
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good

author:Chongyang, the National People's Congress
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good

Editor's note: On June 20, 2024, Wu Xiaoqiu, former vice president of Chinese University, president of the National Institute of Financial Research, director of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, and national first-class professor, delivered a speech "Keep the Bottom Line, Walk for Good" at the 2024 Graduate Conference of the School of Finance and Finance of Chinese University. The full text of the speech is published as follows:

Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good

Dear Class of 2024,


Everybody's graduated! Congratulations!

The past few years of studying at Renmin University have not been easy. There are the joy and dreams of coming to the National People's Congress a few years ago, the helplessness and loneliness during the epidemic, the tranquility and thinking in the library classroom, the anxiety and expectation of waiting for an offer, and the relaxation and happiness after the paper is passed. Now, you are about to go out into society and pursue your brilliant life, where you can show your talents to the fullest and realize your great ambitions. Renmin University and the School of Finance are proud of you and famous all over the world.

I am not Mr. Big, let alone a life mentor, I am just an ordinary teacher in the School of Finance and Finance of Renmin University, and I may not be able to say the wise words based on the grand narrative, which have been heard and seen by you at the National People's Congress, and melted into your heart. Your journey has just begun, and I just want to talk to you about it. I say 3 sentences and 6 words:

One is kindness. The good are not stupid, and the stupid are not good. The good have no evil thoughts. Those who think evil have no good heart. The soul of wisdom is goodness, and the source of morality is goodness. Kind-hearted people have clear eyes, a calm tone, tolerant listening, sympathy for the weak, and a willingness to help others. Because of the kindness in the heart, there will always be a scale in the heart, distinguish between right and wrong, know righteousness, chase the sun, and be civilized. Good is rewarded with goodness, and heaven and earth are circulating. A kind heart is the ballast stone of life. Kindness is the greatest benevolence, the most benevolent truth, and the most true bravery. A good person must be a real person.

The second is to abide by the law. If kindness can calm our hearts like water, then abiding by the law can make us live a peaceful life. The rule of law is the cornerstone of civilized society and the hallmark of modern society, and law-abiding is the bottom line and social responsibility of a citizen. With perfect laws, society can function benignly and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. The wise man said that if a society had a perfect legal system, without war and low-cost taxes, the society would be free and happy, and a prosperous life would come. I don't doubt your talent, but I'm worried that some of you, when you are very capable, will get carried away and think that you can do everything. These people ignore the law, and the law is like a straw rope and trample on the bottom line of life. I hope that when you have power, you will always keep in mind the boundaries of the law. I really hope that when you are successful, you will be able to meet your classmates and friends, and come back to see the campus and the elderly teachers who spent your youth.

The third is health. The great man said that the body is the capital of the revolution. Without a healthy body, everything will be reduced to ashes. The carrier of life and hope is a healthy body. When things are good, invite three friends and two friends to sing, play cards, and drink some wine; In times of adversity, run and run, look at the mountains, brag, find close friends to complain and pour, and reduce stress. There is no eternal straightness in the world. Where there is the sun, there is night. If it's dark, enjoy the bright moonlight. The moon at night is also the beauty of life.

You can't live without a goal, but you can't have too much of a goal. The target should be coarse rather than fine, and less should not be more. A little less, easier; There are too many, the light ones are tiring, and the heavy ones are ruining. There will be no pie in the sky, so you should work hard when you are young, never slack off when you are middle-aged, and maintain an upward spiritual world. He is not wise that is not wise for himself. Enough is enough, health is the most important.

The above three sentences are also the words I often say to my children, and they are also my sincere words as a father and a teacher. I don't want you to be rich, but I want you to be healthy, safe, and happy.

Thank you! Bless you all!

Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good
Professor Wu Xiaoqiu's message to the 2024 graduates of the National People's Congress of China: Keep the bottom line and do good

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Established on January 19, 2013, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of Chinese University of China (Renmin University Chongyang) is the main funding project donated by Chongyang Investment to Chinese University and set up an education fund for operation.

As a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics, Chongyang has hired dozens of former politicians, bankers, and well-known scholars from around the world as senior researchers, aiming to pay attention to reality, advise the country, and serve the people. At present, the Chongyang National People's Congress has 7 departments and 4 operation and management centers (the Center for Ecological Finance, the Center for Global Governance, the Center for China-US People-to-People Exchange, and the China-Russia Center for People-to-People Exchange). In recent years, the Chongyang National People's Congress has been highly recognized at home and abroad in the fields of financial development, global governance, major-country relations, and macroeconomic policy.