
What should you do if you encounter similar problems such as house, bride price, etc. before marriage?

author:This peace of mind
What should you do if you encounter similar problems such as house, bride price, etc. before marriage?

Last night, I was suddenly called by my cousin to eat.

Although it is not a "Hongmen Banquet", I realize with my sixth sense that there will definitely be important matters to discuss.

Sure enough, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, my sister-in-law spoke.

It turned out that the eldest niece had a boyfriend, and the two had been dating for a long time, and it was time to talk about marriage. However, there were disagreements between the two sides on issues such as housing and bride price. My cousin's family couldn't make up their minds, so they came to me to discuss.

I've seen the boyfriend of the eldest niece, and the young man is not bad and polite. It's just that the family is a bit special: the mother died early due to illness, the father remarried, and the stepmother married with a daughter. It is a typical "platter-style" family.

What should you do if you encounter similar problems such as house, bride price, etc. before marriage?

The family lives in a new house, on the sixth floor, with an elevator, which was bought with a loan a few years ago. is still repaying the mortgage, with a monthly payment of more than 4,000 yuan.

In addition, there is an old house, also on the sixth floor, without an elevator, which is currently rented out.

In the beginning, the boyfriend promised to live in a new house when he got married, and his parents and sister went to live in the old house. But a few days ago, I don't know why I changed my mind: if my eldest niece and boyfriend choose a new house, they will have to bear at least half of the loan; If you choose an old house, your parents can be responsible for redecorating it.

Of course, on the issue of financial gifts (the market is 160,000) and "hardware", the other party also wants to reduce it......

In short, in the face of marriage, the man is like a buyer in the business field, wanting to pay as little as possible; The woman is like a seller, trying to get more money.

So much for.

What should you do if you encounter similar problems such as house, bride price, etc. before marriage?

Because I have no experience and don't know much about the actual situation of the other party's parents, I can't really give much pertinent advice in the face of a special family like my eldest niece's boyfriend.

What would your friends do if something like this happened to them?