
20 nutrition tips to embrace health

author:The journey is like a meal
20 nutrition tips to embrace health

1. Try to put eggs in the refrigerator, eggs at room temperature for a day is equal to a week in the refrigerator, the surface of the eggs is very rough, there is a layer of hoarfrost, such eggs are generally fresh, you can also shake it by hand, if the eggs have a shaking feeling, it means that the eggs are not fresh. Keep the eggs in the refrigerator with their heads facing down.

2. Eat staple foods and remember 6 words: coarse grains and beans, eat a little of everything, and don't eat too much of everything. Coarse grains are mainly various whole grains such as brown rice, black rice, etc. Multigrains refer to corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. Mixed beans are resistant to mung beans, chickpeas and other starchy beans. In particular, it should be noted that high-fat beans such as soybeans and black beans are not included in the range of miscellaneous beans and cannot be eaten as a staple food.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

3. People with constipation usually eat more fresh legumes rich in dietary fiber, such as peas, edamame, etc. So, if you're looking for a dietary fiber, these fresh legumes are packed with nutritional value. In addition to being rich in dietary fiber, the protein content is very rich. Don't judge the amount of dietary fiber based on taste, as vegetables with a coarse texture may not have as much dietary fiber as vegetables with a more delicate taste

4. Don't eat more meat than the palm of your hand every day, the dietary fiber content of vegetables varies greatly, and vegetables of various colors are matched with a pound of food every day, and half of them are green leafy vegetables. The amount of fruit should be controlled, and half a catty can be eaten every day. Nuts are the easiest to stop, grab a handful and come out, immediately seal the nuts and put them away.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

5. Don't simply think that lard is good or bad, it is recommended that everyone eat less lard because Chinese eat more pork, so we must control lard. If Chinese eat a lot of beef, maybe the butter will exceed the standard, then we naturally have to limit the intake of butter. In general, vegetable oils are healthier than animal oils.

6. Develop the habit of eating seafood and mushrooms regularly. Buy soaked kelp instead of green, the normal kelp color should be dark, buy seaweed to buy shiny, buy wash does not fade, do not buy white white fungus.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

7. Try to buy yam with iron sticks, the harder the yam, the better, buy the moderate thickness, rust is generally a good yam. Putting two iron stick yam when cooking rice every day is much stronger than eating yam powder from health products. It is best not to peel the steamed yam, the nutrients under the skin are the highest, the outer skin is washed, and after steaming, the skin can be peeled off gently.

8. The redder the tomatoes, the higher the lycopene content, do not buy tomatoes with hard skin, either they are not ripe, or the skin is thick. Cherry tomatoes are not genetically modified food, that is, small tomatoes, in the winter when cherry tomatoes are on the market in large quantities, I like to eat cherry tomatoes like tomatoes, cherry tomatoes are noodles, cherry tomatoes scrambled eggs are delicious.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

9. Instead of dwelling on various functions, it is better to eat a little more in terms of quantity. When buying milk, you should pay attention to these points, pay attention to the production date, pay attention to the protein content, buy milk with a protein content of more than 3.2g, and buy milk with only raw milk in the ingredient list. Guarantee a bag of milk and a bottle of yogurt every day, as long as the amount of food is guaranteed, it is more cost-effective than buying high-priced milk.

10. Don't eat pickles, the nitrite content in pickles will be reduced to a minimum for 21 days. I have no appetite in summer, and when someone drinks porridge, they like to order small pickles. If you want to minimize the harm of nitrite to the human body, when pickling pickles, you should put more ginger, garlic cloves, chili peppers, etc., to minimize the damage of nitrite to the human body.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

11. Eat plenty of rainbow foods to enrich your plate. Buy more dark-colored fruits and vegetables, the antioxidants in dark colors are significantly higher than those in light colors, such as purple corn, which has a higher nutritional value than white waxy corn.

12. Short-time, low-temperature cooking has less damage to the nutrients of ingredients. To minimise the amount of oil used, you can choose the frying method, first fry the food with oil to increase the flavor, then add hot water and cover the pot with a lid to conduct heat with steam to cook the food. Stir-fry vegetables in a hot pan with cold oil, less oil smoke, and reduce nutrient loss.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

13. When buying food, you must not only look at the appearance, sometimes the higher the appearance, the more problems may be. It is safer not to buy snow-white lotus roots, carrots with mud, white and fat pig's trotters, and pink beef on deli stalls.

14. Buy oatmeal, only buy oats with only one ingredient in the ingredient list. Although this kind of oatmeal does not taste very good, it has higher nutritional value. Don't buy the kind of oatmeal that has five or six lines on the ingredient list, and after eating, your blood sugar will rise.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

15. In summer, buy less food such as jelly, although it is refreshing, but steamed dumplings, vermicelli, etc. are not high nutritional value of food, this kind of food in the production process of many nutrients are lost, basically left is pure starch.

16. Don't buy ready-made meat stuffing in the supermarket, and don't buy beef and mutton with special prices in the supermarket, plus the price of water, in fact, it is more expensive. When buying beef and mutton, you have to leave the red light and see if the color of the meat is normal.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

17. When eating watermelon in summer, you can't eat half of it at once. Eating is not good for blood sugar or weight loss. To leave a share of other foods, a person can eat a limited amount of food, and it is impossible to diversify food by eating too much of one thing.

18. If there is no hunger before eating, it means that you have eaten too much at the previous meal. Especially for dinner, it is necessary to ensure that there is a slight feeling of hunger before breakfast the next day, which is an effective way to ensure that the energy you eat every day will not be accumulated.

20 nutrition tips to embrace health

19. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, and it is not safe to take vitamin E pills. It is really a pleasure to eat nuts to supplement vitamin E, eat cereal in the morning, mix some yogurt in it, and put some nuts. This kind of squirrel breakfast is recommended by nutrition experts.

20. Spinach, bamboo shoots and other foods containing more oxalic acid should be blanched before eating. Add some oil and salt when blanching, and the blanched vegetables are green in color. When boiling water, the water should be wide, and after the water boils, put the vegetables, and do not boil the water for too long. Pay attention to these small methods of blanching, and there is less nutrient loss.

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