
Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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The development speed of electric vehicles is very fast, in addition to the more and more intelligent functions, electric vehicle batteries have also made great progress, has been gradually developed from the original lead-acid battery to lithium battery, sodium battery. Following the release of sodium batteries by Yadea and Tailing, Opina electric cars have also begun to be mass-produced and marketed, which may bring three major changes to electric vehicles, let's take a look.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium tram was mass-produced and launched

As early as the second half of 2023, sodium batteries have been applied to the field of two-wheeled electric vehicles, and Yadea first released the Extreme Sodium No. 1 battery, which is also the first time that sodium batteries have been applied to electric vehicles, and then Emma, Tailing and other brands have also released sodium battery electric vehicles.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

Although a number of brands have released sodium electric vehicles, sodium battery electric vehicles are still not available on the market, which makes many users feel disappointed, and they feel that sodium electric vehicles have always been thunderous and rainy.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

However, today I will tell you a good news, Oppai cooperated with Pangu Sodium Battery to complete the signing ceremony of 10,000 sodium-ion battery electric vehicles, and Oppai Sodium Tram was officially mass-produced and launched.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

The Oppai sodium tram is equipped with a 48V20Ah sodium battery, which is officially claimed to be guaranteed for 5 years, and can still be charged and discharged normally in an environment of -20 degrees.

There are three major changes in electric vehicles

More and more brands are releasing sodium battery electric vehicles, and there are already mass production models on sale, which is good news for our consumers, and the listing of sodium battery electric vehicles, electric vehicles or will undergo three major changes, let's find out.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

Compared with lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries, sodium batteries have three outstanding advantages, not only long service life, but also can withstand low temperatures, even in the cold winter, can still be used normally, and sodium batteries are lighter than lead-acid batteries.

The service life of electric vehicles will be extended

Due to various reasons, the service life of lead-acid batteries is now significantly shortened, generally only 1~2 years of time, even lithium batteries can only be used for about 5 years, but after the use of sodium batteries, the warranty of sodium batteries can reach 5 years, and the service life can exceed 10 years, so the service life of electric vehicles will be greatly extended in the future.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

Electric vehicles do not lose their range in winter

Whether it is a lead-acid battery or a lithium battery, in the cold winter, due to the influence of temperature, the mileage will be greatly reduced, and the lead-acid battery even has only 50% of the battery life, affecting daily travel.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

However, sodium batteries have the characteristics of low temperature resistance, even in an environment of -20 degrees, they can charge and discharge normally, and do not affect the battery capacity, so even in the cold winter, the battery life of electric vehicles will not be reduced.

The range of electric vehicles will be longer and farther

Because lead-acid batteries are relatively bulky, they cannot install large-capacity batteries, which may make electric vehicles overweight, so the mileage of new national standard electric vehicles is relatively short.

Following Yadea and Tailing, Oppai sodium electric car is mass-produced and launched, and electric vehicles may undergo three major changes

The energy density of sodium batteries is relatively high, even if a large-capacity sodium battery is installed, there will be no overweight situation of the electric vehicle, so that the mileage of the electric vehicle can be improved by installing a large-capacity battery, so that the range of the electric vehicle becomes longer and farther.


Electric vehicles are very convenient means of transportation, the development of electric vehicle batteries is also very fast, at present, a number of brands have released sodium battery electric vehicles, Oppena electric car began mass production, which will accelerate the development of sodium battery electric vehicles, users can soon use the electric car, at the same time, sodium battery electric vehicles have undergone three major changes, including extending the service life, winter will not reduce the range, the range is getting farther and farther, so that we use electric vehicles more conveniently.

So, what do you think about the mass production and launch of sodium battery electric vehicles? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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