
My father's serious illness made me feel a lot of pressure, and my wife suddenly said that the AA system would be abolished, and I was shocked by the truth behind it

author:As a word
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


My name is Li Hua, I am 32 years old, and I am a man who is about to become a father.

Today, I stood alone in this bustling baby goods store, looking at the colorful baby products in front of me, and my heart was both excited and nervous.

I'm thinking about what the best things to choose for my future baby.

At this moment, I can't help but recall my acquaintance and love with my wife Zhao Jing, and the days when we decided to enter marriage together and welcome a new life.

We met at a team building event organized by the unit, and at that time I was completely consumed by work and almost left behind my personal happy life.

But with the appearance of Zhao Jing, her gentleness and understanding shone into my life like a ray of warm sunshine.

She is the kind of person who can really understand my busy work, we share each other's joys and sorrows, and gradually, I am attracted to her zest for life and her importance for family.

Although Zhao Jing's family background is good, she never shows off in front of me, and her humility and shared plans for the future give me great confidence and make me believe that she is my partner in life.

Even though I knew that confessing our relationship to my parents would get in the way, I was determined to do it.

I remember that afternoon, I sat opposite my parents with a teacup and told them everything about myself and Zhao Jing.

I was a little nervous, my parents had always been very clear about my life plan, and they had their own set of standards for "fit".

Sure enough, after listening to my account, my parents' first reaction was to take it a keep.

My father frowned, thinking that Zhao Jing's family conditions were better than ours, and she might not be satisfied with our living standards and feel that a family like ours was not suitable for her.

No matter how I explain Zhao Jing's humility, independence, and the sincere affection between us, the parents' concerns and objections remain the same, and they have not changed in the slightest.

They kept arranging my life and ignored my feelings and choices.

My heart can't help but feel heavy when I think about it, but when I think about it, standing in this baby goods store reaffirms my resolve.

No matter what the future holds, I will stick to my love and maintain the happiness and harmony of our small family.

The support and understanding that Zhao Jing gave me was a source of strength for me to withstand all difficulties.

Although my parents' attitude made me feel a little fluctuating in my heart, I believe that time will tell.

Back in reality, I refocused my attention on the dazzling array of baby products in front of me, a stroller, a car seat, a few sets of soft clothing... Every time I choose something, I take care to imagine what my baby will be like in the future.

Today, although I am facing the incomprehension and pressure of my family, I am still full of expectations and hopes, looking forward to our future, and looking forward to welcoming our love crystallization - our baby with a new identity.

I smile, my heart is full of warmth, and I know that no matter what the road ahead, Zhao Jing and I will walk hand in hand to add more warmth and fun to our little family.

My father's serious illness made me feel a lot of pressure, and my wife suddenly said that the AA system would be abolished, and I was shocked by the truth behind it


When I think back to that fateful moment, Zhao Jing and I stood hand in hand at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, determined to receive our marriage certificate, and a rebellious sense of freedom welled up in my heart.

On that day, the sun's rays shone on us, as if the whole world was blessing us.

But I knew that this step would mean an unforeseen rift in my relationship with my parents.

The attitude of the parents was clear, they not only objected, but even became extremely angry, and said the heart-wrenching words: "If you marry her, don't come back!" ”

At that time, I could almost hear the voice in my heart trembling, but I still firmly chose Zhao Jing, thinking that as long as there is her, no matter how rough the road ahead is, we can walk hand in hand.

However, married life was not what I had hoped for.

I used to think that as long as there was love, all difficulties could be overcome, but the reality gave me a heavy blow.

Zhao Jing is extremely practical in life and adheres to the AA system, even when I am unemployed and financially strained.

This made me question whether she really had me in her heart, and whether she could really share the ups and downs as I used to think.

Every day, I am trying to find a job, hoping to get rid of this financial distress as soon as possible, and at the same time, I hope to give Zhao Jing an explanation so that she can understand that I am not a person without a sense of responsibility.

However, in the face of her still cold and rational attitude, I felt a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

As I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling on one lonely night after another, thinking about our future, I began to wonder if I had really made the right decision.

Even in the face of these difficulties, I still did not want to give up on this marriage.

I didn't want to prove to my parents that they were right, and I didn't want to admit that my own choice was a mistake.

I told myself that everything would be fine, and Zhao Jing and I would definitely find a solution to the problem, and it was necessary, because I did my best to protect this home.

I tried to communicate with Zhao Jing and tell her how I felt and what I expected from our married life.

Although the process was not easy, I still had a glimmer of hope.

In my opinion, as long as we can understand each other and have the courage to face problems, we will definitely find a way to get through this together.

As the days passed, my relationship with Zhao Jing seemed to be slowly changing, and although the progress was slow, I could feel some subtle changes.

This gave me a silver lining.

Although life is full of challenges now, I firmly believe that as long as we support each other and overcome difficulties, we will definitely have a happy family in the future.

No matter what the road ahead, for the sake of our love, I am willing to persevere to the end.

My father's serious illness made me feel a lot of pressure, and my wife suddenly said that the AA system would be abolished, and I was shocked by the truth behind it


When Zhao Jing told me that she was pregnant, at that moment, I felt an unprecedented sense of responsibility.

Looking at Zhao Jing's face, I knew that it was time to stand up.

I decided that I wanted to make sure she and her baby were healthy no matter what, and I started to learn everything I needed during pregnancy, from prenatal checkups to nutrition.

I remember the first time I took Zhao Jing to the hospital for a prenatal checkup, the hospital registration hall was crowded, and the voice of the nurse was drowned out by the noise.

We waited in line for a long time, and by the time it was our turn, my back was soaking wet.

I tried to pretend to be calm as much as I could, trying to make Zhao Jing feel comfortable.

The cost of the prenatal check-up was expensive, and with the nutritional supplements prepared for Zhao Jing, I began to feel financial pressure.

But seeing Zhao Jing's reassuring appearance, I told myself that it was all worth it.

However, I noticed that although Zhao Jing saw these expenses, she never offered to share the burden, and still insisted on the AA system between us.

I felt a little disappointed in my heart, but I still gritted my teeth and persevered, believing that it was my responsibility as a husband and as a soon-to-be father.

Until one day, I received a call from home and learned that my father was seriously ill and hospitalized and needed a large amount of money for treatment.

Faced with double economic pressures, I found myself in an unprecedented predicament.

At this moment, Zhao Jing suddenly proposed that we cancel the AA system, and she was willing to share all this with me.

I should have been happy to hear Zhao Jing say this, but I had an indescribable weirdness in my heart.

My father's serious illness made me feel a lot of pressure, and my wife suddenly said that the AA system would be abolished, and I was shocked by the truth behind it

Out of curiosity, I secretly checked the news of Zhao Jing's family on social media, and as the information flowed out, I was shocked to find that Zhao Jing's parents were not in a bad financial situation, and even had higher expectations for Zhao Jing - they hoped that Zhao Jing could make a "connection" with the conditions of my family.

Zhao Jing's sudden decision to cancel the AA system was not out of love for me and the upcoming child, but out of consideration of my family background.

When I learned all this, my heart was cut like a knife.

I decided that even if I had to bear all the costs of pregnancy on my own, I would never want to cancel the AA system.

I began to deeply reflect on whether the marriage I insisted on still existed, and whether the marriage I insisted on for the sake of anger with my parents was really worth it.

Every night, I wonder what to do.

I began to realize that there were so many things I had overlooked in order to justify my choice.

Now, I have to face all these disappointments and disappointments, I don't know what the road ahead will be, but I know that I have to make a choice, no matter how difficult it may be.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.