
Procuratorate Daily Editorial: Let being in awe and holding the ruler in your hand truly become a daily consciousness

author:Xunyang Procuratorate
Procuratorate Daily Editorial: Let being in awe and holding the ruler in your hand truly become a daily consciousness

Only when there are precepts in the heart can there be direction in action. The study and education of party discipline that is being carried out throughout the party is a key task of this year's party building work, and is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the study and education of party discipline, and emphasized during his recent inspection in Shandong that party organizations at all levels should be carefully organized, solidly promoted, and pragmatic. The party group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to carry out the study and education of party discipline in a solid manner, and strive to forge an iron army of procurators in the new era. On the basis of solidly promoting the study and education of Party discipline in the early stage, procuratorial organs at all levels should continue to make efforts to further deepen the study and comprehension of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-revolution, closely follow the study and implementation of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and promote the study and discipline of discipline and discipline in an integrated manner, and implement the requirements of Party discipline in the performance of procuratorial duties to the letter, so that being in awe and holding the ruler in hand truly becomes a daily consciousness, and promoting the high-quality development of procuratorial work with iron discipline. Better support and serve Chinese-style modernization through the modernization of procuratorial work.

Those who know begin to act. The building of party discipline needs to be grasped unremittingly, and the study of party discipline is also endless. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, forming General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, which is not only an important content of party discipline learning and education, but also points out the way forward for party discipline learning and education. Procuratorial organs at all levels should continue to strengthen the study of discipline and discipline, and promote the study of the "Regulations" to continue to deepen and be practical. It is necessary to resolutely abandon the superficial taste and half-understanding, insist on repeated study, mutual improvement, and deep understanding, and more comprehensively and deeply understand the essence of the "Regulations", clarify the code of conduct and the bottom line, and achieve constant learning and innovation, and promote knowledge through learning. It is necessary to organically combine the study of the "Regulations" with the study and comprehension of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, master the new ideas, new views and new methods contained in them, and constantly strengthen the understanding of the regularity of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and comprehensively and strictly administering the inspection, and always maintain the political sobriety of promoting self-revolution.

For a political party, discipline is the lifeline; For a party member, discipline is the high-voltage line. Every procurator must bear in mind that there is no privilege in observing discipline, and always be respectful, vigilant, and disciplined. "Yuan History" records a story of the physicist Xu Heng: On a hot summer day, Xu Heng went out and saw pedestrians picking pears under a pear tree on the side of the road to quench their thirst, but he did not pick them. Someone asked him, now that the war is in chaos, this pear tree has no owner, why don't you go and pick pears to eat? Xu Heng replied: "Although the pear has no owner, I have a master in my heart." This story reminds us that the most important thing to keep the line of discipline is to keep the heart. It is necessary to revere and abide by discipline from the bottom of our hearts, further deepen our understanding of the importance of strengthening the party's discipline building from the height of stressing politics, resolutely safeguard the seriousness and authority of party discipline with practical actions, and continue to polish the clear political background of firmly supporting the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards." It is necessary to closely integrate the strengthening of the sense of discipline with the enhancement of the cultivation of party spirit, establish oneself with party spirit, uphold morality, and act strictly with discipline, internalize the observance of rules and discipline into a standard of words and deeds that is used on a daily basis without realizing it, and constantly enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption. Discipline is a "tight mantra", and it is also a "talisman" for party members to start a business. It is necessary to closely combine the study of discipline, knowledge of discipline, discipline and discipline with better performance of duties, build political loyalty in the study and education of party discipline, temper more powerful performance skills, and better shoulder the mission of procuratorial organs in the new era.

"The clear system comes first, and the heavy punishment comes later." The vitality of discipline lies in execution. In enforcing party discipline, the emphasis should be on earnestness and strictness, and there are no exceptions. If discipline is not strict, no matter how good discipline is, it will become a "paper tiger" and "scarecrow". It is necessary to more consciously adhere to the party's political construction as the guide, solidly perform the political task of comprehensively and strictly managing the party's governance and procuratorate, focus on solving outstanding problems, deepen the study and education of party discipline, and promote the "three non-corruption" and prevention and control of the "black under the lamp" mechanism in an integrated manner, further tighten the "cage" of the dense system, and earnestly strengthen the restraint and supervision of the operation of the procuratorial power, so as to ensure fair and honest procuratorate. It is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the main tone of strictness, resolutely investigate and deal with all problems of violating party rules and party discipline when they are discovered, and never tolerate indulgence, so that discipline can truly become a "charged high-voltage line." In enforcing discipline, it is necessary to be strict and accurate. It is necessary to persist in seeking truth from facts, implement the important requirements of the "three distinctions", strengthen the incentive and protection of cadres who dare to take responsibility for good deeds, and guide procuratorial personnel to be truth-seeking and pragmatic and take responsibility for practical work on the premise of abiding by rules and disciplines, and consciously lead and do "handling every case with high quality and efficiency" with the "three good ats", and more effectively serve the overall situation, the people's justice, and the rule of law, and create achievements that live up to the people and the times.

Procuratorate Daily Editorial: Let being in awe and holding the ruler in your hand truly become a daily consciousness

Source: Procuratorate Daily, News Edition

Editors: Wang Yuxuan, Shi Jia, Zhang Suqian

Procuratorate Daily Editorial: Let being in awe and holding the ruler in your hand truly become a daily consciousness