
The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

author:Pluto with a bowl

Manner, a specialty coffee shop that started in Shanghai, became the most famous coffee shop in the country overnight.

It's not because of how wide the business coverage is, but because Manner coffee shop has been exposed to three conflicts in two consecutive days.

Yes, there were two cases yesterday, and they are freshly baked together today.

But what I want to talk about today is the "pouring coffee powder" incident.

Because, its online public opinion made me deeply feel how difficult the survival space of the "middle-aged women" group is in the online environment.

A brief recap of the incident: At Manner Coffee Shop, a middle-aged female customer was splashed with a can of ground coffee on the head by an employee.

Before pouring the coffee powder, the two had an argument about "when is the coffee good", the customer thought the employee had a bad attitude, and the employee thought the customer was aggressive.

But the two people, who are far apart, have been engaged in a literary fight.

The last conversation before the employee splashes the customer's coffee powder is:

Customer: What are you arguing about? You didn't eat breakfast, did you?

Employee (emotional, hoarse): yes, I just didn't eat breakfast! You're going to complain about me! You-go-vote-sue-me-ah!

Then, while repeating this sentence indefinitely, the employee suddenly burst out, aimed at the customer, and sprinkled a jar of ground coffee on her face.

If you haven't seen the video yet, you can click on the video below to see for yourself.


Since the employee showed obvious emotional loss of control and mental breakdown in the video, I can understand that the focus of the media discussion since then has been on whether Manner Coffee Shop is mistreating employees; Whether the employee is under too much mental pressure and so on.

In addition, some media interviewed Manner's baristas and learned that Manner's internal management method of "employees who are complained about three times will be dismissed" undoubtedly increases the social nature of this matter.

As one of the thousands of ordinary migrant workers, I am also very angry.

The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

But what I can't understand is why customers bear the one-sided insults of public opinion.

The first proposition of the public review: the customer does not respect the waiter

Many people questioned the customer, "Why do you want to bully the waiter".

The logic of this kind of question is that the customer speaks very hard, doesn't he spend dozens of dollars, and still regard himself as God?

Therefore, they meet the lesser of two evils, and although it is debatable to feel that "the waiter is crazy", it is even more difficult to tolerate the customer's disrespect for the waiter.

The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

Judging from the surveillance video released by the media, the customer who was splashed with coffee powder sat there in a gray manner, wiping the stains on his body, and her dream at that time was to get an "apology" from the employee.

But the employees were very arrogant and loudly determined that they were wrong.

The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

It's hard to imagine that an employee who didn't intend to apologize for his actions at all didn't get any "sympathy votes" between customers who didn't let the incident turn into a hand-to-hand fight.

Baristas, pouring coffee on customers, can this matter be regarded as respecting customers?

The second proposition of the public judges: But this young lady has already shown mercy! There's more to the coffee shop than just ground coffee

Next up is a comment with more than 5,000 likes:

You know, there's boiling water, there's milk, there's liquid coffee. But this young lady chose coffee powder, which is neither hot nor wet.

How's that? The customer opposite this young lady also needs to thank her for her mercy and only picked the coffee liquid, right?

The young lady's splashing action is so heroic, the customer will indeed be glad that she is holding the coffee powder in her hand, but it is not a feeling of "gratitude", but a combination of emotions of "sparing", "the rest of the disaster", and "luck in misfortune".

The number of likes on the latter comment also easily exceeded 1,700.

The staff at Manner Coffee Shop has a huge workload, and our downstairs store used to have one employee every day, and when there were many orders, we had to wait for an hour to deliver food, and the staff must have been very depressed.

Yes, through various media reports today, I have fully understood the unreasonable pressure on the staff of this specialty coffee shop.

But is this matter, the unreasonable workload, and the painful torture of the assessment standards caused by the customer on the other side?

The third proposition of the public review: support the workers

Nearly 2,500 people liked the above comment:

Laughing to death, the normal mental state of the worker. Too lazy to pretend with you.

The retirement age for mainland women is at least 50 years old.

If it is out of sympathy for migrant workers, the customer on the other side of the conversation who clearly states that "I'm going to be late soon, it's too late" is also very likely to be a migrant worker.

It can be seen from the video that the light is still bright, and the sky is blue and white on weekdays, this customer decided to walk into the coffee shop and bring herself a cup of coffee to take away, so why is she classified as the opposite of "beating workers"?

Where does this joy of working as if the capitalists have been tricked and the workers are relieved come from?

Below a netizen followed this netizen's "happy" speech, substituted himself, and imagined a better solution:

If it's me, I probably won't do it, I'll make myself a glass of iced Americano, take off my work clothes and sit outside to drink, I'm angry with her, complain. What else can I do anyway.

I fully support this idea, because at least the way he envisions it is that the "pouring coffee" part is removed.

Five minutes after the splash, the employee was still in high spirits and would never apologize, which shows that she didn't want the job for a long time; It's better to go out and make yourself a cup of coffee and tell customers that you've reached a tipping point.

Because, in fact, all the stories inside Manner, customers don't know.

The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

It's not the customer on the other side who keeps Manner's employees busy and spinning like a spinning top.

The customer may be in another set of algorithms that are constantly rotating in their own lives.

The fourth proposition of the public review: Some old aunts are really ......

It is believed that the result of this incident is because the customer is an "old aunt", and such remarks abound.

As soon as you said this, there were many people who echoed it, and they attacked the group of "old aunts", such as how they looked down on people; The combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and he also likes to take advantage of it and engage in special activities.

Another netizen was triggered by his emotional memory, saying: "I was lucky enough to meet it, and my temper came up at that time." ”

The sorrow of the middle-aged woman is vividly displayed in the earth-shattering splash of Manner coffee shop

Society likes young people.

Public opinion is also mainly controlled by them.

Because they have a good sense of the net, they are fast in chasing hot spots, and they love to be vocal.

But in this matter, my opinion is that if young people are willing to look at it from a different angle, you will find that fortunately there is an "old aunt" on the other side who is disgusting to them.

If it was a young man with the same violent temper, if he was a tall man with a "left green dragon and right white tiger", he would sit there aggrieved like this, rub himself with coffee powder, and babble: Should you apologize to me?

The barista, who is already emotionally uncontrollable, will continue to shout, "I'm not wrong! What do you apologize for?"

Everyone gets old, and you can't always be the loudest, most active crowd on the web.

Whether this customer should rush this cup of coffee or not depends on how long she has been waiting and how she negotiates with the staff; But she shouldn't have been splashed with this can of ground coffee.

Whether she is a "little sister" or an "old aunt", she should not.

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