
Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

author:Putuo Mountain West Ship 741

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

——Commemorating the lost years of the Putuo Mountain Navy!

In March 1990, we embarked on the green train to the east, departed from Chengdu to Shanghai, transferred to Hangzhou, and then transferred to Jiangshan Railway Station in western Zhejiang. Without a day's rest and buffer, he started the life of a recruit seamlessly, immediately participated in the training of the recruit company, and accepted the test of the recruit's physical strength and will, which opened the prelude to the transformation of young people in society into revolutionary soldiers. The 14 th Jiangshan Navy Corps, including about 200 officers and men, has two cadres wearing lieutenant uniforms, that is, Company Commander Hua and Instructor Yan, Deputy Company Commander Sun is wearing volunteer uniforms, the rank of secretary general has two dotted lines, the three district team (platoon) leaders are "two thin and one thick" naval sergeants, and the squad leaders are "two thin strips" of senior soldiers and "one thin and one thick" corporal, and they form the backbone framework of the company. After joining the Jiangshan Navy, the first thing I did when I enlisted in the army was to understand that I was now a soldier and a soldier, and I had to take obedience to orders as my duty, absolutely obey orders, and have no conditions to talk about, and unconditionally carry out the orders of my superiors. Specifically, orders from higher authorities are basically rare orders given by team (company) commanders and instructors for new recruits as squad leaders of the old soldiers and district team (platoon) commanders of the old two years, and it is basically impossible for the squadron and brigade leaders to give orders.

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

In the first week of enlistment training, the weekly squad leader of the fourth squad and the leader of the yellow district team (platoon) repeatedly emphasized the discipline of the troops, constantly reminded and said that "soldiers must obey orders", especially the subordinates obey the superiors, and the orders of the superiors must be carried out, and made clear requirements on how to implement them well. When a veteran enters the dormitory, the recruit should immediately stop moving, immediately stand upright facing the veteran, wait for the veteran to say yes or sit down, and it is not allowed to ignore and only do his own thing, and those who violate it will receive severe criticism or additional punishment. On the road, when you meet a veteran, stand upright and wait for the veteran to gesture or give a verbal command, or after he has passed, before continuing the ongoing movement. During the training on the playground, when the squad as a unit encounters the cadres of the district team (platoon) commander and above the company, it should immediately stop the training, stand upright in place, report to the XX squad that the XX squad is undergoing XX training, and wait for the instructions to "continue training". After participating in the recruit training for two weeks, "obedience and order" is firmly integrated into the body, and when you see your superior, you will jump up and stand upright, similar to a conditioned reflex robot, "superior" is to start the command, immediately trigger the "stand up" button, "brush, lie" jump up, and stand upright facing the superior.

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

The Jiangshan Navy is a completely closed world, and the professional training of recruits makes the recruits very nervous, highly concentrated, and mentally tense, and their heads are full of "orders, what to do, and what is the next order". The Jiangshan Training Corps is very strict in enforcing the regulations for military personnel, and the company requires that it is not allowed to sit on a bed during the day, and it is not allowed to destroy the neat and tidy quilts and sheets, and when resting, it can only sit on the small bench in front of the bed, and can chat with comrades-in-arms, or write letters to home, or read books and newspapers, and so on. However, occasionally, a district team (platoon) commander or team (company) commander walks into the dormitory, walks in front of the bed, and faces the sudden arrival of his superiors, and does not want to be severely criticized or punished, so he must immediately stand up and stand up in front of his superiors. In the actual life of recruits, they often encounter this situation, they concentrate on not paying attention to the arrival of their superiors, quickly stand up and hit their heads on the top bunk, and there is a pain in their hearts, but they can only stand up and dare not touch their hands to relieve the pain. In this way, there have been five times in the life of a recruit in eight months, and each time he has a headache, and he does not dare to scream, he just wants to end the training here quickly and escape from this stern "ghost place" and the "fire pit" of this recruit training as soon as possible. I remember that I was in a terrible mood at that time, but I thought that since I was a soldier, I must learn to endure and endure, I must not be afraid of hardship, tiredness, or any difficulties, if I am not a soldier, how can I temper my body and mind, and how can I cultivate a strong revolutionary will?

