
More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

author:Haha Academy
More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed
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More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

On July 27, 2023, at the Russia-Africa summit, a shocking news swept the global sports world in an instant. The Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation solemnly announced that the World Friendship Games will be held from September 15 to 29, 2024.

This news is like a punch to the core interests of the IOC. The IOC reacted strongly immediately after hearing the news, accusing Russia of a serious violation of the Olympic Charter.

However, in the face of this sudden storm of sports diplomacy, Russia seems to be confident.

Russia's decision to host the World Friendship Games stems from a series of setbacks it has suffered on the international sports scene in recent years. The difficult journey dates back to 2020, when a doping scandal that shook the world of sports pushed Russia into the abyss of trouble.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

At the time, a number of Russian athletes were accused of using illegal drugs, an accusation that sent shockwaves through the international sporting world like a bomb. The IOC reacted quickly and imposed severe punitive measures against Russia.

After an investigation and hearing by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, a ruling shocked the Russian sports community: Russia was banned from participating in major international events in the name of the state.

The ruling was a bolt from the blue and dealt a heavy blow to the Russian sports world. Countless Russian athletes, whether involved in doping scandals or not, have had to face the harsh reality of not being able to compete on behalf of their homeland.

The fact that those athletes who have fought for the honor of their country for many years can only appear on the international stage as "neutral athletes" is undoubtedly a great damage to their self-esteem.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

However, fate does not seem to have spared Russia there. Just as the ban period is coming to an end, the Russia-Ukraine conflict that broke out in 2022 has brought a new blow to the Russian sports world.

The IOC used this as an excuse to once again disqualify Russia from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France. At the same time, Ukraine was allowed to participate normally, a stark contrast that deepened Russia's disappointment and anger.

In the face of this series of blows, the Russian sports world has fallen into an unprecedented trough. The dreams of the athletes have been shattered, the efforts of the coaches have been in vain, and the confidence of the entire country in sports has been seriously shaken.

The Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation was extremely indignant and disappointed, and they were convinced that this was an unfair treatment.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

In an attempt to fight for fairness, Russia has appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in an attempt to overturn the IOC's decision. Surprisingly, however, the Court of Arbitration for Sport ultimately sided with the IOC and supported the decision to ban Russia.

This series of setbacks and unfair treatment has provoked a strong backlash in the Russian sports world. They deeply feel that under the existing international sports order, Russian athletes cannot be treated fairly.

It was against this backdrop that the idea of hosting the World Friendship Games came into being. In this way, Russia hopes not only to provide a stage for its athletes to showcase their strength, but also to send a clear message to the international community that they are capable of organizing an international sports event without discrimination of any kind and truly embodying the spirit of fairness in sport.

Russia's decision to host the World Friendship Games is not only a result of its own predicament, but also a counter to the IOC's apparent double standards in dealing with similar issues.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

This contradiction has become more and more prominent since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has aroused widespread doubts in the international community.

At a time of rising tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, many observers predict that Israel, like Russia, could be banned from participating in the Paris 2024 Olympics as a state because of its involvement in the war.

However, the IOC's decision came as a surprise: they opened up to Israel and allowed it to participate normally.

The decision immediately sparked a strong response in the international sports community.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

In the face of public skepticism, the IOC has not been able to provide a convincing explanation. Their silence has deepened doubts about their decision-making criteria. All of a sudden, speculation and criticism abounded, and the credibility of the IOC was seriously challenged.

Russian sports circles are extremely unhappy with this. A Russian sports official, speaking on condition of anonymity, angrily stated: "This is nothing short of a blatant double standard!" The IOC's decision has become completely politicized and deviates from the essence of the Olympic spirit.

This unfair treatment has undoubtedly become another powerful impetus for Russia to host the World Friendship Games. In this way, they hope not only to provide a stage for their athletes to show their strength, but also to send a clear message to the international community: sport should be fair and just, and should not be swayed by political factors.

The Russian sports department has publicly stated that the World Friendship Games will uphold the principle of "without any discrimination" and will welcome athletes from all countries to participate. This statement is both a silent protest against the double standards of the IOC and an attempt by Russia to reshape the international sports order.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

However, this move by Russia has also sparked controversy. Some observers believe that Russia's hosting of the World Friendship Games is itself a political act, not fundamentally different from the IOC's approach that it criticizes.

But the Russians insist that their actions are aimed at preserving the fairness and purity of sport and are a necessary redress to the existing unjust sports order.

In any case, the controversy over eligibility is a profound reflection of the complex political environment facing the international sports community today, and highlights the enormous challenges faced in dealing with the relationship between sport and politics.

