
1.13 million netizens discussed on the cloud, and there are criteria for selecting "singers".

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Wang Yili and Zhou Qin

Since the first live broadcast of "Singer 2024" ushered in on May 10, it has been "out of control" and has continued to dominate the hot search list so far. In the last issue, under the condition of temporarily changing the competition system, the program team invited Yuan Yawei and Shang Wenjie, who are very popular, to serve as singers on the list, and there are a lot of "interesting things" in the background of this issue, and the ratings are as expected, and they are once again out of the charts. From unveiling the list, attacking the list to rushing the list, the "Singer" program team adjusted the competition system according to the actual situation, which can be regarded as a clear game of the competition system.

On June 21, this Friday, what are the new highlights of "Singer 2024", which ushered in two more singers who hit the charts? At 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, the official Weibo of Cover News continued to lock the "singer" with everyone and launched a theme live broadcast. In this issue, we invited senior planners, music critics, and music label managers to sing three stones, and Li Yuan, a pop singing teacher at Sichuan Conservatory of Music, to discuss with the cover news reporter "Is the singer selection criterion singing skills or singing quotients". On the same day, the live broadcast attracted 1.13 million netizens to watch online.

1.13 million netizens discussed on the cloud, and there are criteria for selecting "singers".

There is a singing quotient and then a singing skill, and the two complement each other

"The so-called 'singing skills' are, in the final analysis, actually the use of high and low pitch skills." In Sanshi's view, people can shape their own musical image after training, in addition to singing, song selection is also a technology, and singers with singers can make the audience ignore their small flaws in the performance.

1.13 million netizens discussed on the cloud, and there are criteria for selecting "singers".

Three stones

Regarding the issue of singing skills and singing quotient, Li Yuan seems to have a similar view. He took a foreign folk singer he liked as an example, "The singer I like actually has a lot of instability on the scene, and even has broken sounds, but even if I don't hear his lyrics clearly, I can still burst into tears." He believes that musicians should build on style and work before they can talk about technique.

In fact, singing quotient is a kind of comprehensive quality, which can not only be achieved from vocal practice, but also related to the singer's thinking and refining of emotions and literature. Although singing skills and singing quotient complement each other and can also be judged separately, Li said: "But for the audience, everyone wants to see works that output both emotion and technology. "It is precisely because singing skills are the introduction of singers, so Sanshi Yisheng hopes to see more elements that highlight the singer's singing quotient in future music programs.

The master is like a forest, and Sun Nan "rescued" and returned

From the beginning of the broadcast of this season's singers, we can see that in addition to the divas of the Chinese music scene, there are also popular young singers of pop music and foreign powerful singers to join, and even new stars of the post-00s music scene. In fact, the selection of the program team is still based on the audience's expectations after all, "Those contestants on stage are either with mysterious killer features, or they are stable and stylized in performance or voice." Li said.

1.13 million netizens discussed on the cloud, and there are criteria for selecting "singers".


"In fact, the program team is very cautious, and they want to ensure the performance effect." Sanshi, who had been in contact with Huang Xuan's team before, revealed to everyone during the live broadcast that in fact, since the beginning of "Endless Life", the program team has noticed Huang Xuan, and has observed it for a long time, and it is not until now that it has officially cooperated. "And Huang Xuan can also be quiet when he sings folk songs, it depends on whether the program team is willing to present this side."

It is worth mentioning that when netizens were anxious about the singer's competition, Sun Nan, who had been controversial for "quitting the competition", returned with his "Rescue". The difference is that Sun Nan, who returned this time, not only saved his reputation, but also reversed the rankings and the evaluations of netizens compared with the last time he participated in the competition. In Li Yuan's heart, Sun Nan is a very singer quotient, and his works can always arouse people's resonance.

Sanshi made a special mention: "Sun Nan's performance never disappoints. He sent a recommended song list to Sun Nan's team before, in fact, Sun Nan is very suitable for singing in the environment of live broadcast, "If the live broadcast does not repair the sound, it is like taking pictures without P pictures, if the sound is repaired, it may be like excessive P pictures." He told everyone that through the form of this live broadcast, I believe that Sun Nan's skills will be seen by more people.

For some netizens pointing out that Sun Nan's "Salvation" has not changed much over the years, the two musicians both believe that this song actually hides a mystery. Sanshiyi claimed that Sun Nan did not sing according to the rules, and he would use some small details to stimulate the audience every time. "Ignoring our generation of people who have been listening to his songs since they released their songs, singers must have a certain degree of familiarity in order for the audience to really taste them, and the closer to the original version, the less likely it is to be distracted."

Is the singer's hot search not proportional to the output of hot orders?

Since the launch of "Singer 2024", the popularity has remained high, but while it has repeatedly appeared on the hot search, some netizens have noticed that there have been no popular singles in the show so far. Sanshi, who used to be a TV director, said: "Whether or not you can release a hit song is a lot of luck, and now that the show has only been on the air for a short time, there may be good works behind." ”

Not only that, Sanshi Yisheng also mentioned a key information in the live broadcast, due to the strict restrictions on the copyright of lyrics and songs, the choice of singers when choosing songs is relatively narrow compared to previous seasons. In addition, there are several layers of review between teams, so how to minimize communication costs is also something that musicians and teams need to think about.

At the end of the chat, Li Yuan also mentioned his expectations for the next part of the show: "I hope that foreign singers don't stay in their comfort zone all the time, try Chinese songs, our Chinese songs also have a unique charm; Chinese singers can organically integrate ethnic elements into their works, and they don't have to choose large sections or copy them rigidly. Sanshi quipped: "If you want to listen to foreign singers sing "Nervous", it should be an interesting picture. ”

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