
Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Dali, why haven't you seen you for three years, you have changed so much, look at your sister again, what have you experienced in China?"

"Mom, don't cry yet, I'm doing well in China, Wen Liang's parents are also very kind to me, don't worry."

It turned out to be an Indian girl who married to China, and returned home three years later to visit her parents.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Unexpectedly, as soon as the mother saw her daughter, she cried loudly, thinking that Dali and her sister had changed too much.

What happened to make Dali's mother so sad?

"First Encounter with Dali"

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Dali and I met at an airport in India, and I desperately needed to exchange some change because my mobile phone was not available.

Dali saw my embarrassment at this time, so she kindly helped me solve the problem.

As a token of appreciation, I added Dali's contact information, hoping to have a chance to treat her to a meal in the future.

Then I returned to China, where we chatted and shared the lives around us.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

What I didn't expect was that Dali would become my wife by mistake in the back.

Later, the company again handed over the business of the Indian market to me, and I once again stepped on the plane to India.

This time it was not only to complete the work of the unit, but also to repay Dali for helping me last time.

After getting off the plane, I made a quick trip to the hotel, packed my things, and walked out the door.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

At the same time, I told Dali on my phone that I was in India again, and I hoped to make an appointment with her to repay her for helping me last time.

We met together at a restaurant in New Delhi on Friday when we got off work.

Dali was still the same as before, dressed in traditional Indian attire, and she had a smile on her face as she watched my arrival.

It's just that I can tell that Dali's face still reveals a trace of fatigue, as if she hasn't rested for a long time.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

We ordered chicken curry, nayman, and some skewers, and we started chatting.

Because of the similar age, there are still a lot of topics between me and Dali, and the most interesting thing for Dali is Chinese food.

Seeing the sadness on Dali's face, I asked her if she hadn't rested well lately, and I felt that her complexion was a little worse.

Then Dali told me the reason, it turned out that Dali's grades were very good, and after graduation, she found a good job.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

But her father disliked her job being too far away from home and asked her to go home and marry her own son.

Dali doesn't want to live with someone she doesn't like, let alone get married and have children as soon as she graduates, and live a life with no end in sight.

I can also understand that after all, who doesn't want to be free for a few more days, so I also tried to enlighten Dali and try to let her come out slowly.

The meeting was very pleasant, and Dali also left a good impression on me, and we would make an appointment to hang out together every once in a while.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Because I don't look bad, I'm also very tall, Dali is also very beautiful, and I usually know how to feel sorry for people.

Not surprisingly, we came together, and although my parents were hopeless about the relationship, they respected my choice.

After dating for a year, I also decided to marry Dali home, Dali's father didn't embarrass me, as long as the money was in place, it was easy to say anything.

I took a bride price of 88,000 yuan and left the house with Dali, and Dali's mother was very reluctant to leave, hoping that I could treat her daughter well.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

After reassuring Dali's mother, I took Dali's materials to the relevant units to go through the formalities, and then took her home to prepare for marriage.

Because Dali went to college and learned some Chinese in school, she was able to ensure her normal communication.

After arriving in China, I plan to enroll her in another Chinese training course to ensure her normal life in the future.

Dali also learned quickly, and during this time, she also prepared the wedding with me, which was very virtuous.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Although my parents were conservative about transnational marriages, they blessed Dali and me.

At the wedding, with the blessings of family and friends, Dali and I entered the palace of marriage, and we lived together like this.

Usually I work in the unit, and Dali takes classes at home to learn Chinese, but I didn't expect her to find a job on her own.

Working as a foreign teacher in a training institution, although a month's salary is not as much as mine, it is enough for her to spend alone.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

I told her that she didn't have to be so tired and that she could just enjoy life in China, but Dali was very self-reliant.

It was very heartwarming to tell me that the house was taken care of by two people and that I should not be left alone to bear the pressure.

After half a year, Dali was also pregnant with a baby, and my mother also moved from her hometown to take care of Dali, which made her feel very warm in her heart.

