
The Supai Principal Class focuses on strategic thinking to help improve the quality of education in an all-round way

author:Demystifying the New Business Economy

In today's rapidly changing educational environment, the strategic thinking ability of principals has become a key factor in leading the development of schools and improving the quality of education. Jiangsu Supai Education Curriculum Reform Center is well aware of this, and held the "Strategic Thinking Training Course for Principals with Rapid Improvement of School Quality" in Liyang, Jiangsu Province from July 9 to 12, aiming to cultivate the strategic vision and planning ability of principals and promote the high-quality development of schools.

As the leader of the school, the principal is not only responsible for simple daily management and teaching supervision, but also needs to undertake the mission of shaping the school's future and pointing out the direction of education, so as to improve the overall quality of education. In this great journey, the strategic thinking of the principal is particularly important.

If the principal lacks strategic thinking, it will be like a giant ship that loses its navigation in the infinite sea, and its voyage will be blind and full of risks. Without clear guidance, ships can lose course or even run aground.

Similarly, principals without strategic thinking will find it difficult to establish clear goals and plans, easily lose their way in the complex distractions of the outside world, and may even lead the school astray. This situation not only has a negative impact on the quality of teaching, but also can lead to misallocation and waste of resources, which in turn can damage the reputation of the school.

Therefore, strategic thinking is an indispensable and valuable ability for the number one principal. It acts as a beacon that illuminates the way forward for the school, helping principals gain insight into the future vision and pave a clear path to achieve it. Only in this way can schools take the lead in the fierce competition in education and achieve long-term and steady development.

1. Strategic thinking: core competencies that cannot be compensated and replaced with diligence

Diligence is undoubtedly an important factor in success, but it does not make up for or disguise the lack of strategic thinking. Diligence focuses on continuous commitment and perseverance in work and learning, while strategic thinking is a deep mode of thinking that requires us to have a deep understanding of the big picture, set ambitious goals, and develop a detailed action plan to implement them.

A lack of strategic thinking and a reliance on hard work can lead us to inefficiency, blindly working hard and missing the essentials. If the level of cognition is limited, no amount of effort may be in vain. In the cycle of low-level repetition, excellence and excellence become out of reach. Without the guidance of strategic thinking, diligence may be limited to the carving of details, but ignore the overall planning and long-term development vision. In the long run, not only will it be difficult to turn the effort into results, but it may even deviate from the right direction. At present, many schools are facing the problem of quality improvement, and the accumulation of education and teaching problems may be a reflection of the lack of strategic thinking.

Therefore, strategic thinking is the cornerstone of success for the school's top principal. The operation and management of the school not only requires daily diligence, but also has a clear strategic positioning and goals. Only by clarifying the school's long-term planning and specific implementation plan can we ensure that every step of the effort is on the right track and achieve efficient management and sustainable development of the school.

The reason why masters are masters is that they constantly challenge themselves, improve the dimension of thinking, and constantly update and iterate their self-awareness. We must not only bury our heads in hard work, but also look up at the road and look at the present from the perspective of the future. Only by standing taller and looking farther can we make informed decisions and lead the school to a brighter future.

Second, the key reasons why the top principal needs to have strategic thinking

Long-term planning and development: Principals with strategic thinking are able to gain insight into and anticipate future trends in the education industry, so as to formulate forward-looking long-term development plans. Such a plan not only enables schools to take the lead in the fierce competition in education, but also helps to ensure that educational resources are reasonably allocated and provide a solid foundation for the all-round development of students.

Resource integration and optimization: Strategic thinking enables principals to efficiently identify, integrate and optimize various resources inside and outside the school, including teachers, teaching facilities, curriculum settings, etc. This integration not only improves the quality of teaching, but also ensures the efficient use of educational resources to meet the diversified and personalized learning needs of students.

Innovation and Reform: Principals are more likely to dare to break the mold and lead the school to innovate and reform in education and teaching under the guidance of strategic thinking. This spirit of reform not only helps to stimulate students' interest and potential in learning, but also promotes the continuous progress of the school's educational philosophy and teaching methods, so that the school can maintain its leading position in the tide of education reform.

Addressing challenges and risks: The education landscape is full of challenges and uncertainties, and principals with strategic thinking can develop flexible and resilient strategies to effectively mitigate the impact of various risks on school operations. This ability is especially important in the face of emergencies or educational policy adjustments, which ensure the sound operation and sustainable development of the school.

Shaping school culture: Strategic thinking also helps principals define and reinforce the school's core values and mission, creating a unique and engaging school culture. This culture not only strengthens the sense of identity and belonging of teachers and students to the school, but also becomes an important factor in attracting and retaining outstanding talents, providing a steady stream of motivation for the long-term development of the school.

3. The level of thinking of the principal determines the future development of a school

Differences in ways of thinking often shape our very different lives, and understanding and improving our own thinking level is the key to success and self-fulfillment. Of the six levels of thinking and cognition, which level are we in?!

The Supai Principal Class focuses on strategic thinking to help improve the quality of education in an all-round way

The first layer is the environment layer. People at this level are often prone to complaining about the external environment and avoiding problems, rather than looking for reasons from themselves, and they are often constrained by the environment and find it difficult to break through themselves.

The second layer is the behavior layer. People at this level are characterized by hard work and hard work, they are active but may need to take their thinking to the next level in order to achieve their goals more efficiently.

The third layer is the capability layer. At this level, people begin to examine themselves and take the initiative to find solutions to problems. However, they are also prone to indulge in the pursuit of competence and ignore the deeper thinking of values.

The fourth layer is the value layer. People at this level know how to optimize their choices, think about the core elements of the problem, and make decisions based on values. They are able to see things from a broader perspective and are no longer limited to a single competency improvement.

The fifth layer is the identity layer. People begin to know themselves deeply, awaken to themselves, and strive to define their own identity, and they clarify their role and position in society, which they use as a guide to plan their life path.

The sixth layer is the mission layer. The highest level of thinking is to have a sense of purpose and move forward. This type of person is clear about his mission and goals and dedicates himself to it, striving for a higher ideal.

By raising the level of thinking, principals can better plan for the future, respond to challenges, and create a more colorful educational life.

This training course will focus on the essence of the school's development strategy, and discuss in depth how to establish a clear school-running philosophy and goals, build and improve a high-quality education system, so that the school can achieve rapid quality improvement. Principals can learn and bring back the "School Quality Rapid Improvement Curriculum System" program, which was developed by the Supai Curriculum Reform Center and 100 schools across the country after 18 years of in-depth exploration and practice. The system can achieve rapid improvement in the quality of school education and teaching in a short period of time, and has been verified in more than 100 experimental schools.

In addition, the principals participating in this training will gain a deep understanding of the school's strategic management and practical guidelines, a set of school quality improvement programs that are in line with the logic of education and teaching quality improvement, validated by multiple parties, and can be used for reference and replication, as well as a platform for communication with outstanding principals across the country and continuous professional support.

July is both the end of the school year and the beginning of a new school year. At this important moment, Jiangsu Supai Education Curriculum Reform Center sincerely invites all principals to take the time to attend the "Strategic Thinking Training Course for Principals with Rapid Improvement of School Quality". Let us work together to lead the development of the school with strategic thinking, jointly draw a magnificent blueprint for the development of the school, and open a new chapter in the cause of education!

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