
Relationships that are popular now: do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives

author:Wise Claude 4T2Q

Someone once said, "True love is not possession, but fulfillment." "In this fast-paced modern society, relationships between people are becoming more and more complex. Recently, a new relationship model has gradually become popular, that is, "do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives". What exactly does this relationship model mean? How does it affect our emotional lives?

Relationships that are popular now: do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives

My name is Li Xiao, I am 35 years old and I live in Beijing. Recently, I've found that many people are starting to embrace and practice a new relationship model: not breaking each other's families apart and not disturbing each other's lives.

One day, I was chatting with a few friends in a café and talked about this topic. Friend Xiao Zhang shared his story.

"Xiao Li, I recently met a girl, we get along very well, but she is already married." Xiao Zhang said.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked curiously.

"We decided to keep the relationship going, not to break up her family, not to disturb her life. We only see each other when we need it. Xiao Zhang explained.

Hearing this, I was a little confused and asked, "Don't you think that's a problem?" ”

Xiao Zhang smiled and said, "Actually, this kind of relationship makes us cherish each other more." We don't quarrel over daily chores, and we don't get tired from the pressures of life. We just give each other support and companionship when they need it. ”

Relationships that are popular now: do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives

From a psychological point of view, this relationship model actually reflects the dual needs of modern people for emotional attachment and independence. On the one hand, we crave intimacy and want someone to be there for us and support us in our time of need. On the other hand, we want to be independent and not be bound by each other's lives.

This relationship model satisfies the emotional needs of modern people to a certain extent, but it also brings some problems. First, the relationship often lacks stability because there is no real commitment on both sides. Secondly, this relationship may cause harm to both families, especially after the other party's family members find out, which may lead to a series of conflicts and problems.

In addition to Xiao Zhang's story, I also heard about another case. My friend Xiao Wang, a woman with a successful career, met a man with a family on a business trip, and the two quickly developed a relationship.

"Xiao Wang, is it really good for you to do this?" I asked.

Xiao Wang sighed and said, "I know it's wrong, but we really love each other." We decided not to break each other's families apart and not to disturb each other's lives. We only see each other outside of work and enjoy a brief period of happiness. ”

Listening to her words, I felt complicated. On the one hand, I understand her emotional needs, but on the other hand, I am also worried that the relationship will cause harm to her and the other person's family.

Relationships that are popular now: do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives

Through these stories, I learned that emotional relationships in modern society are becoming more and more complex, and we need to find a balance between intimacy and independent living. Not breaking up each other's families and not intruding into each other's lives, this relationship model, while able to meet our emotional needs in some cases, also brings with it many potential problems.

In pursuing this relationship, we need to be sober and rational about our emotional needs and realities. The most important thing is that we cannot ignore the feelings and interests of the other family, and we must not hurt innocent people because of the emotional impulse of the moment.

Someone once said, "True love is not possession, but fulfillment." "I hope we can all find an emotional relationship that is truly suitable for us, and at the same time meet our own emotional needs, but also respect and care for the feelings of others. Whatever relationship model you choose, remember: happiness is not based on the pain of others, but on mutual understanding and respect.

Relationships that are popular now: do not break up each other's families, do not disturb each other's lives

Ultimately, we need to find our niche in complex emotional relationships, both to meet our own emotional needs and to respect the lives and families of others. Only in this way can we find true happiness and balance in modern society.

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