
Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

Nerd basketball

2024-06-06 10:51Published in Jiangxi

In the world of basketball, heroes and heroes emerge in an endless stream, but the real legends need time and experience to precipitate. James and Irving, two former comrades-in-arms, write their legends on the NBA stage. The entanglement and reconciliation between them has become a topic of conversation among fans. Now, the Finals are about to begin, and Irving's response to James has once again ignited the flame of their legend.

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

James, as a superstar in the NBA, is unrivaled in his leadership and ball skills. However, he has also experienced many twists and turns and controversies in his career. Among them, the relationship with Owen has always been a pain in his heart. In a recent podcast, James talked about his thoughts on Irving, saying, "I always thought of Irving as a wizard who could do anything on the court. I'm really happy and proud to sit here and watch Irving grow. But at the same time, I was angry because I wasn't his partner anymore. I will always miss that time. ”

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

This passage undoubtedly evokes the memories of fans of those glorious years. That year, James and Irving played hand-in-hand to win the championship for the Cavaliers. Their tacit cooperation and outstanding performance have made countless fans crazy. However, with Owen's departure, this good old age is a thing of the past.

Now, Irving continues to write his legacy on another team. His response to James in an interview showed maturity and humility. "I love this, man, it's an appreciation for me and I'm grateful," he said. Obviously, I'm at different ages and stages of my life, and so am he. I think we've all matured and we're all very grateful for what we've had the opportunity to accomplish. ”

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

Irving's response not only expressed his gratitude to James, but also showed his relief from the past. He admits that at a young age, there were things that hindered their relationship. But now, he has been able to speak his feelings as a man, to express his position and beliefs. This maturity and self-confidence makes people look forward to Owen's future.

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

In addition to his nostalgia for the past, Owen also spoke about his respect for James. "We respect each other for what we bring to the table, and I think his leadership style fits very well with mine, and I've learned a lot from him, which I'll be grateful for for the rest of my life," he said. This mutual respect and understanding is the foundation of the time they have fought side by side, and it is also the motivation for them to continue to move forward in the future.

When talking about their former partners, Owen also recalled their tacit cooperation and mutual demands in the game. "Off the pitch, our families also get along very well," he said. This passage makes people feel the deep friendship and tacit cooperation between them. This tacit understanding and friendship not only allowed them to achieve brilliant results in the competition, but also made them support and rely on each other in life.

Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

Now, the Finals are about to begin, and both James and Irving will show their strength and style in their respective teams. Although they are no longer teammates, their legends will forever remain in the hearts of fans. Their reconciliation and respect also let people see the true love and team spirit between basketball players.

In this competitive and challenging world of basketball, the stories of James and Irving tell us that no matter how many twists and turns and controversies are experienced, a true legend needs time and experience to precipitate. Their love once and now reconciliation not only allow them to continue to shine on the basketball stage, but also let us see the brilliance and strength of human nature.

On the stage of the Finals, whether James and Irving meet or not, their legends will continue to be written. Their once loved, now reconciled, will become a great story in basketball history, forever inspiring future players to strive for excellence and achieve legends.

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  • Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged
  • Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged
  • Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged
  • Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged
  • Once loved! The Finals are about to start, and Irving responds to James that they have all been wronged

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