
Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

author:Xin car review

Although Xu Haidong has been sick for a long time, he is ranked second among the generals, and he deserves his name. His three major contributions are famous: opening up the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area, expanding the Red 25th Army, and contributing to the victory of the Long March. These achievements are enough to demonstrate his outstanding contributions.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

Xu Haidong is unique among the top ten generals, he has no command experience like Su Yu's god of war, and he lacks the qualifications of a veteran Zhang Yunyi, unlike Huang Kecheng, who often offers high opinions, and Chen Geng has many connections. However, his presence and contribution are still shining brightly in the stars.

Coupled with poor health and injuries, Xu Haidong has been recuperating for a long time since the middle and late stages of the Anti-Japanese War, and was almost absent from the entire Liberation War. Despite this, his heroic deeds and outstanding contributions will remain in the annals of history.

However, unexpectedly, Xu Haidong was able to stand out among the generals and ranked second to the general. This result is not only a reflection of his outstanding contributions, but also a well-deserved recognition of his profound achievements.

When Xu Haidong heard the news, he would be awarded the rank of general and ranked second, and he felt that it was inappropriate, because he had been away from the battlefield for a long time, during which many generals made heroic contributions. However, the chairman and the prime minister strongly supported the original plan, believing that Xu Haidong had made outstanding contributions and deserved this honor.

On different occasions, the chairman praised Xu Haidong on many occasions, praised him for his great contributions to the revolution, and praised him as a model for the working class. While recuperating in Guangzhou, in order to avoid disturbing Xu Haidong's rest, the chairman even instructed the driver to slide downhill and start the car after passing his accommodation, explaining: "Comrade Haidong is a patient and needs a good rest. ”

The prime minister is full of respect for Xu Haidong. During a trip to Beidaihe, when Xu Haidong visited the prime minister, it happened that the prime minister was getting a haircut. As soon as he saw Xu Haidong, the prime minister immediately got up to greet him, and the two talked in depth for more than 40 minutes. It wasn't until Xu Haidong left that the prime minister continued to complete the haircut.

What kind of outstanding military achievements did General Xu Haidong make in order to be among the generals, and to win the favor of both the chairman and the prime minister? His heroic deeds must be extraordinary and well-deserved. His achievements are outstanding, admirable, and can be a model for future generations.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

When it comes to Xu Haidong's outstanding military exploits, you might as well take a look at it through the mouth of the Kuomintang. During the Red Army, Nanjing planes actually flew to the front line, dropped leaflets, and offered high rewards to Peng Dehuai and Xu Haidong, which shows the bravery and prestige of the two, and also shows Xu Haidong's extraordinary contributions.

killed Peng Dehuai and Xu Haidong, and those who surrendered to our army will be rewarded with 100,000 foreign dollars; Kill other bandit leaders and reward them as appropriate.

Edgar Snow recalled that when he first met Xu Haidong, he seemed quite shy. Peng Dehuai introduced him: "The one standing over there is the famous Red Army general. Do you see it? Snow nodded, impressed by the legend.

Xu Haidong immediately smiled, his face was flushed, and the two front teeth at the corners of his mouth were missing, forming a big hole, making him look like a naughty child. Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed and cheerful.

General Xu Haidong has a great reputation, and he is as brave as a tiger on the battlefield, and is known as "Xu Laohu". However, he has a fiery temper and is strict with himself and others. This sternness is awe-inspiring, and he is both strict with his comrades and ruthless with himself, a quality that makes people both respect and fear him.

Xu Haidong is sincere and enthusiastic, with a simple and slightly naïve personality. He lives a self-disciplined life, does not smoke or drink, and has a burly figure. During his revolutionary career, he was severely wounded, bruised all over his body, the most serious of which was a bullet that passed under his left eye and exited behind his ear, but he remained tenacious.

The severe injury left him in a deep sleep for four days and four nights, and the conditions on the long march were difficult and he lacked medicine. The female warrior Zhou Dongping could only wash Xu Haidong's wounds repeatedly with salt water. On the fifth day, Xu Haidong finally woke up, and Zhou Dongping was so excited that he hugged him and cried loudly.

