
Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

author:CSR Kanyu


On this planet, there's a silent battle of technology, hidden in smartphones in your hands, hiding in the clouds of cloud computing, and even lurking in the heart of self-driving cars – yes, it's the chip wars.

Chips, a thing that is so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, has mastered the lifeblood of modern technology, like a miniature totem of the kingdom of science and technology, ubiquitous and omnipotent.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

Global chip manufacturing landscape and competitive situation

Without chips, smartphones would be bricks, data centers would be empty shells, and artificial intelligence would be just a piece of paper.

Just as coffee is inseparable from sugar, modern technology loses its soul without chips.

From 5G base stations to AI algorithms, high-performance chips are the superheroes behind it all.

And in this League of Legends, names such as ASML, TSMC, and Samsung are like Thor's hammer and Hulk's fist, ringing and hitting hard.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

ASML's lithography machine, known as the "magic pen of Ma Liang" in the chip industry, with a slight wave, the nano-level circuit diagram jumps on the "silicon"; TSMC and Samsung are like the two heroes of the chip world, you are chasing me, and they are constantly breaking records on the track of advanced processes.

Europe, the United States and East Asia, the two camps are playing against each other on the chessboard of chip manufacturing, and the fall of each chess piece may rewrite the map of science and technology.

This is a war without gunpowder, fighting for technology and gambling on the future.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

Huawei's rise and dilemma in the field of chips

Huawei, a technology giant that came out of the small fishing village of Nanyou, Shenzhen, has written a brilliant chapter in the chip rivers and lakes.

From the emergence of HiSilicon's Kirin chips to the world's leading Baseband chips, Huawei has demonstrated the hard core strength of Chinese enterprises in independent chip research and development.

Just like the young heroes in martial arts novels, Huawei has cultivated his internal skills step by step, and gradually emerged in the rivers and lakes where there are many masters.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

But the good times didn't last long, and a ban in the United States was like a bolt from the blue, making Huawei's chip road instantly cloudy.

This is not only a blow to Huawei, but also a test of the global supply chain.

Under the sanctions, Huawei's high-end mobile phone business was forced to press the pause button, and the server business also suffered a cold snap, and its market share and revenue figures fell like autumn leaves.

Huawei seems to be tied to a thousand-pound iron chain, and every step is extremely difficult.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

Huawei's strategic decision to establish a R&D center

In the face of the predicament, Huawei did not choose to retreat, but resolutely decided to set up a R&D center with a spirit of "unbeatable Xiaoqiang" to launch a charge against the "Mount Everest" of chip manufacturing.

This R&D center is like Huawei's new military camp on the chip battlefield, covering a vast area and having abundant funds, with a total investment of up to 12 billion yen, equivalent to about 1.66 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to smashing half of a small treasury into it.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

Huawei is not only throwing money, but also talent.

They search for top scientists around the world like a talent show, and the salaries they offer are eye-popping, but unfortunately American engineers can only sigh with admiration, because of the technological blockade, they have no chance to join this scientific and technological feast.

Huawei has turned its attention to local and non-American countries, determined to cultivate its own "chip dream team".

Technical challenges and breakthrough directions of the R&D center

The lithography machine, the name sounds like a mysterious weapon in a science fiction movie, in fact, it is as complex as a rocket to explore the universe.

If Huawei wants to gnaw on this hard bone, it must not only cross the gap between physics, chemistry, optics and other disciplines, but also face the generation gap with ASML and other international manufacturers.

This is a marathon of technology, and if Huawei wants to surpass its rivals on the track, it will have to find that hidden shortcut.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

They may start with materials science, find a new generation of photoresists, or play new tricks in optical design, or even explore new breakthroughs under quantum effects.

Huawei's R&D team is like a group of treasure hunters, going deep into the unknown technology jungle to find the key to open the door to the future.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

Industrial chain synergy and ecological construction

Huawei is well aware that it is difficult to achieve the climate alone, so they have pulled up the banner of the domestic industrial chain, and joined hands with upstream and downstream enterprises to build the Great Wall of the chip industry.

This is not only a technological revolution, but also a feat of industrial collaboration.

Just like weaving a network, Huawei is the node of the center, linking component suppliers one by one, and jointly weaving the future blueprint of China's chip industry.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

International cooperation and competition

In such a lively arena on the international stage, Huawei is like an old wise man in modern equipment, with six eyes and ears, and both an alert radar and an open passport in his heart.

It weaves unhurriedly through the crowd, looking for those who are willing to extend a hand of friendship, skillfully bypassing the barricades set up by the United States, and waltzing with friends from all over the world.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

When it comes to technology, Huawei says, "It's better to be happy alone than to be happy." ”

As a result, they played a relay race of "technology sharing", as well as a creative workshop of "joint research and development", which is simply a "tai chi" in the diplomatic arena, which looks soft and soft, but in fact it has hidden mysteries, both rigid and soft.

Huawei's mind is to weave a big net, in which the ecology of the chip industry is not monolithic, but a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and everyone has the opportunity to show their hands, which is very colorful.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

In this way, Huawei not only avoided the risk of going it alone, but also pulled up a "technology expedition" of like-minded people.

They believe that the future of science and technology can only break into a new world by relying on unity and innovation, and not sticking to one pattern.

In this game, Huawei is playing the big chess of "win-win cooperation" and taking the road of "global family", so that we, the onlookers, who eat melons, also watch it with relish, and secretly praise it in our hearts.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips

In the face of international competition, Huawei is ready for "eighteen kinds of martial arts".

The patent layout is like a landmine, and marketing is a positive charge, they want to fight a bloody way in the global market, so that Huawei's name will leave a strong mark in the history of chips.

Heavy! Foreign media said that Huawei has set up a research and development center to develop manufacturing tools that can produce the most advanced chips


Huawei's move is not only a self-help for an enterprise, but also a declaration of self-reliance and self-improvement in China's chip industry.

On this road full of unknowns and challenges, Huawei may fall, but every time it falls, it is to jump higher.

Let's wait and see how Huawei sails through the waves in the sea of stars of chip manufacturing and writes a new legend for China's scientific and technological power.

After all, in this era full of uncertainties, only companies that dare to dream and explore can truly lead the future of science and technology.

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