
watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

author:Sister Li chats about the present
watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

Recently, a name has caused a lot of waves in the mathematics community - Jiang Ping, an ordinary peasant girl from Jiangsu, won an eye-catching 12th place in the global Ali Mathematics Competition. Her achievements not only brought glory to her family and village, but also showed the world the truth that geniuses are born and hard work pays off.

Jiang Ping, a seemingly ordinary rural girl, has an extraordinary talent for mathematics. Her family is not wealthy, her father is a migrant worker who works abroad all the year round, and Jiang Ping and her sister depend on each other and take care of each other in their hometown. Despite the difficult living conditions, Jiang Ping never gave up her love and pursuit of mathematics. She chose to study at a secondary school, not only because she could reduce the financial burden on her family, but also because she firmly believed that as long as she worked hard, there was a shining stage everywhere.

watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

In the Global Ali Mathematics Competition, Jiang Ping stood out with her amazing mathematical talent and won the 12th place. This achievement not only shocked the mathematical community, but also made her family and village proud. Her name was hung high on a billboard and became the pride of her hometown. And behind all this is her countless days and nights of hard work and persistence.

Jiang Ping's success is inseparable from the careful guidance of her math teacher, Wang Yanqiu. Mr. Wang is not only her Bole, but also her guide. With the encouragement and help of Ms. Wang, Jiang Ping was able to give full play to her mathematical talent, constantly challenge herself, and finally achieved brilliant achievements. As a result, Mr. Wang has made a name for himself in the mathematics community, and his teaching methods and ideas have been widely recognized and praised.

watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

Although Jiang Ping's father has been working abroad all the year round, his care and support for his daughter has never been absent. After learning that his daughter had achieved such excellent results, the old man was excited. He said he has always believed in his daughter's abilities and is proud of her. This unwavering support from her family is a strong motivation for Jiang Ping to continue to move forward on the road of mathematics.

Jiang Ping's story tells us that gold always shines. No matter what your background is, as long as you have talent and hard work, you will definitely be able to break out of your own world. Her success is not only a personal honor, but also an inspiration and motivation for all young people with dreams and talents. Let us hope that Jiang Ping will continue to shine in the field of mathematics in the future and contribute more to the treasure house of human wisdom.

watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

At the same time, we should also think about how to provide more opportunities and support for more talented teenagers like Jiang Ping in the educational and social environment. Let's work together to create a more equitable and open environment for the growth and development of the younger generation. How do you think we should further explore and nurture potential talented teenagers? Welcome to leave a message to discuss and contribute ideas to the future hopeful stars.

watched the news to know his daughter's good results, this white-haired migrant worker father made people teary-eyed

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