improved significantly, and his body slowly returned to normal with no obvious sequelae. Due to the quick and successful rescue, Mr. Zhou's life was not greatly affected.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

2. "Miracle Medicine" Angong Niuhuang Pill: What really works is 6 diseases

Angong Niuhuang Pill comes from Wu Jiao's "Differentiation of Warm Diseases" in the Qing Dynasty, which has been used for more than 200 years and is an important medicine for the clinical treatment of acute and critical diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. Angong Niuhuang Pill is mainly composed of artificial musk, realgar, bezoar, gardenia, borneol, buffalo horn concentrated powder, pearl, skullcap, tulip, coptis and other precious ingredients, which have the effects of calming convulsions, clearing heat and detoxifying. It was originally used to treat diseases such as high fever and irritability, stroke coma, coma, coma, and convulsions in children.

In recent years, many people regard Angong Niuhuang Pill as a universal special medicine, thinking that eating Angong Niuhuang Pill can play a role in health care, and even regard it as a collection.

In this regard, Shi Haoqiang, deputy director of the Department of Pharmacy of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, published an article introducing that Angong Niuhuang Pill is mostly used in modern clinical treatment for the following 6 diseases:

1. Pulmonary encephalopathy and hepatic encephalopathy

Pulmonary encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, etc., if combined with Angong Niuhuang Pill on the basis of Western medicine treatment, it can have a good therapeutic effect.

2. Some pediatric diseases

Angong Niuhuang Pill can treat some pediatric diseases such as convulsions, phlegm, and fever.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

3. Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis is more common in children under 10 years old, and the treatment with Angong Niuhuang Pill can protect endotoxin brain damage cells, enhance cellular immune function, and better remove virus-infected cells.

4. Stroke

For hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke and other diseases, it is necessary to actively rescue during treatment, and Angong Niuhuang Pill can awaken the brain, detoxify and clear phlegm, calm the liver and extinguish wind, and help alleviate the symptoms of aphasia and hemiplegia.

5. Severe brain injury, dizziness, and high fever

It has been reported that Angong Niuhuang Pill can calm the nerves, open the mind and awaken the mind, so as to promote the consciousness of patients.

6. Compatibility treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning

In the treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, conventional treatment such as gastric lavage, emetic, pralidoxime chloride, atropine, etc., and the application of Angong Niuhuang Pill can be compatible.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

3. To take Angong Niuhuang Pill safely, these 5 points must be understood

Angong Niuhuang Pill is not a health care product, but an emergency medication, which should be stopped as soon as the illness is met. In addition, pay attention to these 5 details when taking medicine to avoid "miracle medicine" becoming "poison".

1. Not all strokes can be taken

Xing Yujian, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, said that not all strokes can be treated with Angong Niuhuang Pills, and only heat-closed strokes with "sudden redness, sudden coma, and crooked mouth and eyes" are suitable for Angong Niuhuang Pills, and other types of strokes cannot be treated with Angong Niuhuang Pills. For example, patients with symptoms such as white and greasy tongue coating, cold phlegm obstruction, etc., who are dizzy and dizzy with stroke and dreadiness, will aggravate their condition when they take Angong Niuhuang Pill.

Therefore, when you don't know how to tell which type of stroke it is, it is not recommended to blindly take Angong Niuhuang Pills.

2. Take within 3 hours after stroke

Patients with heat closure stroke need to take Angong Niuhuang Pill within 3 hours of stroke to reduce sequelae and reduce mortality.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

3. Sublingual administration for stroke patients

When taking Angong Niuhuang Pill to a stroke coma patient, the pill and gold leaf can be ground together, melted with warm water, and soaked with cotton wool and put the paste under the patient's tongue to achieve the effect of sublingual administration and better exert the medicinal effect.

4. Long-term use or toxicity

Liu Huanyu, the attending physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Aviation General Hospital, published an article reminding that Angong Niuhuang Pill contains toxic ingredients such as realgar, cinnabar, arsenic sulfide, and mercury sulfide, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time, and it is best not to take it with ferrous salts, sulfates, nitrites, nitrates and other drugs.

5. These types of people should be used with caution or disabled

For children, lactating women and the elderly, it should be taken as directed by a doctor; People with allergies, pregnant women, and people with liver and kidney insufficiency should use with caution; Athletes are prohibited. During the period of taking the medicine, you should pay attention to a light diet and do not eat spicy and greasy food.

Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120, what happened in the end

Although Angong Niuhuang Pill can treat stroke, it is not suitable for all strokes, and patients who are found to have a stroke should still be sent to the hospital for thrombolytic treatment in time. Of course, if Angong Niuhuang Pill is used symptomatically, it can indeed relieve symptoms, but it must be taken within 3 hours after stroke, try to take it sublingually, and avoid taking it for a long time.


[1] "Angong Niuhuang Pill needs to be used with caution, don't let the life-saving medicine become a life-killing medicine!" 》. Service No. 2 Xiangya Hospital, Central South University.2022-05-25

[2] "[Case Analysis] After Stroke, Only Take Angong Niuhuang Pill, the Old Man Passed Away". The Second Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College.2014-04-21

[3] "Angong Niuhuang Pill Must Know". Medical Information Bulletin Science Number.2024-05-01

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