Zhou Dongping later became Xu Haidong's virtuous helper. The two worked hand in hand to tide over the wind and rain together. Zhou Dongping, with his virtuous and empathetic qualities, won Xu Haidong's deep respect and love.

This is the ninth time Xu Haidong has been injured, and the injury is particularly serious. In the past, the bullet was hard to pull out, and he couldn't bear the pain and pulled it out with his hand. Compared with the severe injury of the four days of coma, the injuries in the past can be described as slight. General Xu's perseverance and bravery are admirable.

Snow asked Xu Haidong if he was afraid of injury, he showed a sincere smile and said bluntly: "I'm not so afraid, I've been beaten a lot since I was a child, and now I'm used to it." "His openness and open-mindedness are admirable.

After in-depth understanding, Snow was shocked to find that Xu Haidong had paid a heavy price for the revolutionary cause. His entire family, a whole 66 people, was ruthlessly murdered by the enemy, and such a sacrifice was deplorable.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

On the afternoon of November 16, 1934, the wind was bitterly cold, and the rain and snow were falling. The Red 25th Army, located in Hejiachong, Luoshan County, southern Henan, with less than 3,000 troops, resolutely embarked on its own Long March road and embarked on a long journey.

The Red 25th Army was originally subordinate to the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region and was an important force of the Red Fourth Front Army. After Zhang Guotao, Chen Changhao and Xu Xiangqian led the main force to the west, the Red 25th Army was ordered to stay in place, stick to the position in the Soviet area, and continue to contribute to the revolutionary cause.

In the Red 25th Army, most of the soldiers were teenagers under the age of 18, and there were even small Red Army soldiers who were only more than ten years old. The most senior people in the army are only the army commander Cheng Zihua is 29 years old, the political commissar Wu Huanxian is 27 years old, and the deputy army commander Xu Haidong is 34 years old.

Most of the soldiers of the Red 25th Army were the children of the Red Fourth Front Army who bravely marched west to Sichuan and Shaanxi, or orphans left behind by martyrs. The youngest soldiers in this army were only eight or nine years old, and although they were young, they were brave enough to forge ahead with a firm conviction.

On the eve of the Long March, the Red 25th Army was originally led by Xu Haidong. Cheng Zihua was ordered to serve as chief of staff from the Central Committee, and Xu Haidong showed noble character, courteously promoted Cheng Zihua to military commander, and was willing to condescend to the deputy position. Wu Huanxian continued to serve as political commissar and jointly led the Red Army forward.

The Long March of the three main forces of the Red Army is well known, the Red First Army, the Red Second Front Army, and the Red Fourth Front Army. Although the Red 25th Army originated from the Red Fourth Front Army, its Long March route was very different from it, and it had no intersection with the rest of the main Red Army. This team, of less than 3,000 people, completed the Long March alone, with neither a strategy nor a teacher.

The Red 25th Army began its journey in southern Henan, and traveled through Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces, and fought countless battles for several months. Political commissar Wu Huan bravely crossed the Yu River, a tributary of the Jing River, and died bravely; Secretary Xu Baoshan took the long march with illness and finally died of illness on the way, showing the spirit of perseverance.

In the end, the Red 25th Army successfully reached northern Shaanxi, and its Long March ended earlier than the three main forces of the Red Army. When the Red 25th Army led by Xu Haidong and Cheng Zihua joined forces with Liu Zhidan's Red Army in northern Shaanxi, Chairman Mao's Central Red Army was still advancing in the dense jungles of the southwest.

Xu Haidong led the Red 25th Army to complete the Long March alone, which can be called a great feat of the Chinese Revolution! After hardships, the number of the Red 25th Army did not decrease but increased, and when it arrived in northern Shaanxi, the size of the whole army had grown to more than 3,400 people, more than 500 strong men compared with the time of departure!

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

When the Red 25th Army was approaching northern Shaanxi and was about to complete its Long March, Xu Haidong made a bold and astonishing move: he chose to make frequent sorties along the Sealand Highway to attack neighboring county seats, showing his position and marching trajectory in a high-profile manner, which was risky but showed his extraordinary courage.

Our move is intended to form a strong synergy with the main forces of the Central Red Army and ensure the smooth progress of the entire action plan. Behind this decision, there is a deliberate and precise control of the overall situation, and strive to achieve the best results at the strategic level.

