
The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

author:Shanghai Jing'an
The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection
The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

In order to further implement the spirit of the 2024 Shanghai Flood Control Work Conference, fully implement the work instructions and requirements of the Municipal State Mobilization Office, earnestly do a good job in flood prevention and Taiwan prevention this year, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the safety of urban operation, the District State Mobilization Office planned and deployed early, requiring all relevant departments to strengthen risk awareness, refine flood prevention measures, and ensure that the civil air defense projects in the whole region pass the flood season safely.

The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection
The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

Recently, the relevant person in charge of the District State Mobilization Office led a team to the three civil air defense projects at No. 4608 Gonghexin Road, No. 900 Wanhangdu Road, and No. 8 Qinghai Road and their ground entrances to carry out flood prevention and safety inspections.

The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection
The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

The inspection team focused on inspecting the main structure, equipment and facilities, evacuation channel status and emergency prevention measures of the underground part of the relevant civil air defense project, fully communicated with the on-site management personnel and construction units, and listened to the report on the daily use and maintenance of the project.

The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

In the face of the upcoming flood season, the relevant person in charge of the District State Office requested:

First, it is necessary to clarify the main responsibility of safety management, prepare sufficient flood control and rescue materials, ensure the normal operation of facilities and equipment, and always be prepared to deal with possible risks of water leakage and backfilling;

Second, it is necessary to strengthen daily management, and inspect key safety issues such as flood control, fire protection, electricity use, and ventilation of such unused projects;

Third, it is necessary to fully cooperate with the requirements of the relevant departments of the city and district, and actively carry out safety rectification actions and flood prevention and Taiwan prevention work before and after the flood season, and strive to continue to maintain a good security situation.

Reporter: Lu Anyi Editor: Chen Yueyang Information: District State Mobilization Office Reprinted, please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Jing'an

The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

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The district state mobilization office carried out flood prevention and safety inspection

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