
Huawei invites WeChat to build the HarmonyOS ecosystem Baineng Cloud Core

author:Baineng Yunxin electronic components
Huawei invites WeChat to build the HarmonyOS ecosystem Baineng Cloud Core

With the gradual expansion of Huawei's HarmonyOS "circle of friends", the industry is looking forward to when WeChat, which has a huge user base under Tencent, will officially join this ecosystem. According to Beike Finance, citing Huawei's consumer service hotline engineer, WeChat is working closely with Huawei to develop and adapt the native HarmonyOS system and communicate with technology. Tencent's intelligent customer service has also confirmed this trend, and it is widely believed that the addition of WeChat will allow Hongmeng to form a three-legged situation with Android and iOS.

Huawei invites WeChat to build the HarmonyOS ecosystem Baineng Cloud Core

Insiders close to Tencent revealed that Tencent has been maintaining active communication with Huawei. In addition to Tencent Video, Tencent News, QQ Browser and other products that have appeared at the Huawei Developer Conference, more of Tencent's services such as Sogou Input Method, Tencent Self-selected Stocks, QQ Music, etc. are also in full swing to adapt to the HarmonyOS system. Tencent said it wants to ensure a smooth, safe and stable transition to the new system.

Regarding when WeChat, Tencent's flagship product, will be able to access the HarmonyOS system, Tencent's customer service intelligent assistant gave a clear response: "WeChat is working with Huawei on the development and adaptation of the native HarmonyOS and technical communication. ”

According to the analysis of industry insiders, due to WeChat's huge user base and complex functional system, the workload of adapting to the Hongmeng system is almost equivalent to redeveloping an application. In addition, the HarmonyOS system is still in its infancy, and in order to ensure the stability of the application, WeChat needs to set up a HarmonyOS development team of the same size as the iOS and Android development teams, which requires at least 30% to 50% more developers and resource investment.

In an effort to attract WeChat to the HarmonyOS ecosystem, Huawei recently reached an important agreement with Tencent. According to Bloomberg, Huawei will not charge any fees for Tencent's in-app transactions on WeChat in exchange for Tencent's ongoing maintenance and updates to the WeChat app. The move was seen as a positive signal from Huawei to attract WeChat.

At the Huawei Developer Conference (HDC 2024), Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei Device BG, said that HarmonyOS native applications have entered a full-scale sprint stage, with all the top 5,000 applications launched, meeting 99.9% of users' usage time, and more than 1,500 applications have been put on the shelves, covering 18 fields. This achievement demonstrates the momentum of the rapid development of the HarmonyOS system.

According to the latest data from research institute Counterpoint Research, in the first quarter of 2024, Huawei's HarmonyOS surpassed Apple's iOS market share in China for the first time and became the second largest operating system in China. At the same time, Tencent's financial report shows that the combined number of monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat has approached 1.4 billion, with an annual growth rate of 3%. This huge user base will provide strong support for the development of the HarmonyOS system.

In summary, the cooperation between Huawei and Tencent will further promote the development of the HarmonyOS system and bring users a richer and more convenient application experience. With the continuous expansion of the HarmonyOS ecosystem, the HarmonyOS system is expected to form a more fierce competition with Android and iOS in the future.

Huawei invites WeChat to build the HarmonyOS ecosystem Baineng Cloud Core

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