
In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

author:Warm Heart Finance said

Today, a friend said that he only receives a pension of two or three thousand yuan per month, which is too little compared to the average pension level of 5,000 yuan.

In fact, the average pension level of 5,000 yuan is purely personal speculation, and in fact, it cannot be reached at all.

The official figures from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security are as follows:

According to the 2022 Statistical Communiqué on the Development of Human Resources and Social Security, there were 136.44 million retirees at the end of that year, an increase of 4.87 million over the previous year. The total expenditure of the pension insurance fund that year was 5,903.5 billion yuan. What is the average number?

The average figure should be 5,903.5 billion yuan divided by (136.44 million - 4.87 million people/2), and the result is that the average pension insurance fund treatment per person in 2022 is 44,054 yuan, with an average of 3,671 yuan per month. Even taking into account the increase in pensions in the past two years, the average level will not exceed 4,000 yuan.

In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

When we make the average figures, we actually do not take into account that there is another large number of people - urban and rural residents who receive pension insurance benefits. Urban and rural residents pension insurance recipients are generally not called retirees, after all, retirement is a specific title.

At the end of 2022, the total number of people receiving pension insurance benefits for urban and rural residents was 164.64 million, far exceeding the total number of retirees. In that year, the expenditure of the basic pension insurance fund for urban and rural residents' pension insurance was 404.4 billion yuan, with an average of only about 205 yuan per person per month.

What is the real average pension for retirees?

In fact, there is a very complex composition in the expenditure of the pension insurance fund. For example, if an enterprise retiree receives a higher amount of funeral subsidy and pension treatment after his death, this should not be recognized as an average pension. In addition, there are subsidies for supporting relatives who have difficulty in living, and even medical insurance subsidies formed by historical policies.

In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

The average pension requirement should in principle be the expenditure of the basic pension divided by the average number of pensioners.

According to the final account of the 2022 national social security fund expenditure released by the Ministry of Finance, the basic pension expenditure of the basic pension insurance fund for enterprise employees that year was 4,143.622 billion yuan, and that of government institutions was 1,502.77 billion yuan.

In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

What about the average number of pensioners? According to the data released by the National Statistical Yearbook, the total number of retirees at the end of 2021 was 131.57 million, of which 111.265 million were implementing the enterprise system, and 20.305 million were implementing the system of organs and institutions. At the end of 2022, the two categories of personnel were 115.309 million and 21.131 million respectively.

In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

The average number of pensioners during the year is the average of the sum of the number of people at the end of the two years, that is, 113.287 million and 20.718 million.

According to the expenditure of the pension insurance fund, the per capita pension level of retirees in enterprises in 2022 will be 36,576 yuan (an average of 3,048 yuan per month), while the per capita pension level of retirees in government institutions will be 72,535 yuan (an average of 6,045 yuan per month).

From the above data, in fact, our monthly pension reaches 3,000 yuan, which belongs to the average pension treatment of enterprise retirees, which can exceed half of the enterprise retirees (almost about 60 million people), which does not count more than 160 million urban and rural residents pension insurance recipients.

What will be the average level of people's pension in 2024? In fact, the figures for 2023 have not been announced, but the pension for retirees in 2023 has been raised by 3.8%. However, because it is carried out in a combination of three ways: quota adjustment, peg adjustment, and appropriate tilt. The average pension increase of enterprise retirees is expected to reach about 4.2%, while the pension increase of retirees of government institutions is expected to be about 3.2%.

In 2024, will people's average pension level be 5,000 yuan? What is the difference between enterprise withdrawal and personal withdrawal?

If the pension increase in 2024 is also at the level of 3.8%, it is estimated that the average pension level of enterprise retirees after the pension adjustment this year can reach about 3,310 yuan, and the pension level of retirees in government institutions is expected to reach about 6,438 yuan. #头条创作挑战赛##2024年养老金上涨#

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