
Geng Zhenhua dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park

author:Shanxian financial media

On June 27, Geng Zhenhua, secretary of the county party committee, dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park on site. County leaders Liu Jijun, Li Chao, Zhang Guanfeng, Guo Ruifeng and heads of relevant departments attended the event.

Geng Zhenhua dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park

Geng Zhenhua and his entourage successively went to the second sewage treatment plant to report the transformation site, the smart platform of the chemical park and other places for on-site scheduling, and checked the operation of the park's intelligent safety risk management and control platform.

Geng Zhenhua dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park
Geng Zhenhua dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park

At the symposium, the County Bureau of Industry and Information Technology reported on the rectification of the chemical park, the current problems and the next solutions, and the relevant units exchanged speeches in combination with their own functions.

Geng Zhenhua dispatched the rectification work of the chemical park

Geng Zhenhua stressed that all relevant departments should have a clear understanding of the grim situation faced by the safety production of the chemical industry, in line with the attitude of being responsible for history and the people, further enhance their ideological understanding, strengthen the sense of urgency and responsibility for the improvement of safety rectification, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, do a good job in the implementation of various safety responsibility measures, and make every effort to promote the safety rectification and improvement of chemical parks; It is necessary to pay close attention to weak links, strengthen daily supervision, strengthen law enforcement inspections, strict safety measures, strengthen the investigation of risks and hidden dangers, and rectify items one by one to ensure that the safety rectification and improvement work achieves practical results; It is necessary to further implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production, strengthen enterprise safety training, standardize the safety production behavior of front-line employees, and effectively serve high-quality development with high-level safety.


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