
He was a sharpshooter in the Vietnam War, but after demobilization, he formed an Eastern gang and dispatched special forces to exterminate him

author:Refreshing breeze DSZ

In the smoke of war, he was a sharpshooter who terrified his enemies. When the gunshots rang out, it was the moment when life was gone. However, when the fighting subsided, the former hero embarked on a puzzling path. He formed a gang that terrified the local people, and put the skills of defending his family and country to the danger of society.

The local police were helpless, and repeated encirclement and suppression failed in succession. Eventually, a special forces unit was dispatched to launch a thrilling manhunt. Is this contest a victory for justice or a carnival of evil? What kind of mental journey did that former sharpshooter go through that made him change from a protector to a hazard? Let's uncover this dusty past together.

Serving the country in the army: Liu Jinrong's brilliant achievements

Everyone in the world knows that Liu Jinrong is a sharpshooter, but they don't know that he was still a "rookie" when he joined the army! In 1968, 18-year-old Liu Jinrong responded to the call of the country and joined the army with enthusiasm. At that time, Liu Jinrong was an authentic rural baby, and he hadn't even touched the gun a few times. Who would have thought that this emaciated lad would one day become a sharpshooter who would terrify his enemies?

After Liu Jinrong enlisted in the army, he was assigned to the reconnaissance company. This scout is not an easy job, not only must he be quick-sighted, but he must also be able to endure hardships and stand hard work. Liu Jinrong lived up to the expectations of the organization, he trained with his comrades during the day, and secretly practiced at night. In this way, Liu Jinrong soon stood out in the company and became a recognized "top soldier" by everyone.

In 1979, the Sino-Vietnamese border war broke out. Liu Jinrong's unit received the order and immediately rushed to the front. This is Liu Jinrong's first time participating in actual combat, and it would be false to say that he was not nervous. But as soon as he arrived on the battlefield, Liu Jinrong seemed to be a different person, and all the training on weekdays came in handy.

Once, Liu Jinrong took several comrades-in-arms on a reconnaissance mission. Shortly after they infiltrated behind enemy lines, they discovered an important enemy stronghold. Just as they were about to retreat to report the news, they suddenly collided with a patrolling group of enemy troops. The situation was critical, Liu Jinrong didn't say a word, and raised his hand to shoot a shot, which hit the eyebrows of the enemy squad leader. This shot not only relieved the siege, but also provided valuable information for our army's subsequent offensive.

In war, there will inevitably be thrilling times. Once, Liu Jinrong and the others were ambushed by the enemy. Bullets rained down on them, and their comrades searched for cover. Liu Jinrong seemed to be enchanted, and when he picked up the gun, he shot a burst of shots. I saw that the enemy's machine gunners fell to the ground in response, and the firepower suddenly weakened a lot. Liu Jinrong fired several more shots in succession, knocking out several enemy fire points, and bought precious time for his comrades to retreat.

In this way, Liu Jinrong's performance on the battlefield is getting better and better, and his marksmanship is becoming more and more accurate. Gradually, the title of "sharpshooter" spread along with his name. As soon as the enemy heard that Liu Jinrong was on the front line, they were so frightened that they couldn't even sleep well.

After the war, Liu Jinrong was not idle. In peacetime, he actively participates in various military exercises and competitions. In an all-army shooting competition, Liu Jinrong won the championship with an absolute advantage and set a new record. This made the leaders very happy, and praised Liu Jinrong again and again as a "live target" of our army.

Liu Jinrong's outstanding performance is naturally indispensable for awards. Receiving awards for meritorious service is simply commonplace for him. Third-class merit, second-class merit, first-class merit, Liu Jinrong's military uniform has more and more medals, and they are almost not enough. At every award ceremony, Liu Jinrong was the focus of the audience, and his comrades-in-arms looked at him with envy and admiration.

However, the sky is unpredictable. Just when Liu Jinrong's military career was in full swing, an unexpected injury forced him to retire early. Leaving his beloved army, Liu Jinrong's life has changed dramatically. Who would have thought that this former sharpshooter, the proud son of the army, would take a completely different path after demobilization?

Turning Point and Fall: The Lost Road After Demobilization

At the beginning of 1980, Liu Jinrong returned to his hometown with a body full of honor and scars. However, the transition from the battlefield to the field was not as smooth as expected. When he first returned to the village, Liu Jinrong was still a celebrity. The villagers rushed to invite this "hero" to their homes and listen to him tell those thrilling battlefield stories. However, this enthusiasm soon faded.

