
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still

author:Ma Xiaoha 66

The sales hall of a certain place is crowded with owners who buy houses, they are crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, the reason is that the house price has fallen sharply, and a suite has lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners can't sit still, it really took 300,000 more in the blink of an eye, they can't sit still, either check out or return the money.

I feel that I have to support the developer this time, the house is the same as the stock, there are ups and downs, why don't you see the owner asking the developer to share the money when the money rises? #你买房后悔吗? # #买房有后悔吗? # #买房后悔不悔? #

The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still
The sales hall of a certain place was crowded with owners who bought houses, and they were all crying and clamoring to check out and return the money, because the house prices fell sharply, and a suite lost 300,000 yuan in just a few days, and the owners couldn't sit still

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