
7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

author:Nanmu has a voice

The choice of fate is only the beginning, not the end.

Whenever the college entrance examination results are released, people often look back at those students who have changed their fate because of the college entrance examination scores.

Pang Zhongwang is a moving example, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a high score of 744 points, and became the top student in the science college entrance examination in Cangzhou, Hebei Province.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

His story is not only a person's struggle, but also a portrayal of the struggle and tenacity of poor students.

After 7 years, how is he now?

01 The humble door has just grown

Pang Zhongwang was born in 1999 in a poor rural family, his mother had both legs amputated due to congenital spina bifida, and was unable to take care of her daily life, so she barely supported the family by doing embroidery at home.

My father often needed treatment for schizophrenia, and he could only go out to work when he was sober, and his annual income was only four or five thousand yuan.

The burden of the family rests on the elderly grandmother and grandfather, who not only have to take care of the whole family, but also have to scavenge to support the family.

In Pang Zhongwang's memory, new clothes are a luxury, and snacks, fried chicken, and burgers are even more delicious than they have ever tasted.

In his childhood, his only entertainment was to pick up bottles with his family, and the pressure of life made him take on the responsibility of the family early.

In stark contrast to the life of four or five adults of the same age revolving around a child, Pang Zhongwang is the child who has shouldered the burden of the family since he was a child.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

In the face of a difficult growth environment, he never complained, but faced life with an optimistic attitude. He believes that his family is not something to be ashamed of, on the contrary, he is proud of his family.

He once said in an interview with the media: "There is nothing in my family that I can't do it, my mother is so good, my grandparents are so good, every one of my family members is so good, I think they should envy my family." ”

In 2014, Pang Zhongwang was admitted to Wuqiao Middle School in Cangzhou, Hebei Province with excellent results. The head teacher Li Ying's first impression of him was that this skinny boy was very smiling, sunny and cheerful, and no different from other children.

But when Pang Zhongwang applied for a subsidy for poor students, Li Ying decided to go to his home to see it in person. The first time she walked into Pang Zhongwang's house, she really understood that the difficulties of this family were far worse than described in the written materials.

As Nietzsche said, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Pang Zhongwang tempered himself in the difficult situation and became a tenacious and hopeful teenager.

During his days at Wuqiao Middle School, Pang Zhongwang not only ranked among the best academically, but also infected his classmates and teachers with his optimistic spirit.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

His strength and courage are reminiscent of a quote from Thoreau: "Life is not a series of adventures, but a journey of courage and perseverance." ”

Pang Zhongwang's life is a journey full of challenges and perseverance, and he has proved with his own hard work and perseverance that even if he is born in a poor family, as long as he has self-confidence and tenacity, he can walk out of a bright path.

02 Mother's love is tenacious

The test of fate on Pang Zhongwang did not stop at the illness and poverty of his parents.

At the age of seven, he was diagnosed with congenital heart disease that required surgery. For this already poor family, this is tantamount to a huge blow.

Faced with the high cost of surgery, the villagers persuaded Pang Zhongwang's mother to give up treatment, after all, life was already unsustainable, and if the operation failed, she would be burdened with heavy debts.

But her mother never wavered, she sat in a wheelchair, raised funds door-to-door, and finally raised more than 40,000 yuan for the operation. The operation was very successful, and Pang Zhongwang was successfully discharged from the hospital and returned to his mother's side.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

The most touching thing about Pang Zhongwang's story is the deep affection between him and his mother. His mother not only gave selflessly materially, but also gave him endless support and encouragement spiritually.

As Romain Rolland said, "There is only one true heroism in the world, and that is to love life even after recognizing the truth of life." ”

Pang Zhongwang's mother is such a hero, she uses her optimism and tenacity to influence her son, so that he can still maintain sunshine and hope in the face of adversity.