Life always goes on. Liu Jinrong tried to readjust to rural life, but it backfired. After many years of military career, he has long been unaccustomed to farm work with his face facing the loess and his back to the sky. His hands, once nimble with his guns, now clumsily hold a hoe. The people in the village began to talk about him, saying that he "couldn't endure hardship" and "could only talk big".

To make matters worse, Liu Jinrong found that his military skills were useless here. The ability to shoot that once made him so proud seemed to have become a useless talent in peacetime. He tried to find a job in the town, but because of his low level of education and lack of relevant skills, he ran into a wall at every turn.

The difficulties of life made Liu Jinrong more and more irritable. One day, a collective labor was held in the village, and Liu Jinrong did not participate because of health reasons. A village cadre publicly accused him of "not doing his job" and threatened to cancel his preferential care allowance. On impulse, Liu Jinrong had a fierce argument with the cadre and started to move.

The conflict quickly turned into a tragedy. During the scuffle, Liu Jinrong accidentally pushed the village cadre to the ground, and the opponent's head unfortunately hit the stone. Although Liu Jinrong immediately sent him to the hospital, he was unable to save the other party's life after all.

The incident caused an uproar in the local area. The former "hero" became a "murderer" overnight. Faced with the imminent legal sanctions, Liu Jinrong chose to flee. In this way, he embarked on a path of no return.

During his escape, Liu Jinrong became acquainted with some idle people in society. Some of these people are wanted fugitives, while others are petty thieves. They heard about Liu Jinrong's past and admired his military skills. Gradually, Liu Jinrong became the core figure in this group.

At this moment, by chance, Liu Jinrong met a well-known local underworld leader. The leader took a fancy to Liu Jinrong's ability and invited him to join his organization. At first, Liu Jinrong was a little hesitant, but as time passed, he gradually became attracted to money and power.

In this new environment, Liu Jinrong's military skills have finally found a place to use. He began to train thugs for the organization and plan robbery operations. His marksmanship and tactical skills have greatly strengthened the organization, and he soon made a name for himself in the local underworld.

As his influence expanded, Liu Jinrong began to have his own ambitions. He contacted the idle people he knew before, and then recruited some local gangsters and bandits, and gradually formed his own forces. With its oriental organizational structure and strict discipline, this emerging gang quickly gained a foothold in the local area and became known as the "Oriental Gangster".

The rise of the "Eastern Gangsters" has attracted great attention from the local police. However, due to Liu's strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and his growing network of contacts in the local area, many police operations have ended in failure. This only made Liu Jinrong more unscrupulous, and he began to expand his sphere of influence and get involved in more illegal areas.

In this way, the sharpshooter who once defended his family and country became a gang leader who terrified the local people. Liu Jinrong's fall is not only a personal tragedy, but also a pain for the whole society. However, this is not the end of the story. As the power of the "Eastern Gangsters" continues to expand, a larger-scale encirclement and suppression operation is quietly brewing.

Urban Shadows: The Rise and Expansion of Eastern Gangsters

As Liu Jinrong's "Eastern Gang" gained a foothold in the local area, the group began to expand rapidly. Liu Jinrong used his military talents and organizational skills to build the gang into a disciplined and well-structured criminal syndicate. He divided the organization into several divisions, each of which was responsible for different illegal operations such as gambling, smuggling, extortion, etc.

The expansion of the gangs began in small towns. Liu Jinrong sent his men to the surrounding towns to control the local thugs and ruffians through threats or bribes. These people became peripheral members of the gang, responsible for gathering intelligence and carrying out some small-scale illegal activities.

As the sphere of influence expanded, the "Eastern Gangsters" began to get involved in more criminal areas. They set up underground casinos and used Mr. Liu's network of contacts to attract many wealthy local businessmen and officials. Not only did these casinos bring huge profits, but they also became important places for gangsters to gather intelligence and carry out extortion.

The smuggling business has also become one of the main sources of income for the gangs. Liu Jinrong used his familiarity in the border area to open up several secret smuggling routes. The goods they smuggle range from daily necessities to luxury goods and even some contraband. These illegal transactions generate significant profits for the gangsters, but they also increase the risk of being targeted by law enforcement.

With the accumulation of funds, the "Eastern gangsters" began to infiltrate the legal sphere. They have acquired several small businesses, such as construction companies and transportation companies, to launder money and disguise illicit gains. These ostensibly legitimate corporations have also become a tool for the gangsters to expand their influence, through which they participate in bidding for government projects and even influence local policymaking.

