
The "underneath" is always wet, and the ability is also reduced, from the liver and spleen

author:Famous Chinese medicine experts talk about famous prescriptions

In life, there are some things that are difficult to talk about, and many men often feel that their "underneath" is always wet, especially middle-aged men around 40 years old.

The "underneath" is always wet, and the ability is also reduced, from the liver and spleen

Scrotal dampness is generally caused by dampness betting.

On the one hand, it is related to the spleen: the spleen has the function of transporting water and dampness, once our spleen and stomach are damaged, the movement is abnormal, which will lead to the stagnation of moisture in the body, and the accumulation of dampness over a long period of time will form dampness and heat. Then the moisture is turbid and the nature tends to go down, it is easy to go down and flow into the lower coke of the human body, which will cause the problem of scrotal dampness.

On the other hand, it is related to the liver: the liver is mainly drained, and the qi is regulated. If the liver qi is uncomfortable, then it will affect the spleen and stomach for a long time, resulting in spleen deficiency and dampness, and dampness and heat for a long time. These are actually the embodiment of the liver and spleen.

The "underneath" is always wet, and the ability is also reduced, from the liver and spleen

Today I would like to share with you a case of 42-year-old Mr. Wang

The patient reported that when he first got married, "handing in his homework" was relatively harmonious, but after a year, he began to be unable to do his best, and then he couldn't get up. In addition to the dampness of the scrotum, it is usually accompanied by backache, the urine is very yellow, sometimes it is painful to urine, the urine volume is small, the stool is dry and thin, and the mouth is bitter and dry in the morning. His job is to sit for a long time every day, stay up late at night, and smoke and drink a lot, so he also has soreness in his lower limbs.

Later, I learned about his situation, first, he did more handiwork when he was young, and second, he ate more greasy and spicy things every day, so that the tongue coating was more greasy and yellow, like this case it is a kind of damp heat betting, after this damp heat bet it invaded the body, it inhibited the flow of qi and blood, so it will lead to inability to get up.

Then at this time, it is necessary to clear the liver and gallbladder and dispel dampness and heat.

Commonly used prescriptions: Gentian Xinggan decoction plus minus formula: gentian, bupleurum, skullcap, gardenia, Zexiao, Mutong, psyllium, angelica, rehmannia root, boiled licorice, etc.

The "underneath" is always wet, and the ability is also reduced, from the liver and spleen

This recipe uses bitter and cold gentian grass, gardenia, and skullcap, which are effective and effective, and directly clear the dampness and heat of the liver and gallbladder, and cooperate with the dampness and heat of seepage and heat dissipation, Mutong, and psyllium to guide dampness and heat downward, and promote its excretion; Taking into account the fact that the liver is the organ that hides blood, heat and evil hurt yin and consume blood, so use raw land and angelica to nourish yin and nourish blood, dispel evil and not hurt the good; Damp heat inhibits the qi, so the use of bupleurum to soothe the liver and gallbladder qi, can adjust the above bitter cold and discharge medicines, and can lead the medicines to return to the liver and gallbladder; Licorice can clear away heat and detoxify, reconcile various medicines, and all medicines cooperate with each other to clear the heat and evil, eliminate dampness and turbidity, and all the symptoms caused by the meridians can be cured accordingly.


Patients with scrotal dampness usually pay attention to quitting smoking and drinking, do not eat spicy and irritating food, avoid staying up late and sitting for a long time, wear loose cotton breathable underwear, scrotal dampness is also caused by physiological reasons, and it is recommended to take medication after dialectic.