Although her mother did not have much formal education, she knew the importance of reading. She has always taught her son: "You have to study hard, try to read well." ”

Pang Zhongwang did not live up to his mother's expectations, he has never been to a cram school, and his grades have always been among the best.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

Someone asked him what the secret was, and he replied, "My mother taught me, and she said that you can solve whatever you face." ”

Pang Zhongwang likes to delve into the problem, and has a kind of vigor to never give up until the goal is reached, and he believes that difficulties are to be overcome, not to escape.

As Martin Seligman, the pioneer of positive psychology in the United States, said, "The influence of the mother has a lot to do with whether a child has a positive interpretation style." ”

Pang Zhongwang's mother used her optimism and strength to teach him how to face various challenges in life with a positive attitude.

After entering high school, Pang Zhongwang was admitted to a key high school more than 50 kilometers away from home, and he could only go home once a month. Far away from his family, the last thing he can let go of is his mother.

In order to keep his mother from feeling lonely, he quietly wrote 30 letters before the start of school, telling his mother to read one every day and feel the company of his son.

There are stories about his mother's living arrangements, jokes, and his school stories. Throughout the three years of high school, Pang Zhongwang accompanied his mother in this special way.

Every time he rarely goes home, Pang Zhongwang never chooses to go out for entertainment, but quietly accompanies his mother. Pushed his mother to bask in the sun, went for a walk at the entrance of the village, chatted with the villagers, explained the hot news in the society to his mother, and recited a few ancient poems.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

Although Pang Zhongwang's mother was born with a disability and was poor for half her life, she had such a filial and sensible son, which can be regarded as a gift from God.

As Montaigne said, "The most resilient character always grows in the face of adversity." Pang Zhongwang and his mother used their stories to tell us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we remain optimistic and strong, we can usher in sunshine and hope.

03 Live up to expectations

"Since suffering has chosen you, you can leave your back to suffering and give your smile to sunshine." Pang Zhongwang wrote this sentence in his diary, he knows that fate sometimes can't choose, but a smile can choose.

With the support of this belief, Pang Zhongwang ushered in his highlight moment.

In 2017, Pang Zhongwang scored 684 points in the college entrance examination, coupled with the extra points of Tsinghua University's "Self-improvement Plan", and was successfully admitted to Tsinghua University. When he entered the school, he was personally welcomed by the principal.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

Pang Zhongwang was not complacent, but studied and lived harder. He politely declined the funding of others, and insisted on living on his work-study program and government subsidies.

Seven years later, when Pang Zhongwang entered the public eye again, he was already a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Precision Instruments of Tsinghua University, focusing on the research of optical network information perception.

Since his enrollment, he has won several Tsinghua University scholarships and was selected as the "Star of Self-improvement of Chinese College Students" in 2022.

When he first entered the university, Pang Zhongwang was very concerned about the eyes of others. It's not that he's afraid of being looked down upon, but he's worried that what others expect of him will put pressure on him.

"I'm afraid of living up to expectations," he admits. This invisible pressure once haunted him. Tsinghua's classmates and teachers also helped him overcome this fear.

As Mr. Shi Zongkai said, "The most important task at Tsinghua University is to discover oneself and develop oneself." Pang Zhongwang gradually understood that in the future, he should pay more attention to the things he really likes and is good at.

In 2021, after graduating from his bachelor's degree, Pang Zhongwang continued to study for a doctorate at Tsinghua University. During his Ph.D. studies, he ushered in many breakthroughs in scientific research.

7 years ago, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 744, and how is the poor student who was welcomed by the principal when he entered the school?

Once, he had a flash of inspiration in the shower and solved the problem of high-precision positioning of the system, which became the basis for his first SCI paper.

During his doctoral studies, Pang Zhongwang published a number of SCI papers as the first author or co-first author, and obtained three national invention patents.

Pang Zhongwang has always maintained a calm mentality, he said: "But ask about hard work, not about harvest." He believes that achievements that he can be proud of await him in the future.

Pang Zhongwang has proved himself in seven years and has lived up to expectations. He will graduate with a PhD in two years, and the glory of the college entrance examination is a thing of the past, and he is still shining today.


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