He was a sharpshooter in the Vietnam War, but after demobilization, he formed an Eastern gang and dispatched special forces to exterminate him

In order to protect his own interests, Liu Jinrong also established a huge protection network. He used some old comrades-in-arms he met during his time in the army to get through the relationship with some local law enforcement agencies. These "umbrellas" provided a certain degree of shelter for the activities of the gangs, so that many police operations were in vain.

However, as the gangsters have expanded in power, their actions have become more and more unscrupulous. During a turf conflict, the "Eastern Gangsters" engaged in a fierce shootout with another local gang. The street scuffle resulted in several casualties, including several innocent bystanders. This incident has aroused strong public outrage in the locality, and has also aroused great attention from the higher authorities.

In order to calm the people's anger, the local government began a series of crackdowns against the "Eastern Gangsters". However, due to the gangsters' strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and the presence of "protective umbrellas", these operations have had little effect. Instead, Liu Jinrong became more cautious, and he began to move some important criminal activities underground, while strengthening the management and training of his subordinates.

Liu Jinrong also began to train his successor. He selected a group of competent people from among the veterans and gave them special training. These people have to learn not only combat skills, but also management and business knowledge. Liu Jinrong's goal is to build the "Eastern Gangsters" into a criminal empire that can survive for a long time.

Over time, the influence of the "Eastern Gangsters" has become more than confined to one region. Their tentacles began to extend to several surrounding provinces, and there was even a tendency to develop abroad. Liu Jinrong began to establish contacts with a number of international criminal organizations to prepare for future transnational criminal activities.

However, the expansion of the gang also brought new challenges. As the sphere of influence expanded, internal contradictions began to emerge. Some ambitious subordinates began to question Mr. Liu's leadership. At the same time, other criminal organizations began to see the "Eastern Gangsters" as a threat and secretly planned actions against them.

To make matters worse, the central government has taken note of this growing criminal organization. A large-scale encirclement and suppression operation against the "Eastern gangsters" is secretly being prepared. Liu Jinrong and his gangster empire are about to face the biggest challenge ever.

Sword of Justice: Total Encirclement and Final Showdown

In the summer of 1985, the central government finally made up its mind to completely eradicate the cancer of the "Eastern Gangsters." A large-scale encirclement and suppression operation, codenamed "Operation Thunder", was officially launched. The operation was under the direct command of the Ministry of Public Security, and police forces from several provinces were mobilized, and even armed police forces were used as support.

The first step in the operation was to cut off the "umbrella" of the gangsters. Through a long period of secret investigation, the police have obtained a lot of evidence of officials and police officers who have colluded with the "Eastern Gangsters". In the early hours of the day the operation began, these corrupt elements were arrested at the same time. This move greatly weakened the gangster's intelligence network and ability to escape.

Immediately afterwards, the police launched a raid on a number of strongholds of the "Eastern Gangster". These operations are carefully planned, and the time and place are carefully calculated to ensure that they can be caught all at once. During the operation, the police seized a large amount of firearms, ammunition, drugs and stolen money, and arrested hundreds of gang members.

However, Liu Jinrong and his core members managed to escape. As an experienced veteran, Liu Jinrong has long been prepared for such a situation. He led a handful of elite men to flee deep into the mountains, preparing to wage a long guerrilla war with the police.

In response to this situation, the police formed a special operations team. This group is made up of a select group of SWAT and retired special forces who have received specialized training in mountain warfare. The commander of the group was an old comrade-in-arms who had served with Liu Jinrong, and he knew Liu Jinrong's combat style very well.

Over the next few months, the Einsatzgruppen team engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with the remnants of Liu Jinrong in the mountains. Both sides made full use of the terrain to engage in thrilling battles. With his familiarity with the local terrain and rich combat experience, Liu Jinrong has successfully escaped the round-up of the police many times.

However, as time went on, Liu Jinrong's situation became more and more difficult. Deserters began to appear under his men, and supplies became increasingly difficult. Through cooperation with local villagers, the police gradually grasped the pattern of Liu Jinrong's movements.

The turning point came on a cold night in early 1986. The police learned through an informant that Liu Jinrong planned to venture down the mountain to resupply. The task force immediately went into action, setting up an elaborate ambush circle at the foot of the mountain.

That night, Liu Jinrong really took a few of his men down the mountain. Just as they were about to enter a small village, the police launched a raid. A fierce exchange of fire ensued between the two sides. Although Liu Jinrong is extraordinary, he is outnumbered after all. After a fierce shootout, Liu Jinrong was shot several times and was finally killed on the spot.

With the death of Liu Jinrong, the remnants of the "Eastern Gangster" soon collapsed. In the ensuing clean-up operation, the police arrested other important members of the gang, completely dismantling this once powerful criminal organization.

