
Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

Finance Associated Press

2024-06-21 19:01Published on the official account of Cailianpress, a subsidiary of Shanghai Poster Industry Group

"Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily" on June 21 (edited by Song Ziqiao) At today's Huawei Developer Conference 2024, HUAWEI CLOUD released the Pangu embodied intelligent model, and at the same time, a humanoid robot equipped with Pangu capabilities appeared.

According to reports, the Pangu embodied intelligent model aims to improve the intelligence and generalization ability of the robot.

The model has multi-modal (text, image, video) capabilities, which enables the robot to simulate human common sense for logical reasoning, enables the robot to complete more than 10 steps of complex task planning, and realizes multi-scene generalization and multi-task processing in task execution. At the same time, the Pangu model can also generate training videos required by the robot, so that the robot can learn various complex scenarios faster.

Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

Zhang Ping'an, Executive Director of Huawei and CEO of HUAWEI CLOUD, said at the conference that in addition to humanoid robots, Pangu's embodied intelligent large model can also empower various forms of industrial robots and service robots, allowing them to help humans do dangerous and heavy work. ”

The humanoid robot equipped with Pangu's ability is KUAVO, a subsidiary of Leju Company. Through the imitation learning strategy, HUAWEI CLOUD and Leju have significantly improved the two-arm operation capability of the humanoid robot, and achieved collaborative optimization at the software and hardware levels. At the meeting, through interactive demonstrations such as object recognition, Q&A interaction, high-five, and water delivery, this robot intuitively demonstrated the results of cooperation between the two parties based on the Pangu model.

Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

Leju robots interact with people

At present, Kuafu Robot has realized the generalization operation under the small sample of humanoid robots, and carried out testing and scene verification in industrial and home scenarios, and the research and development process has opened up the workflow of data collection, cloud training and deployment inference of humanoid robots, forming a series of tool chains.

Kuafu, who is equipped with a large model of Pangu, interns at Hengtong Factory in Jiangsu Province (Source: Leju Company)

Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

Kuafu, who is equipped with a large model of Pangu, shows his stir-fry skills (Source: Leju Company)

Leju is a veteran humanoid robot company, founded in March 2016, headquartered in Shenzhen, with R&D and production bases in Harbin and Hangzhou, and the core members are from the team of doctors from Harbin Institute of Technology.

Kuafu Robot is the company's latest generation of humanoid robots, released in December 2023, is the first domestic jumpable, adaptable to multi-terrain walking open-source Hongmeng humanoid robot, weighing about 45kg, the whole body 26 degrees of freedom, walking speed up to 4.6km/h, can jump quickly and continuously, jumping height of more than 20cm, equipped with self-developed integrated joints and depth camera, can achieve all-round visual perception.

Prior to this, Leju has iterated a number of products: in August 2016, Leju's first-generation humanoid robot AELOS was put into mass production; In 2017, Leju Aelos Education Edition Robot and Aelos1S Robot were unveiled; In January 2018, PANDO, the flagship product of the Leju MINI series, was unveiled.

According to the data, Tencent and Shenzhen Capital are shareholders of Leju Company. In July 2016, Leju Robot received an angel investment of 10 million yuan from Songhe Capital; At the end of 2016, Leju Company received tens of millions of pre-A round investment from Shenzhen Capital Group; In August 2017, Leju Robot received a strategic investment of 50 million yuan from Tencent.

Shareholders of Leju Company (Source: Tianyancha)

In addition, Leju has carried out different forms of cooperation with a number of industrial chain companies. In December 2023, it jointly invested in the establishment of Shenzhen Guochuang Embodied Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd. with Zhaowei Electromechanical, Obi Zhongguang, Fengyi Technology, Yuntian Lifei and other companies.

According to the company's official website, since the beginning of this year, its partners also include Hengtong Group, China Mobile, and Haier Group.

(Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, Song Ziqiao)

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  • Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?
  • Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?
  • Huawei's large model is more "concrete" What is the origin of the appearance of the father robot at the press conference?

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