
Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Very Mr. Watch Entertainment

2024-06-14 23:09Posted in Shanxi Entertainment Creators

The child of Huang Yiming, a contestant in "Youth with You 2", is it Wang Sicong? If so, how Wang Sicong will respond is a big melon in the entertainment industry recently.

Recently, Huang Yiming, who gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, didn't sleep in the early morning, and posted two videos in a row, complaining about "wsc" You are a der, to be honest, I hate you a lot, which made netizens think of Wang Sicong.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Huang Yiming is not Wang Sicong's public girlfriend, and now she is a single mother, which is even more imaginative, and the big melon has a strong premonition.

Even, Wang Sicong himself denied it in time, and his tone was very "Wang Sicong", saying don't go crazy with alcohol, what should you do, and he himself was shopping with his new girlfriend in Japan.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Sure enough, although Huang Yiming responded that it was a drunken complaint, he publicly released a long video a few days later, saying that Wang Sicong was the child's father.

In the face of Huang Yiming's conclusive revelations, Wang Sicong did not respond directly this time, but he was encountered by chance in a high-end children's clothing store in Japan, the price of a skirt is 1600 to 2000 yuan, it is said that Wang Sicong bought a lot of girls' clothes, and was suspected of buying them for Huang Yiming's daughter.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

In addition, at this juncture when public opinion is booming, Wang Sicong actually changed the avatar of his social platform, and the picture has the words "Your father is here".

Regarding Wang Sicong's approach, some people think that he indirectly admitted his daughter with Huang Yiming, but some people think that Wang Sicong is scolding Huang Yiming.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

At present, even if Huang Yiming's daughter's father is Wang Sicong, he should not respond publicly and officially, after all, he is unmarried, and he was exposed in an undignified way, at most he will give a child support.

is Huang Yiming, who previously said in the official announcement video that she didn't want to be a rich wife, if it weren't for wanting Wang Sicong to see that the child was blocked and caused an emotional breakdown, she wouldn't have exploded this matter.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

But now, Wang Sicong obviously doesn't want to have too much entanglement with her, but Huang Yiming has responded in the live broadcast one after another in the past few days, and it's endless.

Huang Yiming broke the news that she was 3 months old when she found out that she was pregnant, and she asked Wang Sicong's opinion at that time, who once said that you can give birth if you want to, but it didn't take long to persuade her not to give birth.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

As for why Huang Yiming chose to have a child, she had responded many times before, because the doctor told her at that time that it was difficult to get pregnant, and if labor was induced at that time, there was a high probability that she would not have a child in the future.

Regarding netizens ridiculing Huang Yiming's daughter as an illegitimate child, Huang Yiming also denied it, saying that if Wang Sicong was married at the time, then he would be a junior, and the child born was called an illegitimate child, so her daughter can only be said to be an illegitimate daughter.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

One of the main reasons why Huang Yiming was complained about during this period of time was that a large number of netizens thought that he was rubbing Wang Sicong's popularity.

In this regard, Huang Yiming also explained in detail in the video at the time, saying that if he was gaining popularity, then Wang Sicong should be exposed at the moment the child was born, instead of turning over the old accounts a year later.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

In addition, Huang Yiming also said that he did not take a penny from Wang Sicong at that time, and now he earns every penny of money to raise children, and he has to try 100 to 200 pieces of contact lenses a day, although he earns a lot, but at the cost of health.

But in fact, Huang Yiming's statement at that time was unconvincing, because as long as he had a relationship with Wang Sicong, whenever this matter was exposed, the traffic would skyrocket instantly.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

What's more, judging from the profile of Huang Yiming's social account, she is currently an artist under an MCN, and MCN is known to be good at hype, even if exposing Wang Sicong is not Huang Yiming's original intention, but at present, she is indeed rubbing people's traffic and national popularity.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Talking about Wang Sicong's persuasion to say goodbye, Huang Yiming also explained in detail the process of being blocked by Wang Sicong, and he was very happy throughout the whole process.

Huang Yiming said that he was drinking at the time, so he wanted Wang Sicong to see the child, and then he called him a voice, but Wang Sicong hung up, and Huang Yiming continued to play several times, until he was blocked, and he only posted those two videos after he broke the defense.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Regarding the matter of rubbing traffic, Huang Yiming is completely out of pretending now, and said in the live broadcast that he took 10,000 steps back, I rubbed the traffic of my child's father, I made some money, what happened to me, I had already brought the goods.

Things have developed to this point, and many netizens found out that Huang Yiming chose to expose the fact that the child's father was Wang Sicong, not for Wang Sicong, but for netizens, because she wanted traffic.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

Huang Yiming has spoken out so far, but he has only mentioned Wang Sicong as the child's father many times, but he has not publicly called Wang Sicong, such as asking him to give a response, asking him to do a paternity test, such as asking for child support, etc.

Since Huang Yiming said that the child's father is Wang Sicong, there is no doubt about it, and she has clear evidence, so as long as she is tough on Wang Sicong and continues to stir up the matter, the child's grandfather is such a traditional person, and he will not let Wang Sicong sit idly by, and this matter can end quickly.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

But Huang Yiming didn't, what she wants now is traffic, and then bring goods to make money by herself, I don't know if this practice should be praised? Or should it be degraded?

Finally, if Wang Sicong is really the child's father, I hope he will give Huang Yiming an explanation as soon as possible, after all, having a daughter out of wedlock is also his responsibility.

Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

As for Huang Yiming, the traffic has risen, and whether he can rely on his personal charm and products to retain fans in the future depends on himself and the company.

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  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth
  • Huang Yiming is completely gone! admitted to rubbing Wang Sicong's traffic, and bluntly said that it was wrong to make some money, and the man had persuaded her not to give birth

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