In the midsummer of 1935, when the Red 25th Army was approaching Xi'an, it captured the head of an enemy government. At his desk, the soldiers found Ta Kung Pao, which contained the good news: the Central Red Army and the Red Fourth Front Army had successfully joined forces in Maogong, Sichuan, and the advance had approached Songpan, and the officers and men were jubilant when they heard the news.

Xu Haidong, Wu Huanxian and Cheng Zihua stared at the newspaper in their hands, and their hearts were surging. After losing contact with the central government for more than half a year, he never expected that the main Red Army would approach northern Shaanxi. This news made them excited, and they looked forward to an early rendezvous with the main Red Army.

The Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Party Committee urgently discussed the future marching strategy, and finally clarified the direction: the Red 25th Army rushed to northern Shaanxi, joined forces with the Central Red Army, resolutely attacked the enemy along the way, weakened the reactionary forces, and helped the main Red Army advance north. The resolution firmly stated: "Even if 3,000 soldiers are sacrificed, it is necessary to contain the enemy's forces and ensure that the Red 1st and 4th Front armies will march north unhindered!" ”

The Red 25th Army crossed the Qinling Mountains and penetrated deep into southern Gansu, shaking the heavens. Subsequently, he cruised between Shaanxi and Gansu, crossed the Wei River and quickly occupied Qin'an. Then cross the Sealand Highway and arrive at Xinglong Town on the border of Ningxia.

The people in Xinglong Town firmly believed that the main force of the Red Army would pass through this place when it marched north, and it would definitely cross the Sealand Highway. Therefore, the leadership of the Red 25th Army decided to stay, where it skillfully maneuvered with the enemy, while waiting for the arrival of the Central Committee and the main Red Army.

After in-depth analysis and accurate calculations, they concluded that within half a month's period, the main Red Army would definitely arrive here. At this moment, they were full of confidence and waited for the arrival of the Red Army to meet the dawn of victory together.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

Anyone who knows a thing or two about military affairs can understand that such actions taken by the Red 25th Army are undoubtedly fraught with risks. Each of its expeditions is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and the slightest mistake can lead to a situation from which it will never recover.

However, the Red 25th Army was brave and fearless, knowing that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous, but resolutely moved forward. They nailed themselves firmly to the Sealand road, like a nail, deeply embedded in it, and held their ground for 18 days!

On August 31, when the Red 25th Army had been waiting for the main Red Army to arrive, and the whole army was surrounded by enemy troops, and when life and death were at stake, Xu Haidong and Cheng Zihua made a decisive decision to lead their troops to break through to the north, pointing directly to northern Shaanxi, and striving for a glimmer of life.

Although the Red 25th Army did not join the main Red Army, its tenacious fighting and marching during 18 days were of great significance. At the cost of their sacrifices, they successfully pinned down the enemy forces in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, creating a good opportunity for the main Red Army to move north. "The War History of the Red 25th Army" spoke highly of its decision-making and praised it as farsighted and thoughtful about the overall situation.

Comrade Xu Haidong's second major contribution to the Chinese revolution has also attracted worldwide attention. With his outstanding military ability and firm revolutionary conviction, he made great achievements for the liberation of the Chinese people and became an indispensable and important figure in the history of the Chinese revolution.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

Wu Huanxian, the political commissar of the Red 25th Army, died bravely, and Xu Baoshan, secretary of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Party Committee, died of illness. The former deputy commander Xu Haidong was promoted to the commander of the Red 25th Army, he had already taken on this important task, and this time he was just shouldering the mission again.

The Red 25th Army, in the predicament of severe famine, managed to escape the pursuit of enemy soldiers. In mid-September, it crossed the Meridian Ridge on the border of Shaanxi and Gansu. On the banks of the Luo River, the Red Army soldiers met the shepherds and bought hundreds of sheep for 500 yuan, so that the whole army could have a full meal and boost morale.

On 15 September, the Red 25th Army finally arrived in Yanchuan, Shaanxi Province, after arduous efforts. At this moment, Liu Zhidan, the founder of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, is leading the Red 26th Army and the Red 27th Army to look forward to meeting with them and creating new brilliance together!

