
The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

author:The stars are all over the world
The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

The U.S. space dream has suffered another setback: the two astronauts have had a difficult journey back from space

Dear readers and friends, today I would like to talk to you about a hot topic - the latest space mission of the United States. This mission was supposed to be another milestone in the US space industry, but it did not expect to make a lot of jokes, which made both NASA and Boeing break out in a cold sweat.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

It's a long story, so let's take our time.

Space exploration: a new track for the great powers

When it comes to space exploration, it is a new battlefield for the great powers. Not long ago, China's Chang'e-6 landed on the moon and started exploration and research there. Seeing this, the Americans could not sit still, and hurriedly sent two astronauts into space, hoping to take the lead in this space race.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

But who would have thought that something would go wrong with this heaven.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Two veterans embark on a journey into space

This time the United States sent two veterans into space. Wilmore, 61, and Williams, 58. Not young, right? Don't underestimate them, these two are experienced astronauts. NASA chose them because of their rich experience and hope to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

The two veterans were flying on Boeing's Starliner spaceship. Originally, everyone thought that this mission would go well. But who knows, trouble will come one after another.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

The launch process: a thrilling beginning

On the day of the launch, there was a cheer at the scene, and everyone felt that the starliner would fly into space without a hitch. Unexpectedly, not long after taking off, the problem came.

The first is a helium leak. This is no small matter, a helium leak will not only affect the power of the spacecraft, but can also cause high temperatures, like planting a time bomb in the spaceship, which can cause major problems at any time.

Then the oxidizer control valve malfunctioned, nearly preventing the ship from flying out of the Earth's atmosphere. And that's not all, the spacecraft's attitude control system also went on strike, leaving the spacecraft wobbly in space and struggling to maintain stability.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

The worst thing is that there is a problem with the automatic docking system of the spacecraft and the ISS. You know, without this system, astronauts would not be able to enter the space station, but can only float around in space.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Twists and turns: finally entering the space station

Faced with so many problems, the people at NASA and Boeing are in a hurry. While they were busy solving these problems, they also had to worry about the safety of the two astronauts. And they have to find a way to save the reputation of the United States in the field of space!

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Fortunately, these two veterans are not vegetarians. With years of experience and excellent skills, they overcame many difficulties and finally succeeded in entering the International Space Station. When everyone heard this, did they all breathe a sigh of relief?

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Don't get too excited, the real difficulties are just beginning.

The way home: the return date that has been repeatedly postponed

According to the original plan, Wilmore and Williams were supposed to return to Earth on June 14. However, due to various malfunctions on the spacecraft, their return date was postponed again and again. It was first changed to June 18, and then to June 22. What now? I'm afraid even they don't know exactly when they'll be able to go home.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

This can make the people on the ground very bad. You must know that the United States has always been a leader in the field of aerospace. It was possible to land on the moon in the 60s, and now more than half a century has passed, and technology should not regress! But how could there be so many problems this time?

Is there a problem with the design of the device? Or is the quality inspection not in place? Or do you insist on going on even if you know you're not ready for the sake of face? I'm afraid these questions will have to be reflected on by NASA and Boeing.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Astronauts in distress: Every minute and every second is a test

Now these two veterans are living in space like years. Not only do they have to deal with a series of technical failures, but they also have to adapt to the unfamiliar space environment. Although they are all experienced astronauts, the return date that has been postponed again and again may also make them uncertain.

How do you pick them up? Three ways

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

First, ask for help from other countries. But it seems that only Russia can have this ability.

Second, turn to Musk for help. Let his company figure out a way to see if they can get people back.

Third, ask China for help. In the past, when the International Space Station was first built, in order to prevent us from developing too fast, we were not allowed to participate. But now that China has its own space technology, maybe it can help.

Either way, everyone hopes that NASA and Boeing can solve the problem as soon as possible and get the two astronauts home safely. After all, when they go to space exploration, they are also contributing to all mankind.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

Space exploration: a test of human ingenuity

Regardless of the country, the road to space exploration will not be easy. Space is an unknown world that requires human courage and wisdom to conquer. Wilmore and Williams' current situation is actually a test of human wisdom.

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

We still have to pray for these two astronauts, and hope that they can return home safely as soon as possible. It is also hoped that all countries can strengthen cooperation and promote the development of mankind's space industry. Exploring the mysteries of the universe is a dream shared by all of us!

Dear readers and friends, what do you think is the reason for so many problems in the US space mission this time? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I wish them a safe return!

The two American astronauts can't come back after going to space! Three ways to deal with it may require China's help

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