
Snake game designed in C (console terminal)

author:DS Xiaolongge

1. Project introduction

At present, a snake mini-game is implemented through the console terminal to realize the game's drawing, updating, control and other functions.

Second, to achieve the effect

Snake game designed in C (console terminal)
Snake game designed in C (console terminal)

3. Complete Code

The code posted below is compiled and run on Windows, and needs to use the getch() function in the conio.h header file to get keyboard input, which is used to control the movement of the snake. You can control the snake to move up, down, left, and right by pressing the four keys 'w', 's', 'a', and 'd' respectively. There is also a pause function, Pause(), which is used to control the speed of the snake's movement, and the pause time can be adjusted as needed.

Design Ideas:

The program defines some constants, including the width and height of the game interface, the representation of symbols in different states, etc., and defines the position, score, length, direction of travel, and other parameters such as the head, body, and food of the snake in the global variables. A two-dimensional character array board is also defined to represent the entire game interface.

Initialize the game in the InitGame() function, and set the border, snake head, snake body, randomly generated food, etc. of the game interface.

The DrawGame() function is used to draw the game screen, output the characters in the board array line by line, and output the score at the end. The UpdateGame() function is used to update the game state, including the snake's movement, game over judgment, etc. The CheckGameOver() function is used to check whether the game is over, including wall collisions, snake body collisions, score caps, etc. The GenerateFood() function is used to randomly generate the location of the food, and the rand() function is called to obtain the random number and make a judgment. The move() function is used for the movement of the snake, which moves according to the current direction of travel. The Control() function is used for user actions, reads keyboard input, and updates the direction of travel of the snake. The Pause() function is used to control the speed of the game, and the pause time is controlled by calling the Sleep() function. The GameOver() function is used to output the final score and game over information, and to exit the program directly.

Snake game designed in C (console terminal)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>  //需要使用getch()函数
#include <time.h>   //需要使用time()函数
#include <Windows.h>

#define WIDTH 40    //游戏界面宽度
#define HEIGHT 20   //游戏界面高度

#define BLANK ' '   //空白
#define WALL '*'    //墙壁
#define SNAKEHEAD '@'  //蛇头
#define SNAKEBODY 'o'  //蛇身
#define FOOD '#39;    //食物

struct Position
    int x;    //横坐标
    int y;    //纵坐标

enum GameState
    Over = -1,   //游戏结束
    Running = 0, //游戏进行中
    Win = 1      //游戏胜利

int score = 0;   //得分
struct Position head;   //蛇头位置
struct Position body[WIDTH * HEIGHT];  //蛇身位置
struct Position food;   //食物位置
char board[WIDTH][HEIGHT];   //游戏界面
int length = 3;     //蛇身长度,初始为3
int direction = 0;  //蛇的行进方向,0表示向右,1表示向下,2表示向左,3表示向上

void InitGame();    //初始化游戏界面和蛇的初始位置
void DrawGame();    //绘制游戏画面
void UpdateGame();  //更新游戏状态
enum GameState CheckGameOver();  //检查游戏是否结束
void GenerateFood();   //生成随机食物
void Move();     //蛇的移动
void Control();  //用户操作,控制蛇的移动
void Pause();    //游戏暂停
void GameOver(); //游戏结束

int main()
    srand(time(NULL));   //用当前时间作为随机数种子,使每次运行的随机食物位置不同
    InitGame();   //初始化游戏
    DrawGame();   //绘制游戏画面
    while (1)
        UpdateGame();  //更新游戏
        DrawGame();    //绘制游戏画面
        Control();     //用户操作,控制蛇的移动
        Pause();       //游戏暂停     
    return 0;

void InitGame()
    for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
            if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == WIDTH - 1 || j == HEIGHT - 1) //设置墙壁
                board[i][j] = WALL;
                board[i][j] = BLANK;    //其他为空白

    head.x = WIDTH / 2;
    head.y = HEIGHT / 2;
    board[head.x][head.y] = SNAKEHEAD;

    body[0].x = head.x - 1;
    body[0].y = head.y;
    board[body[0].x][body[0].y] = SNAKEBODY;

    body[1].x = head.x - 2;
    body[1].y = head.y;
    board[body[1].x][body[1].y] = SNAKEBODY;

    GenerateFood();   //生成随机食物

void DrawGame()
    system("cls");   //清屏,避免前一帧的内容残留

    for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
            printf("%c", board[j][i]);  //输出一个字符
        printf("\n");    //每行输出完后,换行

    printf("Score: %d\n", score);   //输出得分

void UpdateGame()
    Move();   //蛇的移动
    enum GameState state = CheckGameOver();  //检查游戏是否结束
    if (state != Running)  //如果游戏结束,则进行相应操作

enum GameState CheckGameOver()
    if (board[head.x][head.y] == WALL)
        return Over;

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (head.x == body[i].x && head.y == body[i].y)
            return Over;

    if (head.x == food.x && head.y == food.y)
        score += 10;

    if (length == (WIDTH - 2) * (HEIGHT - 2) - 4)
        return Win;

    return Running;   //游戏继续进行

void GenerateFood()
    int x, y;
        x = rand() % (WIDTH - 2) + 1;    //随机x坐标,排除在边框上的墙壁位置
        y = rand() % (HEIGHT - 2) + 1;   //随机y坐标,排除在边框上的墙壁位置
    } while (board[x][y] != BLANK);   //如果随机到的位置不为空白,则重新随机
    food.x = x;
    food.y = y;
    board[x][y] = FOOD;  //在随机位置生成食物

void Move()
    for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--)
        body[i].x = body[i - 1].x;
        body[i].y = body[i - 1].y;
        board[body[i].x][body[i].y] = SNAKEBODY;

    switch (direction)   //根据蛇头行进方向进行移动
    case 0:  //向右
    case 1:  //向下
    case 2:  //向左
    case 3:  //向上
    board[head.x][head.y] = SNAKEHEAD;   //更新蛇头位置
    board[body[length - 1].x][body[length - 1].y] = BLANK;  //清除蛇尾

void Control()
    if (kbhit())   //如果有按键按下
        char ch = getch();   //获取按键字符
        switch (ch)
        case 'w':
            if (direction != 1)  //避免蛇头掉头
                direction = 3;
        case 's':
            if (direction != 3)
                direction = 1;
        case 'a':
            if (direction != 0)
                direction = 2;
        case 'd':
            if (direction != 2)
                direction = 0;
        case 'q':
            GameOver();  //按下'q'键退出游戏

void Pause()
    Sleep(150);   //每次循环暂停一段时间,控制蛇的移动速度

void GameOver()
    system("cls");   //清屏,输出最终得分和游戏结束信息
    printf("Game over!\n");
    printf("Your score: %d\n", score);
    exit(0);  //直接退出程序

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