
Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads! How much is the compensation for quitting the homestead? How to apply?

author:Huinong School

In rural areas, each household has its own land, and a rural homestead is a land on which a house has been built, or where a house has been built or will be used for the construction of a house. The homestead is owned by the collective, and the villagers have the right to use it. In recent years, urbanization has been developing rapidly, with millions of rural people coming to work in cities every year, and according to statistics, the number of rural residents in the country has decreased by about 100 million in the past 10 years. In order to better promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, farmers are encouraged to give up and withdraw from rural homesteads, so how much is the compensation for quitting homesteads? How to apply? Let's take a look.

Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads! How much is the compensation for quitting the homestead? How to apply?

Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads!

Recently, a number of regions have introduced policies to encourage farmers to give up and withdraw from rural homesteads, and a certain amount of rewards and subsidies will be given to those who voluntarily withdraw (give up) from rural homesteads to buy houses in cities. At present, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei and other places have introduced relevant policies, which have aroused people's attention.

Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads! How much is the compensation for quitting the homestead? How to apply?

How much is the compensation for farmers to quit their homesteads?

1. Fengyang, Anhui Province

Fengyang County issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Further Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market". According to the notice, from June 20 to December 31, 2024, a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan will be given to rural residents who voluntarily give up their homesteads and buy houses in the city.

2. Nantong, Jiangsu

Nantong City, Jiangsu Province issued the "Notice on Further Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the City's Real Estate Market", which clearly stated that the incentives and subsidies for house purchases will be increased, and those who voluntarily withdraw (give up) rural homesteads to buy houses in the city will be given a one-time house purchase reward.

3. Ezhou, Hubei

A number of departments in Ezhou City, Hubei Province have issued notices that rural villagers who voluntarily withdraw from homesteads and demolish homestead-related buildings (structures) and purchase newly built commercial housing in the "double concentration" area will be given housing purchase subsidies according to the area of the homestead they have withdrawn.

4. Anji, Zhejiang

Anji County, Zhejiang Province issued a notice that rural residents who permanently withdraw from the homestead land can enjoy the purchase of "common wealth apartments" within the county at comprehensive cost price, with 2 or less people enjoying 80 square meters and more than 2 people enjoying the area standard of 40 square meters per person.

Note: The paid withdrawal of homestead has been implemented for many years, and the compensation standards and compensation methods in different regions are different, so you can consult the relevant local departments for details.

Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads! How much is the compensation for quitting the homestead? How to apply?

How to apply for a farmer to withdraw from the homestead?

1. Prepare materials

Farmers who voluntarily withdraw from the homestead with compensation need to prepare the application form for voluntary withdrawal from the homestead, ID card, household registration book, homestead use certificate, letter of commitment not to re-apply for the homestead, the opinion of the village collective organization, and other supporting materials that need to be provided.

2. Conduct a preliminary review

After receiving the application of the farmer to withdraw from the homestead, the Land and Resources Bureau will conduct a preliminary review of the information, in line with the regulations, and after the local people's government reviews and agrees, there will be staff to go to the applicant's homestead to check the situation of the homestead, and the results will be announced in the village. If there is no objection to the publicity, the applicant shall sign an agreement with the local land and resources bureau to voluntarily withdraw from the homestead.

3. Cancel the homestead certificate

After the agreement is signed, the relevant information will be submitted to the Bureau of Land and Resources for approval, and if the review meets the requirements, it will be reported to the people's government for approval, and the homestead use certificate will be cancelled. For the withdrawn homestead, the village committee needs to sign a recultivation agreement with the relevant departments to organize the recultivation in a timely manner.

Many places encourage farmers to give up rural homesteads! How much is the compensation for quitting the homestead? How to apply?

Why are farmers encouraged to quit their homesteads?

1. Stimulate the property market

In recent years, the real estate market has been sluggish, and the housing prices in large cities and small counties are falling, the main reason is that there are fewer and fewer people buying houses in the city, in order to stimulate the consumption of the property market and stimulate the real estate economy, so various regions have canceled purchase restrictions, and encouraged rural residents to give up or withdraw from homesteads and buy houses in the city. This can meet the housing needs of rural residents and promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

2. Improve land utilization

In recent years, there has been a serious loss of population in the rural areas, and many peasants have settled in the cities after moving to the cities to work, resulting in rural homesteads and a large amount of land being idle, seriously restricting the effective use of land resources. In order to improve the utilization rate of land and allow more land to be used for agricultural production and urban construction, the policy of abandoning homesteads is encouraged.

3. Promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas

At present, the problem of rural hollowing out in many areas is serious, in order to allow villagers to live in a concentrated manner, optimize the layout of villages, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and realize the complementarity and coordination of agriculture, industry and service industries, the gap between urban and rural development can be narrowed by encouraging the abandonment of rural homestead policies.

The above is an introduction to the reasons for encouraging farmers to abandon rural homesteads and the compensation standards for withdrawing from homesteads. Those who support it believe that some people have left the countryside and will not return to rural life in the future, and that voluntary and paid withdrawal from homestead land is beneficial to both individuals and collectives. Those who oppose it believe that what can the peasants do when they go to the cities, and that after the peasants withdraw from the rural homesteads, they will have high consumption pressure after entering the cities, and there will be no source of livelihood and no livelihood security if they have no land. Xiaobian would like to say that the premise of withdrawing from rural homesteads is voluntary and will not be mandatory, so you can choose to withdraw or not to withdraw according to your own situation and future plans.