
Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;


Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position.

He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university; Then he invited Jiang Ping to fight, saying that he would invite the teacher to take the test, and said that as long as Jiang Ping came to the exam, he would transfer 20,000 yuan in advance.

Zhao Bin is also a bigwig-level figure in the mathematics world, and he has won many awards for tutoring students, so he should not be just trying to gain popularity.

The final is just around the corner, so let's wait and see. I still hope that the little girl can be happy and frank, regardless of whether she does well in the exam or not.

Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;
Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;
Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;
Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;
Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University and a gold medal coach in mathematics, came out again to express his position. He first questioned that Jiang Ping had a team behind him, and said that he was willing to bear the consequences and bear all the costs of Jiang Ping's university;

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