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

More than 30 years have passed, although Jiangshan is the place where military life and military life began, there are really few good memories of him, and there are not even any good things, anyway, I just don't like it. Life is hard, living conditions are poor, it is a very difficult life, there is no easy leisure at all, every day except for eating, sleeping is military training, everything revolves around military training in operation and arrangement, the center and core is training. When I wake up every day, that is, at the beginning of training, in addition to eating, I can take a short rest, and the daily overload of military physical training is very stressful, and I am really tired to the point of physical and mental exhaustion, but it is good to sleep at night, and I fall asleep after ten minutes of going to bed. As an eighteen-year-old young man, the sudden and arduous life of being a soldier, sometimes I think about why I became a soldier, and even have a little regret, why I don't choose the path of social youth, and sometimes I want to escape from all this, but I think of "why can't I do what others do", "I will definitely do it", and reason finally completely defeats the wrong impulse, gives up being a "deserter" who is afraid of hardship and tiredness, and continues the life of a military soldier.

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

Why is it that in addition to the purpose of defending the motherland, it is necessary to increase knowledge, exercise the body, cultivate a strong revolutionary will, and the important point is that when you go home, you will arrange a job. After thinking calmly, we should sort out the logic of being a soldier, and when we came to the Jiangshan Navy, it was impossible to escape from the country, so we had to adapt to the country, successfully complete the training of the training regiment, and accept the training life that we could not hide. To be honest, as a young person, I was very immature psychologically at that time, and I thought that I couldn't hide from military training, so would there be a chance to escape training? Even if it's half an hour, or even ten minutes, as long as you don't do military training, you are willing to do any heavy work, and you just want to have a lazy break. There are four situations in the 14th team to avoid hard training: one is to help the cook, with "week" as the boundary, to help the room, prepare three meals a day for the company, the work is very hard, but it can make the stomach more comfortable; The second is to stand guard during the day, for two hours each time, and do not participate in military training, so that the body can relax and feel more relaxed and comfortable; the third is to go out on an errand, go to the company's vegetable field to get a vegetable garden, or go somewhere to do some manual work; Fourth, other types. At that time, my comrades-in-arms were very fond of helping the cook, and when they encountered the opportunity to help the cook, they enthusiastically signed up to participate. In his life, he developed the habit of writing a diary, clearly recorded the situation of evading training, stood guard during the day twice, went to the vegetable field four times to get vegetables, and met a special company tolerance.

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

One morning in May 1990, the weather was very hot, and after two hours of military training, I couldn't stand the heat, my clothes were soaked with sweat, and the training was very hard. The fourth class leader is taking a break between classes, which will last about 5-10 minutes, and everyone is not doing high-five activities as usual in the shade of the trees, but sitting on the ground for a pure rest. Suddenly, the leader of the yellow district team (platoon) came over, waved his hand to signal everyone to stay put, and then pointed with his hand, signaled me to stand up, and arranged for me to go on a trip. After hearing the "tolerance", I was very happy, I could immediately avoid the hard physical training, I don't know what the tolerance is, anyway, it is the "tolerance", and a few words popped up in my heart "I am willing, I am willing....I am willing". In my ignorance, I figured out that this "tolerance" was very special, and went to the family Lou Yan's instructor's house to do hygiene. Regardless of his three-seven-twenty-one, the tolerance of "hygiene" is also a good errand, anyway, it is more comfortable than while soaking in the sun and military training, and he went to the family building with a clear work task. Sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, wiping tables, sorting cooking utensils and throwing garbage, the half-hour cleaning task dragged on for more than an hour, happily completed the special tolerance, humming a small song and walking back to the company slowly.

Navy stories, recruit companies and those things.

More than 30 years have passed since the special company tolerance I met in the Jiangshan Navy, and I still think it is quite interesting when I think about it, it was the personal experience of the soldiers at that time, and a real military life that cannot be forgotten and cannot be forgotten. The story of the Navy, after all, in the past 30 years, there have been many stories of the Navy, don't take it too seriously, and don't sit in the right seat, because what you hear may not be the same as me. In any case, the Sea and Sky Buddha Country" and the "South China Sea Sacred Realm", the peaceful and quiet places of nature, are worthy of your personal experience and understanding.

June 2024 in Chengdu