
The 2024 Women's Volleyball World League, the latest schedule on June 16, is worth looking forward to.

author:Brother Jian chats about the ball

Hello everyone, welcome to watch this article, and tell you about the latest situation of the Chinese women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team is currently competing in the Hong Kong World League game, in the previous game, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Bulgarian team 3:0, and defeated the German team 3:0 in the game just now, it can be said that the performance as the Chinese women's volleyball team is very eye-catching,

The 2024 Women's Volleyball World League, the latest schedule on June 16, is worth looking forward to.

As Cai Bin, he also hopes to lead the Chinese women's volleyball team to continue the previous good state in this World League, you must know that we won the runner-up in the World League last year, as long as we can play well this time, we can also achieve good results. After the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Bulgaria and Germany, it had officially locked in the Olympic Games, which is for the Chinese women's volleyball team to be able to calm down and strive to show a 100% bad state. For the subsequent World League, including the finals, let's play a better record, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will have two sub-league games.

The 2024 Women's Volleyball World League, the latest schedule on June 16, is worth looking forward to.

Just a few days ago, according to the latest media revelations, the latest schedule for June 16 was also announced, and I will give you a specific broadcast. At 5:45 p.m. on June 176, the Japanese women's volleyball team played against the United States, this game is still very worth looking forward to, the difference in strength between the two teams is not very large, see who can have the last laugh. Then at 8:30 in the evening, the Chinese women's volleyball team ushered in Hong Kong's last opponent, the Polish women's volleyball team, the current performance of the Polish women's volleyball team is very good, at the top of the World League, the overall level is very high, so it is worth looking forward to whether the Chinese women's volleyball team can play its best state to defeat the opponent when facing Poland.

The 2024 Women's Volleyball World League, the latest schedule on June 16, is worth looking forward to.

As long as Cai Bin can make good use of every player, we believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team will face some strong teams like Poland. Strive to take the initiative and get good results. Well, welcome to this article, let's talk about it in the next issue.

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