
Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

[Opening statement]: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

In the vast history, the mainland, with its splendid culture and strong economic strength, occupied a core position in the ancient international trade arena, became the leader of the trade route known as the "Silk Road", led the progress of world civilization, and was known as the "Lion of the East".

From the far western regions to the treacherous Atlantic Ocean, silk, ceramics and tea made in China are embedded like pearls all over the world, exuding the unique charm of oriental civilization.

However, as the new power of the West began to rise rapidly, the mainland failed to keep up with the pace of the world in time. The wave of the industrial revolution swept like a stormy wave, and China, a ship that was once imposing and high, suffered an unprecedented impact, and in this way, it was defeated and fell into the quagmire of shame step by step......

Now that the mainland has embarked on the road of rejuvenation, it has been followed by obstruction by Western countries, why do Western countries not want China to rise? Or even hate China? In fact, history has long said everything.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

The background of the times and the economic prosperity

What is the reason why people are often prejudiced and hostile to the mainland, a once glorious ancient civilization? The answer begins with China's centuries-long history of humiliation.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Britain, as the leader of the industrial revolution, used its advanced military technology and economic strength to forcibly open up China, a large market known as "Oriental Paradise". In 1840, the Qing government went to war with Britain as a result of its attempt to ban opium from entering the country, and finally had to sign a series of unequal treaties under the pressure of force.

This marked the beginning of a long and painful period of "100 years of national humiliation" in China. Unequal treaties led to China being forced to cede territories such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, and foreigners enjoyed many privileges in Chinese mainland, making China a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

Immediately afterwards, France, Russia, Germany, the United States and other Western powers also implemented the same colonial plunder policy against China. They use the threat of arms to force the Chinese government and opposition to sign more unequal treaties that humiliate the country, thereby plundering China's territory, resources and sovereignty.

It is precisely this series of humiliating historical events that has left an extremely unbearable impression on Western countries in the minds of Chinese. China, once known as the "factory of the world" and the "center of world civilization", is now left with devastated ruins......

Western means of aggression

In the face of the iron shoes of the Western powers, the Chinese nation was defeated and retreated one after another, suffering heavy losses one after another. However, in the memory and collective unconscious of the Chinese, this shameful history has never been forgotten.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

In the bottom of every Chinese's heart, they look forward to the day when the world can once again see the breadth and profundity of Chinese civilization and impress the great powers that once ravaged the motherland. From the Taiping Rebellion, to the Wuxu Reform, to the Xinhai Revolution, generations of people with lofty ideals have made unremitting efforts to save the country and realize the ideal of a rich country and a strong army.

The unequal treaties such as the "Sino-French New Treaty" and the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", which were forced to sign the humiliating Sino-French Treaty, were only temporary setbacks, and one day they will be eradicated by the Chinese!

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

It is with such ambition and ambition that China has finally regained its strength from the quagmire of a century of humiliation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China led the people to work hard and self-reliantly, and finally enabled the Chinese nation to regain its vigor and strength, from a ravaged semi-colonial and semi-feudal society to prosperity and strength step by step.

Since the end of the Cold War, China has seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for peaceful development, persisted in reform and opening up, and achieved economic take-off. Today, China has regained the respect of the world and has become one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, with a series of cutting-edge scientific and technological undertakings such as weapons and equipment manufacturing and aerospace.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

Brzezinski's insights evolve

Of course, China's path to a peaceful rise has not been easy. Zbigniew Brzezinski and other Western scholars were wary and suspicious of China's development. They fear that China, the world's second-largest economy and a power to be reckoned with, threatens the geopolitical interests of Western countries in the future.

Just as Zbigniew Brzezinski said in his book: "China's rejuvenation will inevitably threaten the dominance of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and strategic confrontation and military confrontation will inevitably arise between the two major powers."

However, the passage of time has gradually changed his views on China. As China adheres to the path of peaceful development, adheres to the concept of "win-win cooperation", and promotes constructive participation in global economic governance, Brzezinski has begun to see a new face of China as a responsible major country.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

"China is unwittingly becoming a pillar of the world order, not a disruptor," he said. China does want to play a more important role in international affairs, but not to overthrow the Western-dominated system, but to gain a greater voice through participation and reform. "

Regarding China's relations with Western countries, the geopolitical master further analyzed: "The two major countries should jointly respond to the challenges facing all mankind such as climate change and disease epidemics based on the principle of mutual understanding and exchange of interests, instead of blindly threatening and confronting each other."

