
The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

The results of Iran's presidential election have been announced: reformist Pezeshkian leads the way and will compete with Jalili for the final throne

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

On June 29, 2024, the results of Iran's presidential election were released, and after more than 19 million votes were counted, Pezeshkian led the way with 8.3 million votes and will face Jalili in the final runoff on July 5. The reformist candidate's special status and rich experience have attracted widespread attention.

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

With the order of the Iranian Ministry of Internal Affairs, on June 29, 2024, this hot summer day, the preliminary results of the Iranian presidential election were finally announced. According to Al Jazeera, among the more than 19 million votes cast by Iranians after an intense counting process, reformist candidate Pezeshkian led the way with a staggering 8.3 million votes, followed by Jalili with 7.2 million votes. However, the election did not end there, as neither candidate received a majority of the vote, and the top two vote-earners will face a thrilling runoff on July 5, according to Iranian electoral law.

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

In this high-profile election, Pezeshkian has undoubtedly emerged as the most eye-catching candidate. He is not only a representative of the reformist faction, but also the only ethnic Azerbaijani and the oldest of the candidates. This candidate, who has a wealth of life experience and outstanding achievements, has won wide support from the Iranian people with his wisdom and courage.

Pezeshkian's life story is legendary. He joined the military camp at the age of 19 and participated in the Iran-Iraq war that shocked the world. In the war-torn years, he was brave and fearless, charging into battle, and made great efforts to defend the country. After the war, he did not choose a comfortable life, but chose to enter a university to further his medical studies. Through his tireless efforts, he became an outstanding specialist in cardiac surgery and served as the president of a medical university. This experience not only allowed him to accumulate a wealth of medical knowledge and practical experience, but also gave him a deep understanding of the needs of Iranian society and the expectations of the people.

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

After entering the political arena, Pezeshkian served as deputy minister and then minister of health with his medical background and deep connections. During his tenure, he actively promoted the reform and innovative development of the medical and health system, and worked hard to improve the level of medical security for the Iranian people. His efforts have been recognized and praised by the general public, and have also won him more political capital and influence.

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

In the presidential election, Pezeshkian ran as a reformist, putting forward a series of forward-looking and innovative policy proposals. He called for strengthening economic reform and opening up to the outside world to promote the sustainable development of Iran's economy. He advocated strengthening democracy and social justice, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people. He also stressed the need to strengthen international cooperation and cultural exchanges and promote Iran to play a greater role in the international arena. These policy propositions are in line with the expectations and interests of the Iranian people, and make him the ideal candidate for many voters.

The results of the Iranian presidential election are out, and the first place is similar to Ahmadinejad, and there will be another election in six days

In the final runoff, Pezeshkian will face off against Jalili. Although Jalili is also an experienced politician and diplomat, he has clear differences with Pezeshkian on reform and opening up. The showdown between the two candidates will cause fierce shocks in Iran's political arena and great public attention. Regardless of the final outcome, this election will have far-reaching implications for Iran's future.

As an important choice for the Iranian people, this presidential election will not only test the political wisdom and leadership of the candidates, but also test the unity and stability of Iranian society. We look forward to a better future and development for Iran in the days to come.

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