
Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

author:Tianshui online
Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

In recent years, Qingshui County has closely focused on the goal of "moving out, staying stable, having employment, living well, and being able to integrate", insisted on organically combining risk-avoidance relocation with the construction of Hemei villages, adapted measures to local conditions, and promoted them step by step, and achieved initial results. The relocation site of Yaohuang Village in Qingshui County covers an area of 150 acres, and plans to resettle 216 households, and all 135 households will be relocated in 2023, and the demolition and restoration of the old will be completed; The 16 households relocated in 2024 have basically completed the construction task, and the 65 households relocated in 2025 have started construction.

Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

Focusing on the "three in place" to grasp the planning and construction, to ensure that the masses "can move". In accordance with the construction idea of the coordinated development of "production, life and ecology", we will scientifically plan and formulate a "timetable", "roadmap" and "task book". Planning is in place. In view of key issues such as space, site selection, house type, industrial cultivation, and public services, experts are organized to repeatedly demonstrate and plan as a whole to ensure that the production space is intensive and efficient, the living space is livable, and the ecological space is beautiful. Mass participation is in place. Persist in opening the door to carry out planning, extensively solicit the opinions of cadres and the masses, and fully listen to the suggestions of carpenters, masons, township talents, and young people returning to their hometowns, so as to enhance the practicability of the plan. In order to fully reflect the will of the people, we have actively promoted the "six masses have the final say", which has effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of the masses and realized the transformation from "asking me to move" to "rushing to move". Service guarantee in place. Adhere to the "one game of chess" deployment, "one chain" promotion, "package" guarantee, in conjunction with natural resources, water conservancy and other functional departments, set up a special work class, elect the council, and establish a "four" mechanism of "stationed to grasp, special class implementation, regular scheduling, and service guarantee" to ensure that the construction is good, the quality is high, and the progress is fast.

Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque
Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

We should pay close attention to the "three prominences" and improve the facilities to ensure that the masses "live well." Combined with the "Eight Reforms" project, we will coordinate and improve infrastructure and improve public service capabilities. Highlight the basic package. Fully implement the "10+5+N" policy, integrate 32 million yuan of various funds, promote the construction of water, electricity, roads, networks and sewage treatment infrastructure in an integrated manner, and support the construction of leisure squares, cultural corridors, and spring waterscapes, so as to provide convenience for the relocated people to the greatest extent. Highlight convenient services. Relying on the location advantages of the neighboring town government, focusing on public services such as schooling, medical treatment, and shopping, the clinic has completed the upgrading and transformation of the clinic, the farmer's bookstore, and the integral supermarket, and set up convenient service points to absorb more consumption formats to converge at the "doorstep", so that residents can enjoy convenience "closely", and actively create a "quarter-hour convenient life circle". Highlight greening and beautification. Adhere to the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas as the starting point, carry out greening and beautification in a solid manner, and plant 160,000 trees of 18 varieties of various types of flowers and trees. Give full play to the role of the masses as the main body, guide the masses to plant flowers and grasses in front of the house, in the back yard and outside the yard, and transplant native tree species, so as to achieve the goal of "home in the green, people in the scene, and scenery in the painting".

Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

Based on the "three characteristics" to grasp the development of the industry, to ensure that the masses "can get rich". Adhere to the development of characteristic industries as the main line, expand the space for industrial cultivation, and open up channels for farmers to increase income. Expand the scale of characteristic industries. On the basis of doing a good job in traditional agriculture, in accordance with the development layout of "facility agriculture in Sichuan District, characteristic agriculture in mountainous areas, health agriculture in forest edge areas, and animal husbandry in parks", we will comprehensively grasp the industrial construction, plant 200 acres of walnuts and peppercorns, plant 500 acres of Chinese medicinal materials, build 2 standardized breeding communities, and develop 32 large pig households with 2,800 heads and 8 large cattle households with 96 heads; 58 vegetable greenhouses, 2 pit winter warming greenhouses, 1 strawberry base and 1 fungus planting base have been built, so that every household has an income-increasing industry, so that the masses can live in a "good house" and live a "good life". Build a characteristic industrial base. Excavate local characteristic resources, build a processing base for Mengmei red buckwheat shell health pillow, Longxianyuan wormwood, Yangningtang acacia flower health care products, and develop 69 kinds of products in 5 categories such as traditional Chinese medicine health pillow, moxa sticks, mugwort incense and health tea; Huaerzi clothing processing base has been built, absorbing more than 120 people to work nearby, and realizing that the relocated people can "earn money and take care of their families". Create a characteristic industrial brand. It has identified 6 "three products and one standard" agricultural products such as Longxianyuan wormwood, Jintuyuan pepper, Mengmeihong health pillow, Zhenbaisheng mushroom, Yangningtang health tea, etc., and improved industrial competitiveness, enhanced product added value, and enlarged regional public brands by fully tapping local resources and amplifying characteristic advantages.

Baihu Town, Qingshui County: Hemei Village shows a new look and a happy life is picturesque

Nowadays, a harmonious village with "good" construction, "good" industry, "good" service, and "good" life, and everyone has been preliminarily completed, and is striding forward towards the beautiful vision of ecological beauty, excellent industry, cultural prosperity, and people's prosperity. (Editor: Zhang Ping'an Editor: Wang Yufang Editor: Liu Hongyan)

(News source: Qingshui County Rong Media Center Reprint: Li Junfeng)

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