The success of Operation Thunder is not only a crackdown on a gangster, but more importantly, it reveals some deep-seated problems in social management. For example, how to better resettle veterans, how to prevent corruption at the grassroots level, how to strengthen border management, etc. These problems have attracted the attention of the central government, and a series of relevant policies have been introduced.

At the end of the operation, the police and armed police who participated in the encirclement and suppression were commended. Members of the Einsatzgruppen were even awarded special merits. However, when they stood on the podium, many people had mixed expressions in their eyes. Because in their view, Liu Jinrong's tragedy also reflects the failure of society to some extent.

In order to sum up the lessons and lessons, the Ministry of Public Security set up a special research group to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the "Eastern gangster" case. Their research report not only covers crime detection techniques, but also includes social governance, veterans' resettlement and other aspects. The report later became an important teaching material for police training and had a profound impact on criminal investigation in China.

The Aftermath: Social Reflection and Institutional Reform

The aftermath of the "Oriental Gangsters" case has sparked extensive discussion and reflection in Chinese society. This case not only reveals the harm of organized crime, but also triggers people's in-depth thinking about social issues.

First of all, the issue of resettlement of veterans has become the focus of social attention. Liu's experience has made people realize that if veterans are not properly resettled, these heroes who once defended their families and countries can become a destabilizing factor in society. To this end, in 1987, the State Council promulgated the "Decision on Further Improving the Work of Resettlement of Veterans" and put forward a series of specific measures. This includes giving priority to employment, providing vocational training, and providing support for entrepreneurship. Local governments have also formulated implementation rules accordingly in an effort to provide better development opportunities for veterans.

Second, the problem of corruption at the grassroots level has attracted great attention. The rapid rise of the "Eastern gangsters" is inseparable from the connivance and cover-up of some local officials. In order to curb this phenomenon, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection launched a special campaign to combat corruption at the grassroots level in 1988. This operation not only investigated and dealt with a large number of corrupt elements, but also promoted the building of the system of grassroots governments. For example, many localities have begun to implement a system of making village affairs public, which has increased the transparency of grassroots governments.

Thirdly, the issue of border management has been strengthened. The smuggling activities of the "Eastern Gangsters" have exposed loopholes in border management. To this end, the Ministry of Public Security and the General Administration of Customs have jointly formulated the "Several Provisions on Strengthening Border Management", intensified inspections of border areas, and introduced advanced monitoring equipment. At the same time, the government has also strengthened cooperation with neighboring countries to jointly combat cross-border criminal activities.

In addition, the case has given impetus to the reform of the criminal justice system. In the course of dealing with the "Eastern Gangsters" case, law enforcement authorities discovered a number of deficiencies in the existing legal system. For example, the definition of organized crime is not clear enough, and the punishment of underworld criminal organizations is not sufficient. To this end, in 1990 the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the "Decision on Punishing Organizing, Leading, and Participating in Crimes of Organized Crime Organized Crimes," which provided a more powerful legal weapon for cracking down on organized crime.

At the social level, the "Eastern Gangsters" case has also triggered a reflection on social values. Some sociologists have pointed out that the social atmosphere of quick success and the supremacy of money is the soil that breeds crime. In order to reverse this trend, the Ministry of Education launched the "Core Socialist Values Education" project in 1991, incorporating values such as integrity, law-abiding and dedication into the school education system.

The media also plays an important role in this process. Mainstream media such as the People's Daily and CCTV have successively launched a series of reports and special programs reflecting on the "Oriental Gangsters" case, which have not only exposed the evil deeds of criminals but also publicized the heroic deeds of law enforcement personnel, and have played a positive role in raising the public's awareness of the law.

In the field of literature and art, the "Oriental Gangster" case has also become a popular subject for creation. In 1992, the TV series "Black Whirlwind", which was adapted from this case, was broadcast, which attracted widespread attention. This drama not only restores the course of the case, but also deeply explores the psychological motives and social roots of the criminals, which left a deep impression on the audience.

The case has also been studied in depth by academics. The research team of the Chinese Public Security University conducted a systematic analysis of the organizational structure and criminal methods of the "Eastern Gangsters", and their research result "Research on Organized Crime" has become an important reference in this field.

Over time, the "Eastern Gangsters" case has gradually become an important case in the history of China's anti-corruption and anti-organized crime efforts. It not only promoted a series of reforms in the social system, but also profoundly affected the values of a generation. Although the dust has settled on the case itself, the social changes it triggered continue and have become an important driving force for social progress in China.

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