
When buying a house, you must avoid this floor, and the developer can't wait to send it out immediately, and I really regret that I didn't notice it earlier

author:Qeeka Home bathroom decoration design

Nowadays, there is a boom in urban home purchases, but many home buyers, especially young people, often face a dilemma due to lack of experience. If you are not careful, you may make the wrong choice. As we all know, the prices for the first and top floors are attractive, and the first floor even comes with a small garden, which seems to be a great value for money. However, there may be regrets after moving in. When buying a house, it is important to choose the floor carefully, and some floor developers are in a hurry to get rid of it, regretting that they did not know it earlier.

When buying a house, you must avoid this floor, and the developer can't wait to send it out immediately, and I really regret that I didn't notice it earlier

The disadvantages of the housing on the first floor are significant, although there is no need to take the elevator, you need to pay the elevator fee. This fee is shared equally by all owners, regardless of whether it is used or not. The same applies to elevator maintenance, which is also shared by the owners of the first floor. This is obviously unfair to the ground floor, where lifts are rarely used, and the annual expenditure is not insignificant.

When buying a house, you must avoid this floor, and the developer can't wait to send it out immediately, and I really regret that I didn't notice it earlier

If the first floor is close to the main road or road, there will be a large flow of people and vehicles, and the noise pollution will be serious, which will affect the restful sleep at night, especially for light sleepers. At the same time, dust gathers, lighting and ventilation are limited, and lighting is also needed during the day.

When buying a house, you must avoid this floor, and the developer can't wait to send it out immediately, and I really regret that I didn't notice it earlier

If it is close to the green belt, it is often accompanied by artificial lake scenery, but there are many mosquitoes in summer. When the windows are closed, it is sweltering, when the windows are open, mosquitoes are infested, and the buzzing at night disturbs the dreams and is unbearable. If the artificial lake is not well maintained, it will add to the pain of odor, especially for the residents on the first floor. If the sewer is not properly designed, the blockage is frequent, and the maintenance is frequent, which adds to the living trouble.

When buying a house, you must avoid this floor, and the developer can't wait to send it out immediately, and I really regret that I didn't notice it earlier

Back to the rainy season in the south of the day, the indoor light is dim, the ventilation is not smooth, and the humidity is pervasive, which makes people feel wet. Long-term residence is prone to health problems, which is extremely detrimental to physical health. Despite the attractiveness of housing prices, there are many drawbacks that cannot be ignored.

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