
Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

Is the fighting in Gaza about to subside? The U.S. ships urgently assembled in the Mediterranean, and the situation was confusing

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the "phase of fierce fighting" between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Gaza Strip was nearing its end, while RIA Novosti warned that Israel could be pushed to disaster. At the same time, the rendezvous of the US Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the dock landing ship USS Elm Hill in the Mediterranean Sea was an evacuation preparation or a deterrent move? How is the situation in Gaza developing?

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Army Chief of Staff Al-Halevi have said that the Israeli army's "fierce fighting phase" with Hamas in the Gaza Strip is "very close to the end", suggesting that the Israeli army is about to eliminate the Hamas Rafah Brigade, which consists of four battalions. This news undoubtedly brings a glimmer of hope for a thaw in the conflict in Gaza, which has lasted for weeks. However, behind this seeming calm, the situation is becoming more and more confusing.

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

On the 20th, the website of RIA Novosti published an article entitled "Israel is being pushed to disaster", pointing out that judging from the fighting situation in recent weeks, Israel is actually unable to achieve a decisive victory in the Gaza Strip. According to the analysis of the article, although Hamas has suffered heavy losses, its foundation has not been moved, and it still has a strong counterattack capability. Coupled with the complex terrain and dense population of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army is facing great difficulties and challenges in the process of advancing. Therefore, RIA Novosti warns that if Israel continues to be blindly confident and risky in attacking, it is likely to be pushed into the abyss of disaster.

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

While the fierce fighting between Israel and Hamas is still ongoing, the movements of the US Navy have also attracted widespread attention. According to information released by the US Navy on the 27th, the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, which was carrying US Marine Corps personnel on the 26th, entered the Mediterranean Sea and joined the dock landing ship "Elm Hill", which entered the Mediterranean Sea earlier. This move has sparked a lot of speculation and attention from the outside world.

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

As for the reason for the warship transfer, NBC, citing sources from U.S. Defense Department officials, reported that the Wasp was deployed in the eastern Mediterranean, mainly to evacuate U.S. citizens when the conflict between Israel and Lebanon Allah escalated. This statement seems to provide a plausible explanation for the transfer of American warships. However, some U.S. officials said that the move was not just for evacuation preparations, but more for deterrent purposes. They believe that the build-up of US warships can send a clear message to Israel and Hamas: the United States will closely monitor the development of the situation in Gaza and is ready to take the necessary actions to maintain regional peace and stability.

The emergency movement of US warships has undoubtedly added a touch of uncertainty to the already tense situation in Gaza. On the one hand, this shows that the United States attaches great importance to and is concerned about the situation in the Middle East. On the other hand, it could also trigger further tensions and confrontations between Israel and Hamas. After all, in the face of war and conflict, any move by either side could become the trigger for a larger conflict.

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

So, how exactly will the situation in Gaza develop? As things stand, although the Israeli side says that the war is nearing its end, Hamas still has a strong counterattack capability, and the terrain and demographic factors of the Gaza Strip also make it extremely difficult for the Israeli army to advance. Therefore, we cannot be blindly optimistic that Israel will soon achieve a decisive victory. At the same time, we cannot ignore the potential impact of the build-up of U.S. warships in the Mediterranean. This can make an already complex situation even more confusing and unpredictable.

Hamas could not be eliminated, and Netanyahu played a trump card, revealing that the US warship was preparing to evacuate from Lebanon

In conclusion, the development of the situation in Gaza remains fraught with uncertainties and uncertainties. We need to pay close attention to developments and developments on all fronts in order to keep abreast of the latest developments. At the same time, we also call on all parties to remain calm and exercise restraint, resolve differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation, and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

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