
2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG


1-0 RNG:17,000,haichao LGDs


2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

LGD banned: Ash, Cards, Airplanes, Blind Monk, Senna


RNG banned: Rambo, Scorpion, Cannon, Varus, Delevingne


【Competition Overview】

13 mins: Jinjiao Leona flashes QR fingers and fights west, and cooperates with Zeli to collect the double kill

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

17 mins: RNG kills Zeli first and then the Dragons win, taking the Dragons and killing Quisanti

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

24 mins: haichao LeBlanc crouch operation, RNG takes the dragon but LGD plays 3 for 5

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

28 min: LGD Dalong is too hesitant to make a decision, and Wei successfully snatches Dalong with a male gun

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

35 min: Haichao LeBlanc drops Jinx in seconds, LGD plays an ace to end the match

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG


2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

LGD 2-0 RNG:死亡颂唱火力全开,LGD龙魂制胜赢下比赛


2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

RNG banned: Rambo, Titan, Yon, Kaisha, Ezreal


LGD banned: Ash, Cannon, Leona, Quisanti, cards


【Competition Overview】

7 minutes: A team battle broke out between the two dragons, and Meteor Death Song accepted the dragon LGD and played 2 for 3

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

12 mins: RNG down 3 over 1 Jace, huanfeng Bomberman successfully takes the head

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

15 mins: Vanguard breaks out between the two sides, and Meteor Death Song deals 1-for-3 with LGD damage

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

19 mins: A team battle broke out in Xiaolongkeng between the two sides, and Jinjiao Niutou was finally played 0 for 2 by Second RNG

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

25 mins: A team battle breaks out again in Xiaolongkeng, and the two sides finally play 3 for 3, but LGD wins Xiaolong

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

30 minutes: The two sides of the Dragon Soul Group are full of each other, LGD plays 2 for 4 and takes the Dragon Soul with a huge advantage

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG

35 mins: Rat and Death Song are maxed out with damage, and LGD wins the game with a team kill

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG
2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG


2024LPL夏季赛LGD 2-0 RNG