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

China's struggle and self-improvement are endless

In fact, if we look back at China's development process, we will find that the Chinese nation has never been a belligerent, but yearns for peaceful coexistence. Even in the darkest of times, China has never given up on the idea of maintaining peace and pursuing win-win results.

Since the end of World War II, social unrest and war have been everywhere, but China has always maintained the determination of a major country, adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and resolved differences through diplomacy rather than using force.

Even in the most difficult times, China has never launched a war of aggression, but has always adhered to the path of peaceful development. From the Vietnam War to the North Korean nuclear crisis, China has played the role of a responsible major country, advocating dialogue to resolve differences.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

In the 21st century, China has become a staunch force for safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. Whether it is tackling major challenges facing mankind, such as climate change, poverty alleviation and development, or fighting the pandemic, China has bravely shouldered great responsibilities and contributed its wisdom and solutions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Today, China is becoming the world's largest trading country, manufacturing center and source of outbound tourists, and has also set up a number of international cooperation initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which have injected lasting impetus into world peace and development.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

In this process, China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development and played the role of builder and defender of international affairs, rather than saboteur and predator. This is in stark contrast to the development of the Western powers in the last century, which ruled with an iron fist and colonized expansion.

Chinese's memories of a century of humiliation are always imprinted in their minds, but they are not to reinterpret past grievances and hold grudges. On the contrary, the Chinese nation should use its strength and wisdom to wash away the historical shame and realize the great dream of national rejuvenation in a peaceful way.

As Zbigniew Brzezinski said: "China is trying to re-establish its position in international affairs through peaceful development, not to start a war or seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region." Whoever tries to stop it is doomed to fail. "

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

In this regard, the Chinese government and people have the same understanding. The mainland has stressed on many occasions that China will never repeat the old path of Western countries and will not follow the development path of colonial expansion and hegemony by force.

As an ancient civilization in the East, Chinese civilization has always advocated the concept of "great harmony under heaven", emphasizing the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. China will uphold this concept, strive to achieve the harmonious development of human society, and contribute wisdom and strength to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

China's future development

In this process, there will undoubtedly be many obstacles. After all, those who defend vested interests tend to be wary and resistant to change. However, as Zbigniew Brzezinski said, "Any attempt to block China's rise is doomed to fail as if it could not stop the waves."

After a hundred years of hardships, the Chinese nation is no longer the "sick man" who was bullied and helpless. Today, a vibrant, increasingly revitalized China has regained its footing in the East of the world. The tireless efforts of countless heroic sons and daughters have brought about a magnificent picture of China becoming more and more prosperous and powerful.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

There is no doubt that a vibrant China is integrating into the world with a new look. With a more open and inclusive mind, she will play a more active role on the world stage and work with the people of all countries to jointly write a new glorious chapter of human civilization.

No matter how the international community views China's rise, it will not stop the great process of moving this ancient country from shame to rejuvenation. After suffering and hardship, the Chinese nation has become more tenacious, tenacious and full of wisdom. Brzezinski's prophecy of "washing away the shame" will surely become a reality in the near future.

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame


In short, no matter how much Western countries doubt and criticize it, China will calmly face it and make great strides forward. This ancient country, which has been devastated by humiliation, is striding forward along the path of peaceful development and moving towards a more brilliant future. China will not only wash away the century-old national humiliation, but also contribute its wisdom and strength to world peace and development.

Along the way, the Chinese have written a new legend of national rejuvenation with their wisdom and courage. Looking forward to the future, the Chinese nation will surely write a more splendid chapter in history with firmer conviction and determination.

The uncomplaining dedication of countless Chinese sons and daughters will surely make this country, once known as the "sick man", rebuild the extraordinary majesty of the "lion of the East". On that day, the dream of the Chinese nation towards rejuvenation will finally come true! What do you think differently about this?

Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame
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Why do Western countries hate China? Zbigniew Brzezinski: Sooner or later, China will wash away 150 years of shame

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