
I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

author:Corner plum 666

Statement: The material comes from the small things around you, the plot is fictionalized, and the characters and place names involved in the text have nothing to do with reality, not for individuals and groups (without any implication), if you have the same experience, do not sit in the right seat.

Yesterday morning, as soon as I got up, my neighbor Shufang knocked on my door with a bag of zongzi: "Sister-in-law, this is the zongzi I just cooked this morning, it's still hot, you save the cooking in the morning, let the children eat it while it's hot." ”

Neighbor Shufang left in a hurry without entering, and she said that she also had to go to the vegetable market to sell zongzi.

When I saw this bag of zongzi, I made a decision at that time: I went to the vegetable market to help my neighbors sell zongzi.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

Shufang lives next door to my east, she is not tall, she is uneducated, and she can't find a suitable job. Shufang has two daughters, both of whom go to school in other places and need to spend money every day, so Shufang works everywhere as a temporary worker: she goes to make canvas bags, carries couriers, and goes to the vegetable market to sort vegetables......

As long as she works hard to earn money, Shufang is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and her husband is not educated. Therefore, the neighbor husband and wife both went out to work, and we often saw Shufang's husband riding an electric car, Shufang sat behind the electric car, and the two of them would greet each other warmly every time they saw their neighbors.

Although the neighbor and the husband and wife regard money as very important, as long as the neighbor has something, the neighbor and the husband and wife go to help, and they often say to the neighbor: both of us go out to work, and each of us can earn dozens of yuan a day, but the money is not enough, as long as the neighbor has something, we can help.

In the past few years, on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, my neighbor Shufang and her husband would wrap some zongzi at home and pull them to the vegetable market to sell, and I had nothing to do at home, so I went to the neighbor's house to help.

However, the rice dumplings I wrapped were not good-looking, and they were easy to boil and open. My neighbor also trusted me, so she asked me to go to the vegetable market to help sell zongzi.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

Yesterday morning, after I arrived at the vegetable market, I saw that my neighbor was busy, so I helped her sell zongzi, because there were many people buying vegetables in the morning, and at 9 o'clock in the morning, the neighbor's two pots of zongzi had been sold, so she hurried home and brought two buckets of zongzi, and the zongzi in front of the stall were piled up again.

When I was arranging the zongzi, I suddenly heard a familiar voice sound: "Sister Yumei, you actually wrapped so many zongzi, and you also came out to sell zongzi this year?" ”

I looked up and saw my colleague Yahong standing in front of me with a smile on her face. (Yahong and I work in the same factory, but the two of us are only colleagues, and we are not very familiar with each other, and we are also a hello when we meet.) )

"I'm very busy every day, it's finally a holiday, I still want to take a break, I don't have time to make zongzi at all, this is my neighbor, she sells zongzi in the vegetable market, and I'm here to help." I pointed to the neighbor next to me and began to explain to Yahong.

"This is the zongzi I just cooked this morning, and it's still hot, so I'll give you a taste." When the neighbor saw that Yahong was my colleague, she hurriedly brought a zongzi and prepared to give it to Yahong.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

"Thank you, today my mother is going to go out to visit relatives, and she asked me to come to the vegetable market to buy some zongzi. As soon as I entered the vegetable market, I saw several shops selling zongzi, but at a glance, I saw that Sister Yumei was selling zongzi here, so I passed through those few and came to your stall to buy zongzi.

How much do you have rice dumplings? Buy me twenty rice dumplings, ten rice dumplings into one bag, a total of two bags, because I have two relatives, and they both live in the same community. Yahong said to her neighbor with a smile.

"My zongzi sells for 1.5 yuan each, and 20 zongzi are a total of 30 yuan." The neighbor lowered his head, took two plastic bags, and was ready to start loading zongzi.

After Yahong heard these words, she was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at me, her meaning was very simple: let me say some good things to my neighbors, buy 20 zongzi, and give her some discounts.

Seeing Yahong's eyes, I felt embarrassed at the time: these zongzi are not mine, I am just a helper. Besides, other people's zongzi are sold for 2 yuan a piece, the neighbor is a real person, she has not increased the price, the zongzi are 1.5 yuan a piece, how can I be embarrassed to negotiate the price with her again?

Just when I was at a loss, the neighbor had already filled Yahong with zongzi, and she said to Yahong with a smile: "These two bags of zongzi are for you to use when you go to relatives, and each bag contains ten zongzi, a total of twenty zongzi." Because you and Yumei's sister-in-law are colleagues, I added two more zongzi to you, and I packed these two zongzi for you separately for you to eat at home. ”

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

When Yahong saw this, she immediately smiled and said something like "thank you" while sweeping thirty yuan to her neighbor.

However, after Yahong bought the zongzi, she did not leave in a hurry, but stood next to her and began to chat with me about work.

It just so happened that there weren't many people at that time, so the neighbor said to me: "Sister-in-law, it just so happens that your colleague is here, please show me the two of you stalls, I just called my husband and asked him to soak some more dried zongzi leaves, and I plan to make zongzi in the afternoon." However, the phone never got through, so I went home. ”

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

"Hey, sister-in-law, you are busy for these two days a year, you can rest assured to go home, and the zongzi here will be handed over to the two of us." Yahong said to the neighbor with a smile. (It's just a moment, and Yahong and her neighbors are like good friends.) )

Seeing the back of her neighbor leaving, Yahong frowned and said, "Sister Yumei, I think your neighbor will be able to make a lot of money selling zongzi this year." Have you calculated carefully: a pound of glutinous rice can wrap a lot of zongzi, zongzi leaves are also very cheap, she just does it, a zongzi is sold for 1.5 yuan a day, she can sell so many zongzi a day, she must be able to earn a lot of money. ”

After hearing these words, my heart was a little unhappy, because in the past two years, my neighbor had a lumbar protrusion problem, and as long as she worked a little, she would have backache and leg pain, but the neighbor has been persisting when she worked for the sake of her two children. Sometimes when she makes zongzi, she can't get up after sitting for a long time, so she needs her husband to slowly help her up.

