
The storm is coming, 32 countries want to "dismember" Russia, 3 arrest warrants have been issued, Putin and Shoigu are wanted

author:See the world in the vernacular

The storm is coming, the 32 NATO countries want to "dismember" Russia, and at the same time, the International Criminal Court has issued 3 arrest warrants, and they are wanted to arrest Putin and Shoigu, so what are the means for NATO to "dismember" Russia? What is Russia's attitude towards the ICC arrest warrant?

Recently, against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Russia has been attacked three times in one day. First, on the 23rd, Sevastopol, the largest city in Crimea, was attacked by Ukrainian drones and missiles, killing at least 6 people, two of them children, and more than 100 people were injured. Immediately afterwards, the Belgorod region of Russia, which borders Ukraine, was attacked again by three Ukrainian drones, one of which hit the parking lot of an apartment building, killing a Russian. In addition, in the evening of the same day, the two major cities of Dagestan, Makhachkala and Derbent, as well as a number of Orthodox churches and synagogues, were attacked by multiple groups of extremists almost simultaneously. In response to these three attacks, Russia pointed the finger at the United States and NATO countries, believing that their purpose was to destabilize the situation in Russia from within. Slutsky, chairman of the Russian State Duma's Committee on International Affairs, said that the recent "terrorist attack" in Russia is no coincidence and was planned by external forces in order to create panic and split the Russian people.

The storm is coming, 32 countries want to "dismember" Russia, 3 arrest warrants have been issued, Putin and Shoigu are wanted

Regarding the previous two attacks, since the attacks were carried out by Ukraine, and the weapons used by the Ukrainian army were provided by the United States and NATO countries, it is reasonable for Russia to point the finger at the United States and NATO countries. However, there are different voices from the outside world about the terrorist attack in Dagestan, because Russia has not produced any direct or indirect evidence of CIA involvement. Therefore, the outside world believes that Russia's "conspiracy theory" is somewhat untenable, but this does not rule out that the 32 NATO countries do have a plot to mess up Russia from within and eventually "dismember" Russia.

Judging from the current situation, NATO's vain attempt to "dismember" Russia can be divided into three main ways: first, through all-round blockades and sanctions in political, diplomatic, economic, financial, especially high-tech and other aspects, so as to make Russia lose "foreign aid" and cut off the regeneration capacity of Russia's military industry; Second, on the one hand, the Ukrainian army is used to drag the Russian army on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, and on the other hand, the Ukrainian army's long-range drones are used to strike at Russia's oil facilities to hollow out Russia's economy, and at the same time, the Ukrainian army is allowed to use the precision-guided weapons provided by the West to consume Russia's long-range missiles, strike Russia's strategic bombers, and related radars and air defense systems, so as to abolish Russia's "nuclear threat"; The third is to provoke civil strife in Russia. This can be divided into two parts: one is the rebel forces that support Russia; The second is to incite racist and separatist forces in Russia to stir up trouble.

The storm is coming, 32 countries want to "dismember" Russia, 3 arrest warrants have been issued, Putin and Shoigu are wanted

It is worth mentioning that at the same time as the 32 NATO countries are frantically attacking Russia, the International Criminal Court recently issued arrest warrants for senior Russian officials. On the 24th, the Second Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, issued arrest warrants for the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, former Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Gerasimov. The International Criminal Court issued a statement saying that Shoigu and Gerasimov are suspected of committing "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The reason for this is that the two are responsible for the missile strikes carried out by the Russian armed forces on Ukraine's power infrastructure during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Not surprisingly, the Ukrainian side welcomed the decision, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying that "every 'criminal' involved in planning and carrying out these attacks must know that justice will be served." ”

The storm is coming, 32 countries want to "dismember" Russia, 3 arrest warrants have been issued, Putin and Shoigu are wanted

This is yet another arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against a Russian high-level official, having already issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin in March last year. Regarding the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov criticized it in an interview with the media, saying that the arrest warrant is "meaningless, provocative and absolutely unacceptable at the legal level". And in response, Russia put on a wanted list last September the head of the International Criminal Court, Peter Hovmansky, who tried to arrest Putin. It is not difficult to see that as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, the contest between Russia and the United States and the West is quite stormy.