Three days later, the Red 15th Army Corps came into being, which was formed by the fusion of three Red Army teams, with three divisions and more than 7,000 troops. The post of corps commander is played by Xu Haidong, political commissar Cheng Zihua is in charge, and Liu Zhidan is concurrently serving as deputy corps commander and chief of staff.

When Xu Haidong and everyone celebrated the birth of the Red 15th Army, they knew nothing about the changes in the main Red Army. They were unaware of the twists and turns and crises that the Red Army led by the Chairman had gone through, still less did they know the detours of the Red Fourth Front Army. Just when Xu Haidong was inaugurated as the commander of the corps, the chairman had just led the Red Army out of the grassland with difficulty.

Leaving the meadow, Liang Xingchu, who was the commander of the reconnaissance company, found a newspaper for the chairman. This "gift" was incomparably precious, because the Red Army was isolated from the world in the vast meadows. When he saw the newspaper now, the chairman's eyes sparkled with joy.

When the chairman flipped through the newspaper, his eyes suddenly froze: the Red 25th Army led by Xu Haidong and Liu Zhidan's Red Army in Northern Shaanxi successfully joined forces in Yanchuan, and this good news was exciting! The union of the two Red Army forces heralded the convergence of new hopes and strengths.

After in-depth exploration, the main Red Army finally learned that there was a Soviet area hidden in the depths of northern Shaanxi, and its scale was comparable to that of the central Soviet area! This discovery undoubtedly brought new hope and vitality to the Red Army.

Under the firm leadership of the chairman, the main forces of the Red Army made clear the direction of advance - the Soviet zone of northern Shaanxi. With faith and determination, we marched courageously toward that land full of hope, and wrote a glorious chapter belonging to the Red Army.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

On the way to northern Shaanxi, the main force of the Red Army was reorganized into the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment. Peng Dehuai served as commander, Mao Zedong served as political commissar, Lin Biao assisted as deputy commander, and Ye Jianying served as chief of the general staff. Unite as one to lead the Red Army to a new journey.

On 4 October, the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment successfully occupied the Sealand Highway, which had witnessed the heroic struggle of the Red 25th Army for 18 days a month to wait for the main Red Army. Today, it is again an important passage for the advance of the Red Army.

The Shaanxi-Gansu detachment followed in the footsteps of the Red 25th Army, crossed the Sealand Highway and penetrated deep into the Hui region, crossing the majestic Liupan Mountain. On the way, he successfully defeated Zhang Xueliang's Northeast Army, obtained abundant materials, and finally arrived at Wuqi Town in victory, completing the magnificent journey.

This is a place that will go down in history, and it happened on October 19, 1935. Since the Central Red Army bid farewell to Ruijin and crossed the Yudu River to the west, it took a whole year and nine days! Time flies, but its glorious history will forever go down in history.

In Wuqi Town, Peng Dehuai commanded properly and successfully repelled Zhang Xueliang's Northeast Army and Ma Hongbin's Northwest Army, winning a complete victory. The chairman was extremely satisfied with the victory and presented a poem as a token of appreciation, and the poem has been sung to this day and has become a classic.

The steep mountains and dangerous roads are deep, and the army marches forward bravely. Just ask who dares to swing a sword and leap on a horse, only I am brave General Peng! Top Gun, swallowing mountains and rivers, galloping across the field, showing the true character of bravery.

The arrival of Wuqizhen symbolized the successful conclusion of the Central Red Army's arduous and dangerous Long March. Since then, they have overcome countless difficulties and challenges, and finally walked to the other side of victory, ushering in a new journey and hope.

On October 30, the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army marched east from Wuqi Town, planning to join the Red 15th Army. Upon hearing the news, Xu Haidong, who was in command at the front, immediately drove his horse back. After three hours and 130 miles of travel, he galloped to Xiasi Bay, where his back was soaked with sweat and eagerness.

