
During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

author:Wuxi smelled

Editor's note: During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Fujian pirates took advantage of the war to gather into gangs and make waves along the coast. They fought for annexation with each other, and soon formed several armed groups of pirates, defected to the Japanese invaders, and became traitors, which were rampant for a while. Pingtan Island was isolated on the sea, and from July 5, 1939 to September 18, 1941, it fell six times and was deeply affected by the Japanese puppeteers.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Pingtan County Map Source: "Pingtan County Chronicles" (Republic of China)

Pingtan County is located in the eastern sea area of Fujian Province and borders the Taiwan Strait in the east. It belongs to Fuzhou City. It is composed of nearly 1,000 islands and reefs. In the fourth year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1799), the southeast sea altar and other islands in Fuqing County were placed in Pingtan Hall, which belonged to Fuzhou Prefecture. It is named because the main island (Haitan Island, also known as Pingtan Island) has a flat boulder. "Pingtan County Chronicles" of the Republic of China: "And the reason why Pingtan is named after it, because there is a stone in it, flat as an altar, it is commonly called a huge stone as a rock, and then it is a pond. In 1913, Pingtan County was changed from Pingtan Hall to Pingtan County, which belonged to Fujian East Road, and the governance office was now Zhitan Town, Pingtan County, Fujian. In 1914, it belonged to Minhai Province, and in 1928, it was directly under Fujian Province. In 1949, it belonged to the fourth prefecture, and in 1950, it belonged to the Minhou prefecture. In 1956, it belonged to Jinjiang Prefecture, and in 1959, it was re-belonged to Minhou Prefecture. In 1971, it belonged to the Putian area. In 1983, it belonged to Fuzhou City. The area is dominated by sedimentary plains. Thirty-six foot lake is the largest natural freshwater lake in the province.
During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Sketch map of Pingtan County Market Source: "Pingtan County Chronicles" (Republic of China)

Pingtan sea bandit Lin Mazi

Lin Zhen, a native of Jinfeng Township, Changle, also known as Lin Yuangui, alias Lin Mazi. When he was young, he didn't do his job, and he learned to watch his fate and wander the rivers and lakes. At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he and Lin Yifa and a few other friends seized more than 10 guns from the Kuomintang Shadi Township Office, and robbed two boats, and went to the sea to become bandits. The boat sailed towards Lianjiang, and someone under Lin Zhen knew a marine policeman and begged him to be concerned about the situation and avoid being tied up. While the sailors were sleeping soundly, Lin Zhen and others took the opportunity to grab guns, beat the entire ship of sailors to death, hijacked the boatman, drove to Nangantang, and defected to Lin Yihe.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Lin Zhen and Lin Yifa both became the commanders of the bandit battalion and were sent to White Dog Island to establish a stronghold. They secretly wanted to get rid of Lin Yihe's clamps and dominate independently. In Meihua, Zhanggang and other places in Changle, five or six hundred ruffians and hooligans were collected, and several brigades were formed to run rampant in the Dongsha and Xisha areas.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

According to the rules of the Lin Yihe Pirate Group: The property and firearms obtained by the subordinate departments looting at sea are not allowed to be taken by unauthorized except for the awards, and they must be handed over to the headquarters for unified disposal. Lin Zhen was extremely dissatisfied with this. On one occasion, his men hijacked more than 30 salt ships and refused to turn them in. Lin Yihe reported to the "Xingya Yuan" that Lin Zhen had attempted to defect, and bribed the Japanese to send ships to arrest him. On the seventh day of the eighth lunar month in 1941, Lin Yihe returned to Nangantang from Xiamen by Japanese ship, and shot Lin Zhen's two sentinel boats on the sea of White Dog Island, killing more than 30 people. Lin Yihe originally wanted to use the help of the Japanese to annihilate Lin Zhen's troops in one fell swoop; But worried that his wife and children are still on White Dog Island, he is afraid of accidents, so he does not dare to act rashly. Since then, the two puppet armies have killed each other and formed a deep feud in the sea of blood.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Detail of Fuzhou, 1842–1884

Koyain was established in December 1938. Prime Minister Fumihiro Konoe is the president, and the foreign minister, the Tibetan minister, the land minister, and the sea minister are also vice presidents. The first department is in charge of politics and the second department is in charge of economy. The hospital has a liaison committee. It has branches in Beiping, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hankou, Guangzhou, Xiamen and other places in China.

In December 1938 (Showa 13), during the first Konoe Cabinet, the Japanese government proposed the establishment of a central organization for China in order to unify its China policy. At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believed that the military department not only had the right to dominate the areas occupied by China but also had diplomatic authority over China, and it opposed it, which led to the resignation of Foreign Ministers Hiroki Hirota and Kazunari Ugaki. Therefore, when the Xingya Yuan implements its China policy, it handles political, economic, and cultural affairs, except for diplomacy. and supervise the business of special companies in China. In Beiping, Zhangjiakou, Shanghai and Xiamen, liaison departments were set up to command on-site work. There is a president of the Academy, who is the prime minister. There are four vice presidents, who are the ministers of foreign affairs, land and sea and Tibet (finance ministers). In order to determine the highest policy for dealing with the Sino-Japanese War, the organization of the Koya Yuan Conference consisted of the President and Vice President and the Chief of General Affairs (initially Yanagawa Heisuke). Due to the establishment of the Xingya Academy, in addition to fully participating in the China policy, the military department has a majority of military personnel who are directly responsible for administrative affairs. In November 1942, due to the establishment of the Greater East Asia Province, the Xingya Institute was abolished without the need for its existence.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

On the tenth day of the second lunar month in 1942, Lin Zhen sent Lin Yifa to lead more than 200 subordinates to attack Nangantang in the dark night. After Lin Yihe fled to Xiamen, he immediately complained to the "Xingya Academy". "Xingya Academy" investigated the truth, and Lin Zhen put all the responsibility on Lin Yifa. The "Xingya Academy" specially sent a warship to White Dog Island to investigate and execute Lin Yifa. But the two forests have a deep enmity and are incomprehensible, each with a ghost, and they both want to find an opportunity to kill each other.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Lin Yihe is the common enemy of Lin Zhen and Zhang Yizhou. In October 1942, Lin Yihe died, and Lin Zhen and Zhang Yizhou were further embarrassed. He advocated "killing to establish authority", which was brutal and abnormal. When they encountered fishermen and boatmen who did not obey his plunder, they were caught and shot, slashed, and buried alive. The "Qingfanao" of White Dog Island is the place where Lin Zhen often kills people and throws corpses. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Lin Zhen became the commander of the third route of the Fujian Advance Army of the Kuomintang Military Committee. It was not until after the liberation of Fuzhou that this pirate, traitor, and spy was finally sentenced to death by the people's government, and the people were very happy.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Pingtan pirate Lin Zhen dominated the East and West Deserts

Pirates active in the coastal waters of the 1920s


1. This article is purely a personal study and collation of original historical materials, for reference only, the source of "Pingtan County Chronicles", "Pingtan Cultural and Historical Materials", Internet;

2. The main source of the picture is the Internet, "Pingtan County Chronicles" (Republic of China), "Fuzhou, 1842-1884. The whole map of Fu Province", inheriting the excellent traditional culture of the motherland and learning the spirit of Chinese culture;

3. Welcome to communicate more, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, please correct the exchange.