Faced with IOC sanctions and unfair treatment, Russia decided to act. The idea of the World Friendship Games was born, which is not only a sports event, but also a challenge to the international sports order launched by Russia.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Sports of Russia, the World Friendship Games will be held for two weeks from September 15 to 29, 2024. The opening ceremony will be held simultaneously in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, demonstrating Russia's ability and determination to host large-scale international events.

In terms of the scale of the event, although the World Friendship Games are not as large as the Olympic Games, they are also quite large-scale. A total of 36 summer sports were set up, covering the main sports in the Olympic Games.

The selection criteria for these events are mainly based on the performance of each participating country in the World Championships and the world ranking, ensuring the high level and spectacle of the competition.

In order to attract more countries and elite athletes to participate, Russia has invested heavily in setting prize money. It is reported that the Russian Ministry of Sports has invested a total prize fund of up to 100 million US dollars for this event, which is even more than the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, France.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

A Russian sports official who participated in the preparations proudly said: "We want to show the world that Russia is capable of hosting a truly fair and just international sports event."

This is not only a reward for our elite athletes, but also a respect for sportsmanship.

Russia's ambitions are not limited to hosting a successful event. Their goal is even longer: if the inaugural event goes ahead, the World Friendship Games will become a regular event, held every four years.

This plan is undoubtedly a challenge to the Olympic Games and a manifestation of Russia's determination to reshape the international sports landscape.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

The progress in the preparatory work is remarkable. Despite pressure from the IOC and skepticism from some countries, delegations from more than 70 countries have confirmed their attendance, representing more than a third of the global total.

This figure is undoubtedly a great encouragement to Russia and a testament to the attractiveness of the World Friendship Games.

"We welcome all sports-loving countries and athletes to participate in the World Friendship Games," the Russian Minister of Sports said at a press conference. There is no political bias here, just a pure love of sports.

We will even invite Ukrainian athletes to participate, because we believe that sport should be a bond to build bridges of friendship, not a tool to create differences.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

However, preparations for the World Friendship Games also face many challenges. The backlash from the International Olympic Committee, the boycott by some Western countries, and the complexity of organizing major international events have put enormous pressure on Russia.

But Russia seems ready to meet these challenges.

A Russian sports source, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed: "We know the road will not be smooth. But when we look at the athletes who are unable to showcase their talents on other international occasions for political reasons, and when we think of the sports fans who are eager to compete on a level playing field, we are even more determined to host this event.

This is not only for Russia, but for people all over the world who love sports.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

As the preparations progress, the World Friendship Games are gradually turning from a concept into a reality. Regardless of the final outcome, the event has undoubtedly left a strong mark on the history of international sport and provided us with a new perspective on the relationship between sport and politics.

As soon as the news of Russia's hosting of the World Friendship Games was announced, it immediately aroused strong repercussions in the international community. The response from all sides can be described as mixed, with voices for and against one after another.

The IOC has expressed strong dissatisfaction and concern about this. They quickly issued a statement in which they harshly condemned Russia's actions, accusing it of politicizing sports activities and violating the Olympic spirit.

A spokesman for the IOC said at a news conference: "We strongly oppose any attempt to divide the international sports community. The holding of the World Friendship Games will seriously undermine the existing international sports order.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

At the same time, they called on athletes and sports organizations from all countries to boycott the "illegal" sporting event.

However, despite pressure from the IOC, a number of countries have expressed their support for the World Friendship Games. According to statistics, delegations from more than 70 countries have confirmed their participation in the event, accounting for more than one-third of the total number of countries in the world.

This figure is undoubtedly a great encouragement to Russia, and it also shows the dissatisfaction of many countries with the existing international sports order.

Representatives of some supportive countries argued that the World Friendship Games provided a platform for athletes to compete on a level playing field for athletes who were politically excluded from mainstream international competitions.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

They stressed that sport should transcend politics and should not become a tool for political games.

At the same time, some neutral countries have called on all parties to remain calm and resolve their differences through dialogue. They fear that if the conflict intensifies further, it could cause irreparable damage to the global sports industry.

The preparation for the World Friendship Games is not only the birth of a sports event, but also the epitome of international political games.

This move by Russia has undoubtedly brought new variables to the international sports landscape. It challenges the long-held IOC-dominated sports order and opens up new opportunities for marginalized countries and athletes.

More than 70 countries will participate in the World Friendship Games hosted by Russia! The IOC strongly disagreed

However, will this challenge succeed and how will it affect the future of the international sports ecosystem? The answers to these questions will probably only be given by time. In any case, the emergence of the World Friendship Games has already written a strong stroke in the history of international sports.

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