
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases

author:Jianyang News
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases

"Major operation and management matters of our state-owned enterprises must be studied and discussed by the party organization before making a decision." On the afternoon of June 21, Jianyang Jianda Group put the laws and regulations related to itself in the classroom of party discipline learning and education. In the nearly two-hour training, lawyer Liang Jing of Fujian Yanzhe Law Firm focused on the shortcomings and risks of Jianda Group's own operation, deeply analyzed the revision of the new "Company Law" and its possible impact on state-owned enterprises, explained the management of accounts receivable and legal risk prevention and control of state-owned enterprises, explained the law and discipline with cases, and used typical cases to "live teaching materials" to let party members and cadres know awe, be wary and fearful, and abide by the bottom line.

Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases

During the training, everyone took notes carefully and actively communicated, and lawyer Liang Jing answered the relevant questions and difficulties encountered in the work one by one. Huang Yitao, executive director of Zhanwang Industrial Zone Development and Investment Co., Ltd., Jianyang District, Nanping City, was deeply touched: "As the company's legal representative and party branch secretary, I must not only abide by the company law, but also have a deeper understanding of the party's basic line, principles and policies. In-depth study of the "Regulations", further strengthen their own sense of discipline and rules, fulfill their duties, and be diligent and responsible. ”

Jianda Group takes the study and education of party discipline as the starting point to carry out special legal training, changes the conventional learning mode, integrates enterprise cases with laws and regulations, and combines the problems existing in the actual operation process of Jianda Group, focusing on the three topics of "Company Law", "Civil Code" contract and "Legal Points of Compliance of State-owned Enterprises Overseas Investment Law". Further realize the orderly connection between the study of party discipline and the study of law, guide party members and cadres to consciously improve their ability to penetrate discipline and law, and strengthen the promotion of cadres through learning and effectiveness through action.

"The purpose of this training is to take the study of party discipline as an educational opportunity to consolidate the foundation, make up for the shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, enhance the group's ability to prevent risks, improve the group's governance system, and improve its core competitiveness." Wu Daixi, member of the Party Committee of Jianda Group, introduced. This legal special training has a total of 10 class hours, and the training is expected to end in 5 weeks.

In the next step, Jianda Group will continue to deepen the study and education of party discipline, insist on learning one step deeper and one step steadily, continue to carry out training work, strengthen the promotion of learning by cases, and solidly promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical.

Author: Cai Qinyan Yu Xiaoling

Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases

Production: Jianyang District Rong Media Center

First Trial: Jin Juanli

Reviewer: Lin Xi, Wang Jiamin

Final review: Wu Shuyuan

Submission email: [email protected]

Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases
Party discipline study and education | Discipline and law are connected to promote learning through cases

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