
Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

Zhongguancun Online

2024-06-09 12:02Posted on Beijing Zhongguancun Online Official Account

Compared with the frequent mobile phones in May, the new machines in June are obviously much less, and various mobile phone manufacturers have focused on the 618 e-commerce festival, today we will briefly take stock of the new machines that may be released in June, and talk about which one you are most looking forward to in the comment area?

1 荣耀Magic V Flip

At present, it has been officially announced that the mobile phone will be released within 6 months, and it is a small folding gloryMagic V Flip, its appearance design is very unique, the outer screen part is large and the upper and lower screens, the camera is located in the hollowed out position inside the outer screen, and the flash is placed in the upper right corner of the lower half of the mobile phone. It is currently available in three colourways: Iris Black, Champagne Pink and Camellia White.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

Fang Fei, president of the Honor product line, has released some new device configurations on his personal Weibo, with an outer screen area of 4.0 inches, with an ultra-high screen-to-body ratio of 85%, and the introduction of flagship-level global low-power LTPO, the industry's first with 0.1Hz~120Hz dynamic refresh rate, touch experience and power consumption control are leading in the same category; At the same time, it supports all-weather full-screen constant display, making the outer screen more fashionable and interactive and convenient, and it is also a good screen for eye protection.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

The phone will be officially released at 19:30 on the evening of June 13, and users who are interested in fashionable small folds can pay attention to it.

2一加 Ace 3 Pro

It is reported that OnePlus Ace 3 Pro may be released in late June, and some digital bloggers have exposed the configuration of this new machine, which has a built-in 2970*2=5940mAh-min dual-cell battery, with an equivalent typical value of 6100mAh±, and supports 100W charging, which is still quite eye-catching.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

In terms of other configurations, this OnePlus Ace 3 Pro may be equipped with a performance-leading Snapdragon 8 Gen3 chip, a high-quality LTPO screen on the front, and a 50-million-pixel flagship main camera, with a powerful and comprehensive overall experience. Referring to the positioning of the previous generation of products, OnePlus Ace 3 Pro is likely to be positioned in the 3000 yuan price range, focusing on the all-round cost-effective flagship.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

Recently, a new phone line draft has been exposed on the Internet, and the rear camera in the upper left corner adopts the OnePlus family design, will this be the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro? Friends who are interested in cost-effective flagships can look forward to it.

3 Redmi K70 Ultra

According to the exposed news, the Redmi K70 Ultra, codenamed "rotko", may be released in advance, and the machine will use the MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ flagship platform and be equipped with a 5500mAh large-capacity battery. At the same time, the phone will also use a 1.5K 8T LTPO new substrate and new screen, with a peak brightness of more than 5,000 nits, and is expected to support 3840Hz ultra-high PWM dimming function.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

It is worth noting that the Redmi K series is usually named after the painter, and this time Mark Rothko (Mark Rothko) was chosen, he is known as one of the important representatives of "color field painting" or "late painting abstraction", and the design and color matching of the new machine may have special designs.

4 Huawei nova 13

Recently, a Huawei Kirin 5G core new machine was found to have entered the network, the model is PSD-AL00, this new machine also supports 66W fast charging technology, and it is likely to be the Huawei nova 13 series that will be officially announced. Some digital bloggers broke the news that this series of mobile phones will be equipped with Kirin 5G chips as standard, and the Ultra version will make a breakthrough in satellite communication functions and continue to explore the high-price market.

Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

It is reported that the image configuration of the nova 13 series will be further upgraded, or it will be equipped with HuaweiXMAGE super light variable image, and the high-performance chip provides abundant performance support; Different versions of straight and curved screens are available, providing users with more choices.

Which phone are you most looking forward to releasing in June? Let's talk about it in the comment area~


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  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography
  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography
  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography
  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography
  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography
  • Preview of new mobile phone products in June: I want performance, appearance, and photography

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