Later, the child was born smoothly, a healthy mixed-race boy, and my mother was very happy.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Life went on like this, until three years later, when Dali proposed to go home to see her parents.

I said there was no problem, after all, it was where she grew up, and she would feel homesick anyway.

So I got the formalities and drove my two-year-old son to India to visit my parents.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time I went back to India to visit relatives, Dali's mother burst into tears, which was very distressing.

"How did it change so much?"

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Dali has been married to China for many years, and I have been living in a second-tier town, and our life is actually quite good.

But her family's knowledge of China is only online, and all that remains is the photos that Dali usually shares with them.

After all, China is a distant country for them, and the family conditions are relatively average, so they will not choose foreign countries for travel.

I remember when I first arrived in India, it was Dali's sister and brother-in-law who picked us up, and he was shocked by the car I was driving.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Dali's sister thought the car was rented, but it was bought by the two of us.

Dali's sister is dressed relatively plainly, which is worn by ordinary Indian girls' families, and her brother-in-law's dress is also very down-to-earth.

Although it can be seen that they are dressing up, it can also be imagined that Dali's sister has not lived a good life over the years.

At dinner in the evening, Dali's sister cooked a table of delicious food herself, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law had just returned home from a hard day's work.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

It's just that I didn't expect that as soon as Dali's mother saw her daughter, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Dali, why haven't you seen you for three years, you have changed so much, look at your sister again, what have you experienced in China?"

Dali, who didn't understand the situation, soothed his mother's emotions and helped him wipe away his tears.

"Mom, don't cry yet, I'm doing well in China, Wen Liang's parents are also very kind to me, don't worry."

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Later, after Dali's mother's condition stabilized, we sat down for dinner together, and my mother-in-law also told me what had happened.

It turned out that after Dali married in China, Dali's sister also found a Chinese boyfriend.

But because the man's conditions were relatively poor, he was strongly opposed by Dali's father, who said that he would not be together.

Even if the man came to visit with sincerity, he was kicked out of the house by Dali's father.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

Dali's sister's relationship is also over, which makes the mother feel very cold, and the happiness of the youngest daughter is buried like this.

However, Dali's mother has little say in speaking at home, which is a complicated issue in the whole of India.

This time, I took Dali home to visit relatives, and my mother remembered this incident before, and tears unconsciously slipped down.

Now watching her two daughters live very different lives, it makes her mother feel that it is all her fault.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

If he insisted that Dali's sister also marry in China, life would definitely be much better than now.

Nai couldn't reverse the light, and now she can only pray that the family that her sister married into can be better to her daughter.

Looking at the picture in front of me, I was also very uncomfortable, but this is someone else's family matter, and I can't mix it up much.

Fortunately, my father-in-law was in a good mood that day, and he didn't say much about it, after all, he only likes money.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

After a few days in my hometown in India, I took Dali and my children to a hotel next door.

Prepare to take the children to take a spin in the classic next to it in the next few days, and relax as a trip.

In the middle of the night, Dali lay beside me and whispered thank you to me, saying that the greatest joy in this life is to meet me.

I am very puzzled, what kind of medicine is she selling in her gourd, maybe it is because of this visit to relatives.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

I also turned to Dali and said that this was the life she deserved, and that she should look forward together without thanking me.

After saying goodbye to Dali's sister, we embarked on the road of travel, and Dali's sister also talked to Dali before leaving.

In the days to come, my time should be dedicated to the family, and I hope my sister can go to see more beautiful rivers and mountains.

Then the next time I came back, I told her about places she hadn't been, and I felt a pang of sourness in my heart.

Twin Indian sisters, one married far away from China and the other stayed in India, and their mother cried when they visited their relatives

I went to the mobile phone store next to it and bought a smartphone for Dali's sister, and helped the two of them add their contact information.

In the future, Dali will be able to contact her sister through this mobile phone, and she will be able to share her life with her through her mobile phone.

I also hope that Dali's sister will be able to suffer less in her future life.

As she left, Dali looked back at her blurring back, her eyes welling up with tears.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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