
The way to make men love you more, don't be too sensible, and be a little "scum" appropriately

author:Dahui said
The way to make men love you more, don't be too sensible, and be a little "scum" appropriately

As the old saying goes:

People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden.

A good woman only ends up with a "good" word and gets nothing, but a bad woman gets everything.

You really can't be too kind to be a man, and you really can't be too sensible to be a woman.

Many women, just because they are too sensible, always play a wronged and flattering role in love, constantly satisfying men and pleasing men, but in the end they end up being dumped.

Women who are in love often do not end well, and being a "scumbag" can be loved by men.

The way to make men love you more, don't be too sensible, and be a little "scum" appropriately

Scumbag, love yourself more than men

Wilde said:

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Love others before yourself, this is the premise of love.

A woman, if she wants to be loved, must first learn to love herself.

Don't go in the opposite direction and mistakenly see men as more important than yourself.

The way you treat yourself is invisibly teaching men how to love you.

The more you value a man too much, the more you obey him, and take his word as a holy decree and revolve around him. The less men take you seriously.

When you relax a little and focus more on yourself instead of staring at the other person all the time, at this time, you will find that he will start to pay attention to you and shift his gaze to you.

People are like this, those who can't get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored have nothing to fear.

Scumbag, always love yourself more than you love men, the more so, the more men love you.

The way to make men love you more, don't be too sensible, and be a little "scum" appropriately

Let the man adapt to himself, rather than taking the initiative to please

In love, change and adaptation are needed.

It's mutual, not just one person doing it and the other person enjoying it in peace.

The so-called love is that each of them takes 50 steps towards each other, not me taking 99 steps towards you, but you don't want to walk towards me at all.

If you love a man again, don't please him too much, and let him get used to you.

Women who are too sensible, they tend to be dominated by men's standards and do not stand their ground.

The scumbag, on the other hand, will insist on herself and will not love herself at all to the point of losing herself.

For example, if you cut a hairstyle, and the man thinks it doesn't look good, the former will doubt himself, but the latter will appreciate it alone, and you don't like to look at it or not, and you don't care at all.

I like to watch romance movies, you like to watch police movies, if you are willing, you can watch it with me, if you don't accompany me, I will watch it by myself, and I will not be dragged by men at all.

If you do this, you will not be led by the nose by a man, but will make him fall in love with you.

The way to make men love you more, don't be too sensible, and be a little "scum" appropriately

Enjoy the moment and not be kidnapped by love

Some women, after falling in love with a man, will start to press, and there is a feeling that we are together, and you will be responsible for me to the end.

In the process of getting along, from time to time the state of longing for marriage is exposed, and the man is asked to promise himself, forcing the man to have a definite answer.

In other words, he completely treats himself as the other half of the other party and controls the other party.

Doing so, in fact, exposes that he is in a weak position, and he seems to be domineering, but in fact, it is a man who controls the situation of love.

When you have the above state, it will lead to not being indifferent enough in love, and it will appear tense.

This tightness can also affect the man, making him feel stressed and want to run away from you.

The scumbag girl will show an indifferent mentality from the beginning, if she likes it, she will be together, if she doesn't like it, she will be separated, she will do it with her heart, and she will be able to enjoy the moment more.

They will not be kidnapped by love, let alone restrain men, they will only be true to themselves.

Such a woman makes men comfortable to get along with and makes men appreciate it sincerely.

Be a "scum" woman, don't be too sensible, the more "scum" you are, the more men love you.

But it doesn't mean that there is no bottom line and immorality, but that you stick to your own position and are taken too seriously about love and men.