
R&D and innovation, so that a cotton yarn weaves a bigger industry High-tech empowers the textile industry in the new era

author:Pocket Qingdao
R&D and innovation, so that a cotton yarn weaves a bigger industry High-tech empowers the textile industry in the new era

Qingdao Evening News 2024-06-25 page

R&D and innovation, so that a cotton yarn weaves a bigger industry High-tech empowers the textile industry in the new era

100,000 spindle spinning project workshop. Photo by Liu Zhuoyi

R&D and innovation, so that a cotton yarn weaves a bigger industry High-tech empowers the textile industry in the new era

A tube of 0.8 kg of cotton yarn with a total length of 270,000 meters. Photo by Liu Zhuoyi

R&D and innovation, so that a cotton yarn weaves a bigger industry High-tech empowers the textile industry in the new era

The electronic screen of the project production management system outside the workshop. Photo by Liu Zhuoyi

On the morning of June 20, the reporter came to Jifa Longshan Industrial Park, Jinyuan Road, Jimo District, where the 100,000 spindle spinning project covering an area of more than 85,000 square meters is located. The staff told reporters that a cotton, from the field to the T-shirt after many times of processing, is the first process of large-scale industrial production.

The reporter saw in the workshop that after the pressed cotton bales were sent to the workshop, they were broken up by automated machines and returned to a fluffy state. Workers told reporters that although the cotton was manually sorted after picking, it was inevitable that there would be residual cotton seeds and film in it. The workshop is equipped with a special sorting machine, which captures and identifies impurities through high-definition cameras, picks them out, and ensures that the materials entering the cotton spinning line are free of impurities.

In the 100,000 spindle spinning project workshop, all the process links such as spinning and carding, combing, coarse and fine coupling, and winding are all automated production. Workers pay more attention to the readings of the machine's computer screen. "In the traditional spinning coarse and fine process, it is necessary to manually take more than 20 tons of semi-finished products from the roving frame every day, transport them to the spinning frame and hang them on the machine, which is a very large workload." The workshop manager told reporters that now, this process has realized the automation of the whole process, and the efficiency has been increased by 20%.

What used to be a job of 50 people now only needs 10 people

The tall and spacious workshop, the roaring spinning machine, and the busy textile women wearing headscarves are the first impressions many people have of the textile industry. However, in the workshop of the 100,000 spindle spinning project, the reporter felt more of a sense of modern science and technology - the project selected advanced automated production and digital management equipment at home and abroad, and applied artificial intelligence, big data analysis, 5G communication and other digital technologies in the whole process of yarn production, realizing the digital, intelligent and automated operation of all links from raw materials entering the field to product storage.

The reporter saw through the electronic screen of the project production management system outside the workshop that the temperature and humidity of the workshop, the temperature, power and energy consumption of each machine were clearly displayed. Once the reading is abnormal, the system will automatically alarm and prompt the engineer to go to check and repair.

Standing in front of the electronic screen, this production management system comprehensively monitors all kinds of production data in the workshop, "In the traditional process, we employ 40 to 50 people per 10,000 spindles of yarn, and now, it has been reduced to 10 people. Managers said.

New technologies bring new breakthroughs. In front of reporters, Sun Zonghao, deputy general manager of Jifa Textile Technology Co., Ltd., picked up a yarn tube more than 10 centimeters high, which weighed about 0.8 kilograms of cotton yarn, which was a high-end yarn with a specification of 200 inches, with a total length of 270,000 meters, which was about equal to the distance from the project workshop to the eight major bureaus of Zibo barbecue resort. These yarns have been exported to many countries in Europe and the United States.

Stay ahead of the curve and achieve disruptive technological breakthroughs in the industry

The textile industry used to be a typical labor-intensive industry in mainland China, and Jifa Group, which was founded in 1955, used to be the same. After the reform and opening up, the mainland's textile industry has undergone large-scale changes, a number of enterprises such as the development group have stood out in the fierce market competition, and after entering the new century, they are facing the competition of foreign enterprises - some Southeast Asian and South Asian countries have land and labor advantages, which have challenged the mainland's textile industry.

"Jifa Group is a veteran enterprise, we want to do a good job, do high-end, this is our advantage." The relevant person in charge of Jifa Longshan Industrial Park said that many years of management experience and technology accumulation have made them full of confidence: now, in South Asia and Southeast Asia, most of the textile enterprises can only produce cotton yarn with specifications of 30 to 40 inches, and in the workshop of Jifa Group, the yarn with a specification of 300 inches will be put into production in the second half of the year - the larger the British branch, the finer the yarn, and the more high-grade and comfortable the woven fabric. In addition, through comprehensive innovation and research and development, and promoting "school-enterprise financial and intellectual cooperation", Jifa Group has achieved one technological breakthrough after another: in July 2019, the China National Textile and Apparel Council organized experts to identify the supercritical carbon dioxide anhydrous dyeing project developed by Jifa Group, and the experts agreed that the overall technical level of the project has reached the international leading level. The Textile Federation also defined this technology as one of the top ten disruptive technologies in the textile industry since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

From a labor-intensive enterprise to an innovation-led "single champion"

The management personnel of the 100,000 spindle spinning project workshop told reporters that despite the competition at home and abroad, Qingdao's textile industry still has unique advantages: Qingdao's century-old textile industry tradition has accumulated a lot of experience; Qingdao is located on the coast, with obvious geographical advantages, and it is very convenient for products to be exported. "Some of the clothing customers we work with have set up factories overseas, and I have heard them complain that the clothes are made, but they can't buy the buttons they want." Managers told reporters that compared with these places, Qingdao's biggest advantage lies in its complete range of industries and developed commerce.

Today, Qingdao has listed the textile and garment industry as one of the "seven advantageous industrial chains" that must be bigger and stronger, and the goal is to build this industry into a national advanced manufacturing cluster that participates in global competition. "The development of science and technology has given us the opportunity to realize the work that was previously done manually through new technologies, through faster calculations and more scientific judgments, to achieve better decision-making and better results." Sun Zonghao, deputy general manager of Jifa Textile Technology Co., Ltd., said.

The reporter learned from Jifa Group that from January to May this year, the group achieved an output value of 4.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.18% - today's Jifa Group has transformed and upgraded from a traditional labor-intensive enterprise to a national manufacturing single champion demonstration enterprise led by innovation and digital empowerment.

Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News/Pocket Qingdao Chief Reporter Liu Zhuoyi

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