Because when making zongzi, the neighbor's hand has been soaked in water, and she has been tying the zongzi with a rope, so after selling the zongzi every year, her hands are full of mouths, which makes people feel distressed to look at, and the neighbor earns some hard-earned money, how can Yahong say these words?

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

After thinking of this, I said directly to Yahong: "Actually, I think that if you go directly to buy glutinous rice and zongzi leaves, and make your own zongzi every year, you will definitely save a lot of money." ”

"Sister Yumei, what you said is so right, I think so too, last year I went to buy some glutinous rice and red dates and the like, and made zongzi at home. However, I didn't look good, and by the time it was cooked, the glutinous rice and zongzi leaves had become a pot of porridge, and I worked all day in vain, but I didn't get anything. It's very popular, and I might as well play with my phone for a while when I have this time. Yahong seemed to have found a soulmate, she sighed and said to me.

After hearing these words, I thought about saying a few words to Yahong, but thinking that she and I were colleagues, I swallowed the words that came to my mouth again.

"Sister Yumei, I think I just paid 30 yuan to your neighbor, and she must have earned a lot of money, although she gave me two zongzi. However, after my parents left the relatives, they did not eat at the relatives' house, they were all ready to go home for dinner, and we had five people in the family: my parents and our family of three. These two rice dumplings are simply not enough to eat.

Even if you give me three more rice dumplings from your neighbor, she won't lose money, because those 30 yuan can buy a lot of glutinous rice and red dates. It just so happens that there is no one at this time, you give me three zongzi in front of the stall, I left directly, and no one knows about it, there are so many zongzi on the stall, even if there are 10 less, the neighbors can't see it, let alone three less.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

The two of us are the closest, usually look down and don't look up, you don't have any blood relationship with the neighbor, help her, she is already very grateful to you. Seeing that there was no one around, Yahong leaned into my ear and whispered to me.

After hearing these words, I was stunned for a moment, because I couldn't imagine that Yahong could say these words: she felt that she had bought 20 zongzi, and her neighbor had made a lot of money, and she wanted to give her three more zongzi while the neighbor was not here. However, the neighbor's zongzi were originally sold cheaply, and she had already given Yahong two zongzi just now.

I was a little angry at the time, and said directly to Yahong: "Since the neighbor handed over the stall to us, she is trusting us, no matter what we do, we must be above board and honest, and we can't live up to the neighbor's trust in us."

Every zongzi in the neighbor is wrapped out wholeheartedly, and she sometimes makes zongzi until midnight, just to make some hard-earned money, and I have always admired the neighbor husband and wife.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

We have jobs and are a little better off than our neighbors. The two of us are colleagues, if these zongzi were mine, I wouldn't have taken your money when you bought zongzi just now, but these zongzi are not ours, and the owner of the zongzi is not here. The neighbor trusts us so much, how can we secretly take her zongzi?

If you don't have any money in your phone, I can buy three zongzi and give them to you. As I spoke, I took out my mobile phone and prepared to scan 4.5 yuan to buy three zongzi for Yahong.

After Yahong heard my words, her face turned red all of a sudden, and she hurriedly took out her mobile phone, swept 4.5 yuan first, and said to me with a red face: "Sister Yumei, don't take what I said just now to heart, just think I'm joking, I've already swept 4.5 yuan and bought three more zongzi." ”

At this time, another customer came to buy zongzi, and I started to get busy, and Yahong didn't leave, she stood next to her and began to help sell zongzi, as if nothing had happened just now.

When the two of us were busy, the neighbor hurriedly brought a bucket of zongzi, and she saw that the two of us sold some zongzi, and began to thank the two of us non-stop.

Yahong saw that the neighbor was coming, she was ready to leave, and when she left, she took out her mobile phone and let the neighbor take a look: she just paid another 4.5 yuan and bought three more zongzi.

I helped my neighbor sell zongzi, and when a colleague came to buy zongzi, she asked me to send three more zongzi, but I refused

Then, Yahong took her two bags of zongzi and the other five zongzi and prepared to leave.

After the neighbor saw this, he hurriedly said to Yahong: "When I was at home just now, I heard that one of them paid 4.5 yuan, it turned out that you bought three more zongzi, and I am already grateful if you help me today, how can I let you pay for three more zongzi?" Don't leave yet, I'll give you a few more zongzi, and you can go home and eat. ”

When Ya Hong said this, her face turned even redder, and she hurriedly said: "Thank you, sister-in-law, each of your zongzi is hard to wrap up, you have already sent me two just now, I don't want it." ”

Before the neighbor started to load the zongzi, Yahong took the zongzi that belonged to her and left in a hurry.

Seeing Yahong's departing back, the neighbor smiled and said to me: "Sister-in-law, I feel that your colleague is a real person, and she is a very good person." ”

When I heard these words, I smiled embarrassedly.

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