Stepping into the courtyard, Xu Haidong witnessed Cheng Zihua, the political commissar of the Red 15th Army, talking to several people. Cheng Zihua hurriedly introduced, but Xu Haidong was in a state of turmoil and didn't have time to listen. I saw a tall and mighty man with long hair and a shawl stretching out his hand and saying cordially in a thick Hunan accent: "Comrade Haidong, thank you for your hard work!" ”

In an instant, Xu Haidong's mouth opened wide in shock, but he was speechless. This is our Chairman Mao! This is the Central Red Army that we have been looking forward to! They have come at last, like the stars falling, like the moonlight.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

The Shaanxi-Gansu detachment and the Red 15th Army Corps participated in a grand gathering to warmly celebrate the victory of the two heroic armies. At this moment, the officers and men of the two armies gathered together to witness this historic moment, demonstrating the majestic momentum of unity and strength.

At the meeting, the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment actively sent a large number of military and political talents, such as Song Shilun, Zhou Shidi, Wang Shoudao and Wu Xiuquan and other famous generals to the Red 15th Army Corps. At the same time, the Red 15th Army generously provided material support, covering necessities such as guns and ammunition, equipment, cloth and clothing, medical supplies and food and straw.

The Shaanxi-Gansu detachment went through the hardships of the Long March, and its number plummeted to more than 7,000 people, with a lack of materials and a difficult life. Mao Zedong personally went to Xu Haidong to ask for help, Xu Haidong generously donated 5,000 oceans, you know, all the assets of the Red 15th Army are only 7,000 yuan.

When the Red Army moved to northern Shaanxi, it was in a difficult situation. Xu Haidong generously donated money and donated most of his family's belongings to the central government, which can be described as his third outstanding contribution to the Chinese revolution!

The chairman deeply remembered Xu Haidong's assistance to the central government at a critical juncture, and this gratitude prompted him to praise Xu Haidong as "a hero who made great achievements in the Chinese revolution". Xu Haidong's heroic deeds and selfless dedication undoubtedly added a strong touch to the Chinese revolution.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Red 15th Army was reorganized into the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army to cope with the severe war situation. In this reorganization, Xu Haidong served as the brigade commander, and Huang Kecheng served as the deputy brigade commander, and the two jointly shouldered the heavy responsibility of leading the brigade.

Xu Haidong has been on sick leave for a long time, why is he the second general? Just look at his three major credits

Xu Haidong used to be physically strong, but after years of war career, he was burdened with injuries. In the middle and late stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he had to temporarily leave the front line and turn to recuperation in order to recuperate and show his strength again in the coming days.

Edgar Snow curiously asked him why his front teeth had fallen out. He smiled and explained that the years are unforgiving, time flies, and the traces of the years have quietly crept up on his face, but this does not affect the tenacity and enthusiasm in his heart.

One day, Xu Haidong encountered a wounded soldier on horseback and wanted to rein in his horse to visit. Unexpectedly, the horse panicked and knocked it into the tree. When he woke up, Xu Haidong was shocked to find that his front teeth had been embedded in the tree, which was an accidental injury.

Xu Haidong spoke in a loud voice, often poking his head slightly, which was caused by his deafness in one ear during the war. When he talks to people, he always needs to sound the sound of the house to show his sincerity. Although this habit is rough, it shows its tenacity and military demeanor.

In the winter of 1960, Xu Haidong was recuperating in the Guangzhou Sanatorium at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, and met the old man Dong Biwu who was also here. The two met unexpectedly, spent a quiet time together, and left a deep memory among the green mountains and green waters.

Dong Lao is one of the famous "Five Elders of Yan'an", not only the predecessor of the revolution, but also profound knowledge, familiar with ancient and modern. He and Xu Haidong are both fellow villagers in Hubei, although the age difference is 14 years, but they have a deep friendship, and they have become a "year-old friend" like a good story.

Xu Haidong said frankly: "I am the same, so young people jokingly call me 'ancient head'." This nickname is not only a recognition of my years, but also a sign of respect for my experience, which I gladly accept. ”

Dong Lao smiled and said lightly: "Look at you, where do you look old?" It's not old at all. That's why everyone affectionately calls you 'Haidong' instead of 'Xu Lao'. ”

When Xu Haidong heard this, he scratched the back of his head, then laughed loudly, and said heartily: "Old Dong's words are serious, in front of you, how dare I, Xu Haidong, call him old?" You will always be my role model. ”