
Cultivating e-commerce elites to inject "cloud power" into the sales of agricultural products in Jiashi County

author:Good place for Gashi

With the rapid development of Internet technology

E-commerce is integrated into various industry sectors

It has become a key driving force for sustained economic growth

Especially in the field of agriculture

The rise of the "cloud sell" model

Significantly amplified e-commerce

It plays an active role in helping agricultural development

It not only opens up new upward channels for agricultural and sideline products

It is also promoted and traded through online platforms

It has effectively promoted the optimization, upgrading and all-round development of the agricultural industry

Cultivating e-commerce elites to inject "cloud power" into the sales of agricultural products in Jiashi County

Recently, the "Women's Empowerment and Rural Revitalization" e-commerce training course hosted by the Women's Federation of Jiashi County was officially opened, providing valuable learning opportunities for 80 novice students in the field of e-commerce, guiding more agricultural products to expand sales channels through e-commerce platforms and take the "e-commerce express" to the market.

"Through the innovation-driven model of 'e-commerce + base + talent', Jiashi County promotes the deep integration and development of county-level e-commerce and industry." Zhang Yali, head of the e-commerce public service center of Jiashi County, said, "This training lasts for three days, covering two major sections: theory and practice, to ensure that the trainees can master the relevant knowledge comprehensively and systematically. Our center not only provides a professional team of teachers, detailed training materials, but also arranges a comfortable training venue, and intimately prepares meals for the students, so that they can devote themselves to learning. We expect our students to turn the knowledge and skills they have learned into motivation for practice. ”

Cultivating e-commerce elites to inject "cloud power" into the sales of agricultural products in Jiashi County

This training focuses on the development trend of short video and live broadcast e-commerce in 2024, deeply analyzes successful cases in the agricultural field, and systematically explains how to use live broadcast e-commerce platforms to build regional brands and increase the sales of agricultural products through short videos and live broadcast e-commerce. At the same time, the course content also covers the key steps of live broadcast planning and preparation, content creation strategies, and practical skills for setting and creating live broadcast scenes.

"This training not only gave us a new understanding of live broadcast e-commerce, but also stimulated our enthusiasm and confidence to devote ourselves to 'live streaming'." Buayi Xiamu Waili, a student and short video blogger, said that with the maturity and listing of her hometown's specialty Jiashi melon, she plans to use the professional knowledge she has learned to promote the high-quality agricultural products in her hometown to the whole country with the help of the short video platform and help rural revitalization.

Cultivating e-commerce elites to inject "cloud power" into the sales of agricultural products in Jiashi County

Jiashi melon has a long history of cultivation, thick and fine meat, sweet and crisp, thick juice, thin skin, unique flavor, contains a high amount of vitamins and plant fiber, has phlegm and cough relief, cool and antipyretic, moisturizes the lungs and liver, helps digestion and increase appetite, moisturizes and beautives, promotes blood circulation and metabolism, and is deeply loved by consumers. Through the careful organization of e-commerce training, Jiashi County has not only significantly improved the e-commerce operation ability of farmers, but also successfully created the characteristic "online goods" brand of Jiashi melon, broadened the sales channels of Jiashi melon, and enhanced the brand influence of Jiashi melon. Nowadays, Jiashi melon has become a beautiful business card in the market, bringing tangible benefits to Jiashi farmers.

"Customers are particularly concerned about the variety, transportation, storage and after-sales service of Jiashi melon." Anahena Aili, the teacher and general manager of Kashgar Yijia E-commerce Co., Ltd., said: "In the training process, we especially strengthened the students' cognitive education on the varieties of Jiashi melon, and deeply popularized the professional knowledge in the cultivation and planting process of Jiashi melon, so as to ensure that the students can quickly and accurately respond to customer questions when bringing goods in the live broadcast, and provide consumers with comprehensive and meticulous product information and considerate and thoughtful services." ”

Cultivating e-commerce elites to inject "cloud power" into the sales of agricultural products in Jiashi County

In recent years, Jiashi County has focused on the field of rural e-commerce, with "building a platform, cultivating talents, and creating a brand" as the three major starting points, and further promoted the integrated development model of "e-commerce + industry". Led by characteristic industries such as Jiashi melon and Jiashi Xinmei, we will actively cultivate the emerging business format of live broadcast e-commerce, stimulate the vitality of rural entrepreneurship and innovation, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. (Reporter of Jiashi County Rong Media Center Alimire Yasen)

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