
Heavy! The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, Jalili is in second place, and the suspense of the next round of voting has escalated

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

The results of the first round of the Iranian presidential election are out! Jalili and Pezeshkian compete for the next round!

Heavy! The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, Jalili is in second place, and the suspense of the next round of voting has escalated

On June 28, the smoke of Iran's presidential election had just cleared, but the results of the first round of voting had already attracted global attention. According to the results of the vote count released by Iran's Election Commission on June 29, the two candidates, Jalili and Pezeshkian, ranked the top two with 963,615 and 973,052 votes, respectively, and will jointly compete for victory in the next round of voting. This election is not only about the political trend of Iran, but also a major attraction in the international political landscape.

Heavy! The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, Jalili is in second place, and the suspense of the next round of voting has escalated

The two giants faced off, and the Iranian election entered a white-hot one

Jalili and Pezeshkian are both heavyweights in Iranian politics, and their showdown will undoubtedly push this election to a new climax. Jalili won the support of many voters with his steady political style and extensive diplomatic experience, while Pezeshkian won the favor of young people with his radical reform ideas and youthful leadership style.

Judging by the current vote situation, the votes of the two candidates are almost the same, which means that the next round of voting will be more intense and unpredictable. Whoever emerges from this contest and becomes the new president of Iran will not only affect Iran's domestic political landscape, but will also have a far-reaching impact on the stability and development of the Middle East region.

Heavy! The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, Jalili is in second place, and the suspense of the next round of voting has escalated

Kalibaf and Poole Mohammadi are close behind, but it is difficult to shake the top two

In addition to Jalili and Pezeshkian, two other candidates, Kalibaf and Poole Mohammadi, also participated in the election. However, judging by the current vote situation, they are far behind the top two candidates. Kalibaf came in third with 341,056 votes, while Poole Mohammadi was bottom with 15,625 votes.

Despite the extensive propaganda and mobilization efforts of Kalibaf and Pur Mohammadi in the run-up to the election, it was difficult to gain sufficient support because their political ideas and leadership styles were far from what the Iranian people expected. However, their performance in the election has also injected new vitality into Iranian politics, showing the diversity and complexity of Iran's political ecology.

Election Results: Iranians expect both change and stability

Judging from the results of this election, the Iranian people have clear expectations and demands for the future political direction. They want to see political change and reform move forward, while maintaining the stability and prosperity of the country. This appeal is on full display in the two candidates, Jalili and Pezeshkian.

With his steady political style and rich diplomatic experience, Jalili has won the trust and support of the people for stability; Pezeshkian, on the other hand, has won the public's expectations and aspirations for change with his radical reform ideas and youthful leadership style. The showdown between the two candidates is not only a contest of political power, but also a choice and vote for the future political direction of the Iranian people.

Heavy! The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, Jalili is in second place, and the suspense of the next round of voting has escalated

Outlook for the next round of voting: suspenseful, who will have the last laugh?

With no candidate receiving more than 50 percent of the vote in this election, Iran is set for an exciting second round of voting. In this round of voting, Jalili and Pezeshkian will compete and compete more fiercely. They will use various methods to win the support and votes of voters in order to win the final vote and win the presidency.

However, with the two candidates having similar votes and close support, the outcome of the next round of voting will be more difficult to predict and determine. Whoever will have the last laugh in this contest and succeed in being elected president will not only test their political wisdom and leadership, but will also have a profound impact on Iran's future development.

Conclusion: Iran's general election has attracted global attention, and the future direction is worth looking forward to

The results of the first round of Iran's presidential election have been announced, and Jalili and Pezeshkian will jointly compete for victory in the next round of voting. The election not only attracted global attention and attention, but also showed the diversity and complexity of Iran's political ecology. What will be the future of Iran's politics? Who will emerge victorious and win the presidency? These issues deserve our close attention and anticipation.

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